Return to Index › Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!!
#1 Parent Jake - 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!!

And I could not care less about you.

#2 Parent The Bevin - 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!!

I understand that Kevin has lost some credibility with you by posting under various names on here. But I can assure you that I'm not him, or could assure you if you'd listen.

I am used to smelling the bad apples from a long distance pretty quickly. As far as I am concerned, Kevin the Bevin has not only lost "some" (as you say), but all credibility on here and other sites. What are the objective reasons why you claim a certain amount of credibility for yourself on here?
I don't know of any, and in the end, it does not matter to me. I could not care less.

#3 Parent Jake - 2011-10-09
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!!

Sorry to confuse you San Migs. It's not about Silverboy's indentity, it's about mine. Silverboy is accusing me of actually being Kevin, and I'm trying to convince him that I'm Jake. That's why I gave my phone number and suggested he call it, and, if he wants, come to Suzhou and meet me face to face. If he wants to keep calling me a fake, that's fine and [edited]. I've done all I can to show I'm for real.

I understand that Kevin has lost some credibility with you by posting under various names on here. But I can assure you that I'm not him, or could assure you if you'd listen.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2011-10-08
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!!

Young fella me lad, no need to be so defensive. Silverboy has posted his real photo and stated his locations and so on,on these very boards.

Why the hostility, don't you have enough teaching hours and bucks to earn?

Get on with it, and get off his back eh?

#5 Parent Jake - 2011-10-08
Re: It's Fake! Yes, truly!!!!

Silverboy, do you wanna meet me and talk about this in person sometime? If you do, hit me up at my "fake" phone number and we'll work out the when and where.

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