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#1 Parent Eva - 2012-06-15

Je suis totalement choquée par les propos tenues par cette jeune fille et je ne comprends pas que le site en soi permet de détruire la réputation d'une personne en publiant ces mensonges.
Connaissant T. F[edited] depuis plusieurs années, je lui apporte régulièrement de l'aide au niveau de ses recrutements et des déclarations de personnel. Je peux assurer que toutes les collaboratrices sont engagées officiellement et qu'elle ont toujours été traitées avec beaucoup de respect et d'amitié. D'ailleurs, l'école ne pourrait pas être un endroit aussi magique pour les enfants si cela n'était pas le cas.
L'auteur de ces messages me connait bien car nous avons passé du temps ensemble. C'est une grande déception de lire ces lignes....

#2 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-27

You must not be very good at your jobs, not being able to take two weeks employment before running away to another country without the proper visas.
Young and naive. Period.

Being young and naive is not something you can blame anybody for, you must have been the same in your time.
I would call it criminal when T[edited] F[edited] makes someone come from the US to work in her highly doubtful establishment without a proper working visa! This is what she did, and because she could not get a regular working visa for her "employee", she asked that American to enroll in a French language course as a pretend "au-pair".

This is a violation of European and French immigration rules and law, and it means also not paying tax and all the other social benefits that are as a rule to be paid for any regular employee in the European Union! I would call that a big cheat, and or someone like T[edited] F[edited] with a background in law, she must know that this is illegal!

I think this is a matter that should be brought to the attention of the competent immigration authorities!

What kind of "school" is that with teachers from the US hired illegally to work in the European Union?

#3 Parent John Schwab - 2011-09-25
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