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#1 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-10-02
Re: On Western bullies and their guanxi

This post sounds like Kevin the Bevin. It's his style. It's his usual tricks. It's his usual lack of honesty. It's his usual way of posting under yet ANOTHER false name. I mean -- My God -- how many false monikers does this guy have on the Internet? And where all of his friends, the "bitter old divorcees" as someone wrote, to defend him? Where is Jake the Real Fake? Where is his entire retinue of faithful adorers?

It follows closely on the false telephone number bit. If he lied there, about the number, one could reasonably question anything that he writes. That is a principle of logic.

Please, anyone, don't believe his crocodile tears. Oh, poor, poor Kevin. NOT AT ALL. Get close to him in his school, cross him in the slightest way, say the least wrong thing, in his twisted mind, and you will be eaten alive by a 250 kilo crocodile from Kansas, without remorse, and in one big gobble. He seeks charity but he gives done; he seeks compassion but he has none; he feigns humility but he has none. Your career will be ruined; your morale will be destroyed; and you will be reduced do nothing, all in the span of one Kansas minute. His temper flares quicker than a tarball.

If it looks like a monster from Kansas, and if it talks like a monster from Kansas, and if it spews forth smoke like a monster from Kansas, then it MUST BE a monster from Kansas. That ain't rocket science!
#2 Parent confused@sfls - 2011-10-02
Re: On Western bullies and their guanxi

God help me, I'm still "confused@sfls"! When I read a comment like this:

which we might also call "corruption" from a Western perspective. Especially such Western people have gone to China as their last resort because they were a failure at home -
as pizza delivery boys or pizza hut owners
or as "teachers" anyway.

I assume you are referring to Kevin who a few here seem to hate with a passion.

But then I dig around these old threads about SFLS (and Kevin) and find this:

Yes, back in my 20s
I worked for and managed a Pizza Hut
. Hallelujah! Anyone else out there have another job before they became a teacher? Then, during my late 20s/early 30s, I went to a local university and earned a teaching degree in ELEMENTARY EDUCATION

For "C. Worthington" and "Turnoi" especially, this seems to be a major sticking point. This person they hate so much, they seem to - - let's just say ELABORATE - - a bit on what Kevin, and quite honestly several other posters, say and then give it just a little twist to make it sound negative and ugly.

Like I said before, I read through all these threads before I took the job at SFLS and I saw this thing even back then. I suppose you think if you keep repeating the negative aspects, even when they aren't really negatives, then readers will remember because the same negatives have been repeated again and again and again. It's a sound tactic, but it paints you, Turnoi and friends in the true negative light. See the connotation of a "pizza delivery boy" somehow becoming a "teacher speaks volumes. But what you leave out is the in-between stuff. I know Kevin and I've seen his demo classes. He seems to know what he's doing in the classroom. He's, what, around 50 now? So, his Pizza Hut days were 20+ years ago. According to this segment of his post quoted above, he got his degree in Elementary Education a bit later than some people do . . . and so what? Nowhere does he say he was a delivery boy or owned a Pizza Hut. What he DOES say is he managed a Pizza Hut many years ago. I won't even say that I know the ins and outs of that kind of job, but I would guess it involves bookkeeping (grade keeping?), training (teaching?), overseeing a lot of employees (students?), and probably needs a lot of organizational skills (classroom management?). So, in a way, it seems the years he spent at Pizza Hut was preparing him for the education field.

So you see, because you don't like the guy (and Turnoi, have you ever even met this person? Are you basing your extreme distaste for him based on what other people have told you? I used to do this as well, back in Junior High!) and SFLS, you took one aspect of his life, something he shared with this message board and twisted it around into a black negative. On the other hand, I have nothing at all against Kevin, he seems like a good egg, and I took the very same information and turned it into a positive.

And, I hate to say it, but you kinda do this to almost any poster who comes on this message board and expresses their views as an opposite of yours. Not just for SFLS, but for most any school or organization or person. You claim to be a doctor. In my mind, a doctor is an intelligent, well-balanced, well-educated professional. It's fine to give your side of an issue, your opinion on matters, but I would expect a "doctor" (or one who has attained a PhD) to be a little more level-headed and not someone who calls people such names as "Jake the Fake", "Kevin the Bevin", "Grovelling Weasel", "Crocodile", and so on. But maybe that's just me and that's why I'm "confused@sfls".

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