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#1 Parent San Migs - 2011-10-29
Re: Topia English Zone

Will people ever learn?

You go into South Korea forearmed so you can protect yourself...or you don't go. It's that simple!

Personally, I would never set one foot in that place, no interest at all, to quote the lurking aussie on these boards "Not even gonna bovva"! LOL!

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2011-10-29
Re: Topia English Zone

Another poster coined this place "Terribly Obscure Piranhas in Asia". They have shown once again how they will mercilessly chew people up and spit them out. The owner and ppl who work at this place are scum. They need to be given continual bad publicity so that they can lose enough business to close down once and for all!

Cecil Hynds-Riddle - 2011-10-28
Topia English Zone

My fiance and I worked at the Incheon, Yeonsu branch from September 2010 to the end of August 2011 on a 1 year contract. We did not get our severance, pension, complete vacation time, or even the housing and furnishings stated in our contract. However, Topia did pay on time each month.

The owner, Mr. Lee, and the President, Jun, promised again and again to pay our severance and pension (they claimed they didn't realize they had to pay the pension) at the end of our contract. Then they said they had to take out bank loans to pay us. It wasn't until we got an excel sheet detailing over a million won in bogus deductions that we realized that in fact our bosses, who had pretended to be our friends, were actively trying to reduce their liability and inevitably not pay us what we were owed.

They succeeded. We went back to the US with our tails between our legs and they didn't pay us a bek won.

It is also important to note that Topia headquarters ignored repeated cordial requests for assistance. If I had it to do over again I would not work for any Topia branch since they do not support their teachers and they look for every way to cut corners. And they do it all with a grin and a free bottle of soju so you think you are among friends.

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