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#1 Parent Jake - 2011-10-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

C. Worthington, could you please answer the questions listed below that you originally directed at Kevin? Your testimony here is just as valid as Kevin's, and so far we haven't heard a peep out of you about the specifics of these horrible atrocities you claim to have suffered at my school. Something tells me you'll dodge these questions like you do all the other questions we ask you, and for the sake of this dispute that's too bad. But here are the questions anyway:

1. How many times have you yourself seen Kevin heave desks in anger at unsuspecting foreign teachers?

2. How many times have you yourself seen Kevin thrown books in anger at unsuspecting foreign teachers?

4. How many times have you been fired/terminated/thrown out the door, even physically, for any number of reasons?

8. Would you benefit from a course in anger control management?

9. Why is the turnover rate of foreign teachers at Suzhou Foreign so low? (something like half of the int'l teachers here have been her for more that one year.)

10. Why do you post all over the Internet under false names and then accuse others of doing that very thing? (You love "fake" like a fat kid loves cake.)

11. Why do you make totally unsubstantiated claims on the Internet that you may have been physically assaulted in a fit of anger? Can you comment on this?

Thank you very much and I can only hope that you take the time to provide honest, detailed answers.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

You are an awesome woman for exposing this fake. May SFLS be closed down soon!

#3 Parent confused@sfls - 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I don't think I understand the meaning of this thread. There are THIRTY-FOUR teachers at SFLS currently. Let me type that again: THIRTY-FOUR. Last year there were TWENTY-EIGHT. Yet when anyone from this school comes onto this website and says they are happy with their job or they think the school is swell, that person is automatically Kevin? Why is that? I mean, sure, just like any other school, there can be former teachers who did not have a good time or did not have a good experience, that's a given. But why would any educated person believe the antics shown on this website? If it was a calm and somewhat civilized discourse concerning the ups and downs of this establishment, I think those against and their arguments would hold more water. But just calling people names like "Jake the Fake" or "Kevin the Bevin" (wtf?), seems a bit like you are defeating your own purpose. I too read these forums - - and others - - before taking a job here and I saw right through the true "fakes".

And here's what I don't get also: This C. Worthington person claims she worked at this school last year, 2009-2010 term, right? So, wouldn't she know Jake or at least know OF Jake who was also here last year? I may or may not know who C. Worthington is pretending to be but I KNOW she didn't work in the international department of this school last year, and I suspect I know who "she" really is based on other postings I've read here and other sites.

As I wrote in the beginning,
I was employed at the school this past year.
My contract was not renewed because of this person. And he writes that no "C. Worthington" was ever employed at the school. He should read my posts carefully -- "Worthington" is my mother's maiden name and "C". is my middle initial. I am just so, so, so afraid of this person, truly I am, even at a great distance and I stand with trepidation at the harm and evil that he can do and I have seen him do to foreign teachers whom he decides to render asunder. I tremble when I think of the violence that he committed and the verbal abuse in which he engaged.

But "she" says just yesterday:

re fischer, this is just a paid political announcement.

You have been there one month and you know everything?
how whacked?

And you have been there one month and your pay has already been docked?

I don't expect all teachers to know each and every other teacher like long time pals or anything, but we do all pass each other in the halls, share occasional emails, eat in the canteen together, even attend special school functions together so we all have a basic knowledge of who each other is. Yet, C. Worthington said that Jake has only worked here one month. No, what Jake said was:

I've worked at this school in the primary school for over a month
and have seen him maybe twice. He doesn't go around picking fights with teachers like you claim. None of my 34 lao wai coworkers have had any complaints at all about him.

Jake has only worked in the primary department for a month, not the entire school. So, yeah, I can understand misreading that by an outsider and thinking maybe Jake's only worked here for a month in total, but someone who worked an entire school year at the same time Jake worked here and not knowing of at least his existence, well, you can understand why I am "confused@sfls"!! Hell, I don't "know" all the teachers all that well, it's a big school after all. But I can pass them in the hall and say "Good Morning xxxx" to any and all of them after only two or three months of working with them. So, still working on a few of the newer teachers and their names, but I "know" Jake fairly well as he's been a positive force in this school for over a year now.

#4 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

OK, Jake, as you probably know, China Mobile has an online program that permits one to verify a mobile telephone number.

Dr. Turnoi -- get a load of if you are really Jake Fischer, why is the mobile telephone number that you listed on this site registered in someone else's name? It is not registered to you. That is truly strange. It is a China Mobile "goto" account in Suzhou and since you claim to have been around a long, long time, perhaps you can tell us WHY you need to register your telephone in someone else's name and WHY this account is not as old as you want to give the impression to be.

BTW, worse than that, one of my colleagues called SIFLIS and wanted to leave a message for you. Get a load of this all -- the person who answered the telephone at SIFLIS claimed to pretended not to know you and claimed or pretended not to be able to find you on any list and declined to give you a reference.

So are you really Jake Fischer, or are you really Kevin the Bevin, aka Boy Love Wonder, or are you anybody at all except one of Kevin's Internet trolls?

Truly interesting. Fake to the highest degree.

#5 Parent confused@sfls - 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Sorry, made a mistake in my previous post (so sue me - - it's Friday and I'm tired!).

Yes, this is the 2011-2012 school year we have just started.

Jake (and apparently C. Worthington) worked at SFLS during the 2010-2011 school year.

Now back to our normal name-calling! :)

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Deindividuation is not what Turnoi, Silverboy, Dragonised and the likes have succumbed to, it's what they're all about!

Truly Orwellian language, twisting around the original meaning of certain words to make it seem as if the people who aren't like that are, and the people who are like that aren't. I have a link for you:

I think you have a severe case of this mental disorder, identifying with the people who victimized you and still believing in the good of that "school". You should get help.

#7 Parent taught@sfls - 2011-09-30
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I taught at sfls at the time of the individual who starts these threads all over the place. It was in a different department and there was no need for me to even deal with him. Yet, he still managed to make his presence felt throughout most of the school. Deindividuation is not what Turnoi, Silverboy, Dragonised and the likes have succumbed to, it's what they're all about!

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

ESL teacher in china get little support from the local law enforcement. Going to the local PSB can bring similiar results: nothing gets done. If a person really didn't like working at a school or "school" in this case regarding your employer they would not have set foot in the country. With that being said this "school" that you work in as well as many other pretend educational bodies are doing a VERY GOOD JOB at creating annoyed, angry, and hurt folks who now do not hold china in such well regards due to the direct system that it runs on. The fact that these places can draw people like you who have absolutely NO CLUE as to what goes on says a lot about the place.

Since you haven't suffered any real trauma in your life apparently, let me bring it to you like this: NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION BECAUSE IT'S WORTHLESS!! Go back to your little world of roses and dandelions.

#9 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

re fischer, this is just a paid political announcement.

You have been there one month and you know everything? how whacked?

And you have been there one month and your pay has already been docked?

You ain't even been paid what you write, little boy.

And of course it's Kevin, everyone knows that for sure.

#10 Parent Jake - 2011-09-29
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Well, for starters, my name is Jake Fischer, not Kevin. You can reach me at 15050110727. And of course you know where i live -- it's the school where you USED to work. You know, the school that fired you. "Which one?" you ask. Were there so many? Shanghai Foreign Language School. It's a good school. I know cuz i work there. And if you don't already have my email address it's board462000@yahoo. (That one is about 12 years old, and I rarely check it. But it's one that I don't mind giving out. If you spam me it doesn't matter.) So yes, I'm for real. No, I don't throw desks or heavy books, but then again, nobody at this school does that. I've been in China teaching English for 3 years now, starting my 4th. Yes, I've had some not so good experience with different companies in the past, but no total disasters. And I've never been fired.

If you could provide some real information about yourself, like a name, maybe an email address and phone number where people can reach you to at least somewhat verify your identity, the address where you live now, maybe where you went to high school and which college you attended... maybe a little blurb about yourself, stuff like that, you might gain back some of the credibility that you lost with all these really absurd allegations about SFLS. As it is now, most people here can tell you're posting under a fake name, and hurling grossly exaggerated accusations at this Kevin guy who apparently was the one who got you fired. Yes, you got fired. Don't overreact by playing this childish numbers game: slinging a truckload of BS and hoping a fraction of it sticks. I don't know if you can be sued for libel on discussion forums like this but I would be careful if I were you. Jus' sayin's all...

Granted, I don't know all the details of Kevin's past, but your accusations that he is some kind of "hound from hell" are just not true. I've worked at this school in the primary school for over a month and have seen him maybe twice. He doesn't go around picking fights with teachers like you claim. None of my 34 lao wai coworkers have had any complaints at all about him. No "clique of angry, divorced old women," as you put it, has come to observe my classes and harrass me as you say they did with you. I haven't seen him carrying around heavy books or large desks waiting to fling them at unsuspecting teachers, but you know, maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention. I haven't seen him tossing small children about, as you claimed, but maybe they're just so small I can't see them.

Nobody has been anything but nice to me at this school, so I have a hard time believing any of the things you've been ranting about on this and countless other ESL forums. To be totally transparent, I did get docked 100 RMB because I was late for a class, but that's reasonable and I'm totally fine with that. That aside, this school has given me nothing to complain about.

Plus, as an added insult to you and your horrible ability to persuade people (If you had aspirations of becoming a trial lawyer, give up.), I took this job AFTER reading all the BS you wrote about it. Nice try but anybody that knows how to read knows you're crying wolf.

So I don't think this school is the problem. Maybe the problem is you.

#11 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-09-28
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

The question is not whether I was fired from Kevin's school for drinking (which is so outrageous considering I never, ever, ever, ever, ever drink) but whether or not the complaints against Kevin and his school are accurately set forth -- and indeed they are.

So in the end, let us ask this Kevin creature / aka Jake the Fake / Kevin the Bevn / the Boy 250 kilo wonder, some serious questions. Dear Dr. Turnoi, please help me with additional questions if you can.

Questions for Jake the Fake / aka Kevin the Bevin.

1. How many times have you heaved desks in anger at unsuspecting foreign teachers?

2. How many times have you thrown books in anger at unsuspecting foreign teachers?

3. How many foreign teachers have you verbally abused over the course of your tenure at your school?

4. How many teachers have you fired / terminated/ thrown out the door, even physically, for any number of reasons?

5. Can you please deny that you ever worked as a delivery boy at Pizza Hut and then somehow morphed into a DOS / manager at your school in China?

6. How many times have you been fired from summer camps in China?

7. Have you ever belonged to any Yahoo groups, the membership of which might be deemed incompatible with one's status as a teacher of little children?

8. Would you benefit from a course in anger control management?

9. Why is the turnover rate of foreign teachers in your school 10 times the normal?

10. Why do you post all over the Internet under false names and then accuse others of doing that very thing?

11. There have been claims on the Internet that you may have physically assaulted a foreign teacher in a fit of anger. Can you comment on this?

Thank you very much and I can only hope that you take the time to provide honest, detailed answers.

C. Worthington

#12 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-26
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Firing? Hahaha....Don't let it even come that far! How? By not working for a place where Mr. Pitbull lords over other people!

If all you do with your life is try to take down the school that fired you...dang dude, you need to get a life. For real.
#13 Parent Jake - 2011-09-26
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

C Worthington is crying wolf, plain and simple.

I can image how embarrassing it must be for him (or is it her? You write like a girl) to keep writing one inflammatory post after another in attempts to get back at SFLS, but at this point you sound so over the top that I don't think anyone is taking you seriously anymore. You might as well move on. If all you do with your life is try to take down the school that fired you...dang dude, you need to get a life. For real.

#14 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-09-25
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Re silverboy's post regarding Jake the Fake, aka Kevin the Bevin, aka the Gila Monster, what he writes is so, so accurate. This person needs to stand before God on his knees and beg forgiveness for all of the evil and hurt that he has afflicted on other foreign teachers at the school, upon the little children that he teaches (or is it abuses), etc., etc. Rarely has one foreign teacher in China done so much harm to unsuspecting, ill-advised foreign teachers and little children. It gives a new definition to the word "evil".

As I wrote in the beginning, I was employed at the school this past year. My contract was not renewed because of this person. And he writes that no "C. Worthington" was ever employed at the school. He should read my posts carefully -- "Worthington" is my mother's maiden name and "C". is my middle initial. I am just so, so, so afraid of this person, truly I am, even at a great distance and I stand with trepidation at the harm and evil that he can do and I have seen him do to foreign teachers whom he decides to render asunder. I tremble when I think of the violence that he committed and the verbal abuse in which he engaged.

If it were not for this person, SFLS might be mildly, mildly, mildly just a little bit OK but because of this person, and the despotic power that he holds over the life and well-being of foreign teachers, any foreign teacher in China should not even contemplate working there. If you do, you will regret it within 10 minutes of your arrival. Apparently, 3 - 4 of the teachers who just arrived in September are already looking for new jobs. That says it all.

C. Worthington

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