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#1 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-09-19
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School and the Infamous Mr. "K"

This is an open posting for dear Turnoi.

Our good friend, the 200 kilo infamous Mr. "K" has been putting up postings all over the Internet complaining about this site! Apparently, we are not nice to him. We do not show him deference. We do not show him respect. We dare to question his judgement and his width. My, my, my.

Dear friend, just look at the thread on Dave's called "blacklisted" and the thread on other sites.

According to Mr. "K", who by this point must be delusional beyond delusional, claims that all of the 50 + or so posters on this site, on Dave's, on Raoul's, etc,. etc. are really just one or two posters or posteresses and that he is so perfect and we are so awful and that his school is the best thing since sliced bread. My, my, my.

For all of uninitiated, this postings translates very simple as "Mr. K.", his 200 kilos and his infamous SFLS are to be avoided at all costs.

He must have a lot of free time on his hands to be able to make all of these posts. My, my, my, how do I feel SO sorry for him, like a crocodile, an alligator, a rat, a snake, a gila monster, etc., etc.

Avoid him. Avoid his school. And if you must deal with him, wash your hands with a lot of bleach.

#2 Parent Spring Flower Lotus Blossom - 2011-08-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School.

"Suzhou Foreign Language School"

Is this the "school" where Mr. Pitbull, an aggressive, fat and ugly American man, works?
Give him some steak to make him shut up!

#3 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-08-28
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School.

Dear Friends,

I recently found this post about Suzhou Foreign Language School and I want to draw your kind attention to it -- it is very noteworthy in a small way for what it says :

I did add my own comments, indeed I did, but nevertheless, it is very interesting to note what the OP has written :

this "school" has become SO desperate in its hunt for foreign teachers (aka future victims of the "K" man) that they are LITERALLY hiring teachers right off the streets in Suzhou -- right of the streets!

The OP walked into the school out of interest (who could have any interest in that place) and he was offered a job on the spot --yes, on the spot -- no resume, no in-depth interview, no reference verification, no verification of diplomas -- nothing -- just on the spot, with a "pro forma" demo lesson to follow.

But, please wait -- it gets better. The contract that he was given stated if he were to be sick for three days, he would fired on the spot. Chinese labor law for foreign teachers is a 20-day grace period for illness -- so obviously SFLS is getting worse, if that is even possible.

Dear Dr. Turnoi, perhaps you might care to have a glance at that site, too.

Anyway, they MUST be truly desperate for teachers to be hiring "walk-ins"!

#4 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-08-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School.

Dear Beware,

Thank you for writing this about the Suzhou Foreign Language School. I can confirm PERSONALLY that what you write is true. As I said before in an earlier post, I only recently escaped from this school after a one year- contract, which they did not want to renew, and I use only my maiden name here and middle initial because I remain dreadfully, dreadfully afraid of the person about whom you are writing, even at a distance. This person really is capable of extreme violence when aggravated.

I never knew Stefanie nor did I walk in her footsteps. Nonetheless, her story was common knowledge around the school, like so many other stories of trashed and abused teachers. As for the "biddies", as you call them, oh, yes, my God, indeed they are "biddies", indeed, indeed.

The turnover at the school is something like 300% a year. They and this man have now taken to having recruiters and agents writing about them and placing wonderful stories about this great school all over the Internet. Nonetheless, it's just whitewash, bolderdash, etc., etc.

They are DESPERATELY trying to recruit new victims for the September start and they are still coming up short.

For anyone even thinking about this school, which has been noised all over the Internet, simply move on to another school, unless of course, you want the year, or even less, from h*ll, and that is an understatement.

Thank you again for your posting. Warnings to all.

C. Worthington

P.S. And yes, I can attest to the comments about things being thrown.

beware! - 2011-08-07
Suzhou Foreign Language School.

I would like to place an urgent warning in regard to a place called "Suzhou Foreign Language School". I am based in Shanghai, but recently I was in Suzhou for a week, and heard some awful things about this place. I was told there is a guy there called K[edited], who is a bully and has a personality disorder, NPD or something. K[edited], an American, especially likes to bully women for some reason.

K[edited] is a DOS, or "senior teacher", and he often yells abuse and throws classroom objects at teachers during their classes. A French teacher called "Stephanie" was severely abused while working at this place, she suffered a mental breakdown while working there, and is still suffereing from PTSD back home. Teachers at the school are also overworked, and are made to work overtime without extra pay, including weekends.

The teaching assistants at this "school" are useless, and don't know what they are doing ( whats new, lol! ) There are apparently several bitter divorced Western women there also, who take their misplaced anger out on unsuspecting young newbies, with approval from K[edited].

[edited] Anyway, keep away from Suzhou Foreign Language School.


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