Return to Index › Re: Manhattan Kid's Club - Shenzhen - run by a bunch of kids (2)
#1 Parent Bi Duan Ban - 2011-10-21
Re: Manhattan Kid's Club - Shenzhen - run by a bunch of kids (2)

Having said this, it has been my finding that in the almost 20 years I have been in the field of education, some people are not suited for this profession, and some institutions need to have their shortcomings noted in order to foster improvements.

So, they haven't improved and still are the kids that they were while running this business? Oh, my God...

#2 Parent Tim Allen - 2011-10-21
Re: Manhattan Kid's Club - Shenzhen - run by a bunch of kids (2)

Hey, CL...

I completely agree with your statement, and have indeed moved on. I do check up on my posts from time to time to see what else has been said by others and in all honesty to have a good chuckle at some of the postings that my writing has generated. Moving on doesn't mean that one should not look back on occasion to review the past.

My original posting was only meant as a nudge to those who might be interested in knowing my experience(s) with MKC, and I am not one to hide behind anonymity, therefore I choose to publish my name and email address - people who have been truly interested in hearing my side have contacted me and I have given them my opinion - which I tell them is only my opinion - knowing that time has passed and hopefully things have improved.

It is and never has been my intention to close down an institution of learning - anything done for children with the correct mindset is a positive step. My goal has only been to work towards the betterment of the teaching profession and the improvement of any and all institutions I have had the privilege of working for.

Having said this, it has been my finding that in the almost 20 years I have been in the field of education, some people are not suited for this profession, and some institutions need to have their shortcomings noted in order to foster improvements.

I have always stated that people should look at reviews (mine as well as others that have been posted) with an open mind and weigh evidence presented with their own needs and common sense - then make up their own mind. I am not advocating a wholesale acceptance of my review as being the one and only piece of evidence. As others have said, there are those who have had a positive experience with MKC and even renewed contracts - and I applaud them for not having had the experience I did. These types of reviews and forums are designed so that people can post their experiences for others to review - how others choose to use what I have written is entirely up to them.

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