#1 Parent Nia - 2012-02-14

I too TRIED to work for Tulay Farra at La very Petite Academy of Bougival. I have been teaching for 15 years and had bad experiences before, of course, but none compare to the one I had at La petite academy of Bougival. It was just pure madness and this Tulay is a bully. The women just can't stick to a decision, no matter how small or simple it is (ie: at what time we should have a teachers meeting) for more than 10 minutes. This on a daily basis. I thought I was going to lose my mind too working for that women. Yes, STAY AWAY FROM LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL!!!!
The other thing you would have to put up with is Tulay's mother, who seems to think that her too should be able to treat you like some common servants. I don't know what Addie and Valerie have written about their experience in "this school" but I can tell you that mine was really awful. I've lost a lots of money in this story: plane ticket etc..and I am now jobless BY CHOICE, BECAUSE TULAY DOES NOT SACK ANYONE, SHE KNOWS PEOPLE DON'T STAY.
If you need more info about what went on there, don't hesitate to write to me,I would be very happy to answer. Although I am trying to move on from this terrible experience, I am still feeling very bitter about it.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-27

I had acknowledged my mistake in an earlier post, I don't know if the board put that one up. On the other hand you're showing everyone how "intelligent" you are by defending your position of being an abusive, neglectful employer. You continue to compound this problem by pretending to be a whole bunch of people coming on to these boards and spreading slander about young people who just graduated from college and were taken advantage of by people like you who steal other school's names and provide miserable living conditions.

Seriously lady, get a real job. Find a line of work that is semi-respectable (waiting tables, even telemarketing would be better than what you're doing now). You're only showing us how anti-social and close minded you really are by continuing to cover up your own sad existence.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-27

You need to tell your friend Tamsin and Schwab (if they're not really just YOU) how pea minded they are for coming on here and blindly defending you without looking into the terrible situation you or Tulay have caused people, what a horrible group of people you ALL ARE!

#4 Parent Lara - 2011-09-27

Dear Tulay,
I have known you for 18 years and I have spent the best time of my life in College in Durham with you and our International friends. The law courses were hard, but you were the best of the class! We all knew that with your determination, honesty and passion you would have made great things in life. And La Petite Academy is a great project that you should be proud of! The rest does not matter. The greatest people in history have faced big challenges to fulfill their dreams and created meaningful things to change the world. Children are the most important thing in life and I know that the love you have for your 4 children is projected to the children of your school. Never give up my dear friend!!!! You have all my support.
A big strong hug.

#5 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-27
Re: WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival

How I wish I was able to hold Tulay's stamina, hard work and wonderful skill in staff selection.

Yes, the "hard work and wonderful skill in staff selection" of Tulay Farra consists of hiring Americans without providing a legal work and residence permit ant to make them work illegally in the European Union under the pretence of being an "au pair".

A wonderful and excellent skill in cheat and deceiving the "employee" and the competent immigration authorities!

#6 Parent Valerie and Addie - 2011-09-26

In response to all the comments and personal attacks we've been getting, we'd just like to say the following:

First, TEFL forums like this one are meant to be a tool for EFL/ESL teachers who want to do a little research before leaving their stable lives to work in EFL schools abroad. Unfortunately for us, we had already taken the job at La Petite Academy and were together in London when we found a post on Dave's ESL Café from a former teacher at La Petite Academy. This woman's comments had summarized everything we had experienced with Tulay up to that point. If we had only seen her post sooner, neither of us would have taken a job at La Petite Academy. So, after we quit, we vowed to warn other prospective teachers before they'd accept a job at La Petite Academy, only to be subjected to the same disastrous conditions.

We did not enjoy our experience with Tulay, nor did we enjoy writing about it. We simply felt so strongly about our experience that we felt compelled to warn others. If you think that is vindictive, then that's your prerogative. The fact that we were not afraid to include our full names in our post should be some indication of where the truth really lies.

But perhaps we should call upon some of our friends to come defend our honor, and tell everyone what "amazing" women we are?

#7 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-26
WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival

Well, I guess, the best thing is not to work for this pretend "school" at all!

I work and I am responsible for hiring and firing and if only I had her vision on knowing who is right and who is wrong before its too late...deep sigh!
#8 Parent Senay - 2011-09-26

You are truly a character and a half...the names are written out by the girls themselves, look back at their nonsense and abusive messages and you will see that they are all plastered everywhere for all to see and know....thats where I got their names from actually.

So yes I agree with you, they are very very unprofessional and that's another reason why they have lost their job...

Regarding your comment of me going back to the hole I came from...have no comment other than shake of my head in pity for your pea minded way of thinking - shame on you!

#9 Parent Senay - 2011-09-26
Re: WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival

Hmmm, right, very fitting comment to your low character but do you know what... you mentioned something here that I always wished upon. How I wish I was able to hold Tulay's stamina, hard work and wonderful skill in staff selection. I work and I am responsible for hiring and firing and if only I had her vision on knowing who is right and who is wrong before its too late...deep sigh!

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-26

I didn't see the thread where they both gave out their names, that was my mistake. However I did go to Addie's site and read about her experience working with that woman. I gather you probably didn't go there to do the same since you dont' believe a word they say anyway or you know what that "wonderful" lady did but you just don't want to admit to it. Let me tell you something, I would not want HER to be a tour guide for me. Leaving me at the customs and pretending responsiblity which is hers should just be pushed under a proverbial carpet and walking off???? What kind of "responsible" employer is that??

You could be a friend of Turray's or Turray yourself. I don't care. You don't treat employees like that. The fact that you're willing to just overlook that says A LOT about you and the people whom you work with.

#11 Parent nonsense - 2011-09-26

What are you talking about? The teachers gave out their real names in their original post!

#12 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-25
Re: WARNING: Don' work for Petite Academy de Stupidete a Bourgival

You two are victims of your own poor actions and holding blame on some one else is only bringing you down further.

Another paid lackey posting in favour of that rubbish "school". Dig so is an excellent example of grovelhood! Or are you Tulay Farra in person hiding behind another alias?
You are not credible - it is highly unlikely that two young ladies turn out to be "useless" at the same time they are working for this rubbish "school".
The one unprofessional I can see in this plot is person running this "school", and that "school" itself must be really useless when being run by such a person!

How many grovelling weasels are you breeding there?...Hahaha

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-25

That's "great". By giving out the real names of these two teachers you are the one being vindictive. These two girls have written out information that is nowhere near as vindictive and full length as yours. By doing this you are only showing your own unprofessionalism and expertise in grovelhood to your ESL master. Go back into the hole you came out from.

#14 Parent Senay - 2011-09-25

WARNING: If you see any comments by either of these two girls: Valerie Lauretta and Addie Sandbeck under the post titled: LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL

It is important that you all ought to know that these two girls were hired to work but failed their trial period due to lack of professionalism and skill displayed for the role they took on. Having seen these comments made me realize how great a decision has been taken in their release and not for taking them on permanently.

It is very sad how people would go to such extends to gain revenge for something they themselves caused. All I can say is, I hope you can learn your lessons from your last experience and apply the lessons learnt in hour future career. Any hiring company who sees these comments under your name would stay a million miles away from you. You are really damaging whatever reputation you have even further in this way.

To the girls who try so hard to stain the name LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL: the school is a brilliant set up and run by a very passionate and professional individual who would do anything to steer any dangerously minded people away from her students and establishment-just like she has done with you two. You two are victims of your own poor actions and holding blame on some one else is only bringing you down further.

#15 Parent John Schwab - 2011-09-25


I think you're racist comment is disgusting. What does it matter what her national background is?

For someone posting on a ESL website, Smersh (what's your real name?), I would think that tolerance would be of the utmost importance.

Not to you, I guess.

John Schwab (my real name)|

#16 Parent Helen Swanston - 2011-09-25

I am totally amazed at the viciousness of your statements. "Bullying" like Tulay is a terror to be with???? I have known Tulay for 10 years and can only describe her as caring, loving, gentle, professional, very clever and incredibly commited to providing the best service and environment possible for the children under her tutelage. Sometimes a new environment can be both challenging and difficult, especially for young women embarking on a new career. As unhappy as you may have been and for whatever reason, to defame and spread such malicious rumors about anyone is an indication of immaturity and your lack of professionalism. You owe Tulay and her school and apology and face up to what a real job entails. You both sound as if you need some classes in appreciation and etiquette.

#17 Parent Valerie and Addie - 2011-09-23

With a little research, one can find out that the "directrice" of "LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL" "has a background in Law" .

#18 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-21

With a little research, one can find out that the "directrice" of "LA PETITE ACADEMY OF BOUGIVAL" has a background in Law and apparently is of Iranian descent:

That raises a real question of concern: Why is it always people without a background in teaching that open up such "schools" that turn out to be really useless?


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