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#1 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-22
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Seems you might well be the infamous Mr. Pitbull yourself posting here under a different alias.
If so, then you should know who Mr. Pitbull is!

#2 Parent Jake - 2011-09-22
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Who are you calling Mr. Pitbull again? Seems like you're the only one attacking people.

#3 Parent The real McCoy - 2011-09-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Yes, the contract is a little strict, but that's a Chinese contract for you. They're all strict and they generally never get enforced so who cares?

Really? My experience is contrary to yours, and I've taught at in excess of twenty schools here in China. So I should be aware of the true situation. Please stop feeding us untruths. We don't need your misinformation.

I've edited an e-mail I recently received from my current employer, with asterisks. See below. The proof of the pudding...........!

But a foreign teacher called ****, working in ****, insisted in asking for two weeks' leave to help his friend do visa, not his own issue. After the company refused, he was still away for 16 days. His deeds influenced the school's teaching job seriouly and caused the students' strongly against on him. The other foreign teacher called **** used to work in ****. During teaching he worked in other schools. After the school committee's investigation and research, according to No.*, Article *, Part * and Article *, Part * of the contract, the two foreign teachers are dismissed and reported to PSB.

#4 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

There are some people who know better about Mr. Pitbull and this awful "school".

Yes, and who can guarantee us that you are not one of their paid lackeys posting here as a pretend "teacher"?

I don't trust your post!

#5 Parent Jake - 2011-09-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

In response to all these "I hate Suzhou Foreign Language School" posts, let me just say that I work there and it's the most normal school I've ever taught at. Yes, the contract is a little strict, but that's a Chinese contract for you. They're all strict and they generally never get enforced so who cares?

As for allegations of Kevin being gay, yeah that's true but he's normal in every other sense. I've only met him a few times but he certainly doesn't have a personality disorder (everyone around here holds him in high regard as a teacher and as an administrator) and I'd have a hard time believing that he molests children. It's obvious that someone has beef with this school and is trying their best to tarnish its reputation.

And by the way, about half of the 34 international teachers that work here with me are now on their second year teaching here. Some have been here for 3+ years. And these are very normal people -- people I enjoy hanging out with after school and on the weekend. If it was really a bad school they probably would choose to work elsewhere after their first year.

Jus sayin's all...


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