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#1 Parent Jake - 2011-10-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Blurb, what's your phone number? Surely it would be worthwhile to establish your own credibility before you start attacking mine.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-10-11
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

What's your point? It's normal to be a GW in China?

#3 Parent Tomatoe Juice - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Yes, Dragonized definitely is!

#4 Parent Jake - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

And you certainly are one of the "others that are different"!

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I don't know how you assumed that I didn't graduate from college. I can say maybe on paper my educational degrees may not be as long as Mike's, but you're judgement is way off, though I'm not surprised.

As for the bad experiences, I have been through the same bs that teachers such as C. Worthington have talked about such as having bosses scream at you, being paid the wrong amount, receiving extra work without pay, etc. It's obvious you haven't looked at any of the previous posts on SFLS because you believe genuinely that people who speak out against the "schools" that you work for are just troll types. I have a pretty good idea of your capacity to think things through and how much you're really able to put others' ideas which are different into consideration. I will just say that you have a long way to go.

#6 Parent The Blurb - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Please be specific so we know you're telling the truth and know how to reply.

I know the Dragonized poster personally, and I know for sure that he tells the truth. He has no vested interest in any business whatsoever, and I have neither. That is the reason why people like us can speak out frankly. There is nothing else that needs to be added as far as this point is concerned.

Now, back to you and your "strange" phone number: The story about what happened "the other day" after you posted a telephone number here for everyone to see and to phone you in order to verify that is you is you (and "you" might well be Kevin the Bevin or someone else), is something we can believe or not believe. It is irrelevant, I think.

None of the ling-time and regular posters on here could care less who you actually are. It doesn't change the things that we have to say about that "school" you are working for, it does not change the bad reputation that Kevin the Bevon has added to that "school" simply by his presence and his behaviour there.

If I were you, I would leave it at that. if you want to continue - go ahead, and some of us will always reply. It would, however, be nothing new and would always repeat the same stuff. If you want to do yourself a favour, cease to post on that topic and spend your time on more useful things - like cleaning up your "school" and to free it from the dirt that is around. Bye bye...LOL

#7 Parent Sean Allen - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I've been working in China as an English teacher for many years at government schools and international schools with my wife Catherine who teaches A-level chemistry. Before coming here I had read some bad reviews from ex-teachers about the school, but we weren't going to let ex-teachers influence our judgement of the school, so we agreed to visit the school and do a demo class. We had been to many schools and had many offers, but we chose Suzhou Foreign Language School because the people here are all very professional and friendly. The school offered us a good salary and gave us a nice apartment on the schools campus (we had the option to live off campus - the school also offers excellent apartments off campus).
Gordon was the man who recruited us. He has been very helpful and friendly since we moved here. He helped us move in and treated us to dinner with his family on our first day. This school has the best atmosphere amongst all the teachers and staff that I have ever experienced. Everyone is happy here, everyone is friendly and helpful towards each other. The teachers here all seem to have a great sense of pride about their work and the school. The school has first class facilities, with no expense spared and whenever there is a problem (a leak in our apartment) they will send someone to fix the problem right away. They are very prompt in paying salary and never cheat anyone. The Chinese teachers, the directors and even the school principle are very friendly, they know you by name, treat you with respect and APPRECIATE the good job you are doing. The students at the school our excellent too, the school has high standards and many of the students here will study abroad and go to top universities in America and the UK.
Both Catherine and myself our loving our job here and we enjoy being part of a productive team in an excellent working environment. I think those who speak badly of the school aren't serious about teaching and/or failed to meet the schools standards (I base my assumption on how great this school is).
I just want to add if you are considering applying here and you are a dedicated serious teacher, please don't be put off by negative reviews. Come here and look around the school and talk to the foreign teachers here (there's over 30 of us) and everyne here will tell you what a great place to work it is.

#8 Parent Jake - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

And what were your bad experiences, again Dragonized? It's hard for me to keep it all straight in my mind when it's all flying around in one big ****storm. Please be specific so we know you're telling the truth and know how to reply.

As for your comment to Mike about "losing your soul to gain your fancy pieces of paper saying you've accomplished this and that...," might we rightly infer from that statement that you're not a college graduate? If so I'd say you sold yourself short, my man. You don't sell your soul when you go through college. Mike certainly didn't lose his soul. He's a genuinely nice guy. I wish you wouldn't be so judgmental of people you've had so few dealings with.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

We don't care what you think either. Teachers who have worked at SFLS have already shared their negative experiences, that's all of them not just one. Even if things have seemingly gotten better that doesn't change the injustice that has already happened. You can brag all you want about your credentials and your free personal life. We will read your post and say "great" and move on with helping others. We might even help you too when you have your experience with SFLS after having worked there for a while.

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2011-10-10
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

You're the perfect example of why the ESL world is so cutthroat, particularly in a place like china. With that bullying attitude you think you can intimidate others with less credentials from speaking out against bad situations. You're shameless confession to partying and reasoning that as to why this place you're in and this "school" is so great shows you don't care about the bad experiences of others. I have said this before probably but I will say it again hiding behind your credentials and knowledge about education is not impressive. Losing your soul to gain your fancy pieces of paper saying you've accomplished this and that and so now you can tell others with different opinions and experiences to buzz off is a very serious problem that you need to look into, preferably with a psychiatrist.

What is it with china attracting so many people with fancy credentials but not a basic amount of normal human emotions?

#11 Parent Mike Edwards - 2011-10-09
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

I am happy to add my comments to this thread. My name is Mike Edwards, I have over twenty years experience teaching in a range of education environments in the UK, I am the co-author of 11+ education resources that can be found simply by googling mike edwards tutors, I am thecauthor of a book on success principles that can be found by googling mike edwards natural. Now I haven't spent my time inventing these websites to create avsmokescreen, they are real, I am real, I am easy to find by anyone who wishes to look. jake is a real person, The teachers he has mentioned in his post are real people. hope that clears any credibility or reality issues. I do not need to work, as I receive a reasonable income from commissions and royalty payments, I am in the fortunate position of being able to choosevwhat I want to do. Many of the new teachers I have met read postings on this website before and after applying to SFLS, all these teachersvare exceptionally intelligent because they were able to see through the diatribe of negative comments and assess them as being written by someone who is clearly unprofessional and deserving of any action taken against him. When I was collected from Shanghai airport by the international teacher coordinator I asked him about the comments, his reply was - we don't care what this person says, we just ask people to come to the school and make their own judgements- that was the end of the conversation, and that is the lowvesteem in which this individual is held within the school. Fortunately for me and all the other foreign teachers, the school knows that we are not all like the individual who has been grinding his axe against this school, yesvwe like to socialise, we like to party, but we are responsible enough to have a chill out drink on Wednesday, then get hammered on Friday. Got to get ready to catch the 7.20 bus to the overseas school, I am sober, rationally minded and looking forward to a good day in the classroom where I can interact with the students in a supportive environment, And I am doing that because I want to do it, happy days, life is wonderful

#12 Parent Smersh - 2011-09-22
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Were you the one that showed up to class still drunk from the night before? I heard about that, and if that was you, then yeah, you deserve to get fired.

Sounds very much like Mr. Pitbull doing that but he will never get fired.

Who is Mr. Pitbull?

Well, it's an ugly fat American man with a mental disorder problem, a former pizza hut delivery boy, throwing things at you, [edited], and known for his rants in this and other sites.

#13 Parent C. Worthington - 2011-09-22
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Dear Dr. Turnoi and friends,

Yes, of course, Jake's a fake but then he's not a fake because he's Kevin the Bevin just being a transvestite with other people's fake names.

Of course the place is an avoid. Jake The Fake aka Kevin the Bevin is infamous for his Abalone, Kansas hot temper, for his ability to toss heavy books at poor unsuspecting teachers who are the victims of his anger, for throwing desks across a classroom in fits of rage, all of this being merrily covered by "friends in high places".

Jake the Fake aka Kevin the Bevin has been banned from this site before and has been admonished by moderators for attempting to hack the site, to hack other people's emails, etc., etc. He's a duplicitous and evil little Kansas gila monster and unlike one takes pleasure in being bitten by a gila monster, one should avoid him and his ilk.

Jake the Fake has been tossed off so many boards these days for his outrageous posturing and falsehoods, to speak politely, that once again he has turned to this board, but with a fake name.

In any case, Turnoi is right -- avoid the plac

#14 Parent Jake - 2011-09-22
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

What would it take to convince you I'm a real teacher here? Pay stubs? Signed contract? Reference letters from the other teachers and administrators that work here with me? No, the fact is nothing would convince you. You just want to bash SFLS, and that's cool. Whatever. But I think most readers on this forum can see that you're being spiteful and unreasonable because you had a bad experience.

Were you the one that showed up to class still drunk from the night before? I heard about that, and if that was you, then yeah, you deserve to get fired.

We have some really cool teachers here this year. Me, Andrew, Emily, Matthew, Tristane, Rachel, Jill, Mike, even the two German guys, Karsten and Philip... all of them are responsible teachers and fun to hang out with, go drinking with (without going balls to the wall like a retard) and none of us have had any real complaints about the school yet. Then again, none of us have gotten sick and made insurance claims yet, but I'm sure that'll be handled appropriately when it comes up too, just everything else has so far.

#15 Parent Coppercat - 2011-09-21
Re: Suzhou Foreign Language School

Please stop feeding us untruths. We don't need your misinformation.

Who knows what other lies this SFLS stooge is trying to spread? In fact, BOTH SFLS PRIVATE SCHOOLS are bad places to work for. That's common knowledge to regular forum readers here. Yet there are always grovelling weasels popping up on the board trying to paint a pretty picture. Let's face it. Jake's a fake. Discount his false praise of that private establishment. Do yourself a big favour by applying elsewhere.

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