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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-04
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

It can be a dog eat dog world among FT's trying to be popular by making another FT look bad. Be good to hear more about this type of occurrence.

One thing we can agree on.

#2 Parent Legionnaire - 2012-05-04
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

econd is the foreign teachers:
Working there with the foreign teachers are difficult to contend with as well. they will come off as friends but all at the same time they are exploiting you so they can make problems in your work life such as relationship there is like they worry youll be more successful teacher than them, more liked by the students, I believe its a jealously thing Im not sure about their actions honestly. Telling students lies so they wont like you, making you look folish in english corners.

Sounds a right dive. Turnois advice is good about involving the authorities.

Yes, we tend to forget about the problems that other FT's can give us , don't we. [edited], even if other things are not bad. I have never had FT's trying to make me look stupid but I have seen it happen and it can get very bad indeed. It can be a dog eat dog world among FT's trying to be popular by making another FT look bad. Be good to hear more about this type of occurrence.

English corners are so different in nature. I prefer the lecture type where you stand up and drone on for 50 minutes. Trouble is with me I can go off of the subject and tend to start droning on about a particular verb-the topic going right out of the window. Silly games type English Corners are a nightmare and that is where you can get a Grovelling Weasel(as Turnoi adeptly puts it) FT trying to steal the limelight and make another look dim.

#3 Parent the truth is out there - 2012-04-28
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

I know all about GDOU. There have been four teachers that I know just walk out because this university does not support foreign teachers.
Pay was almost always late, equipment for teaching never worked, and communication was always a problem. My advice if you are thinking about teaching there, talk with some of the foreign teachers working there first.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-23
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

It is true,many college degree`s have been taken and copied for current teachers employed that that university

This must surely be illegal and encourages me to continue my campaign against them!

This woman should lose her job, or this university should lose their license to hire FT's...that simple!

#5 Parent JackWu - 2011-12-23
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Hello this is Mr.Wu of Guangdong`s leagal counsel for foreign workers in Guangdong province.
It is true,many college degree`s have been taken and copied for current teachers employed that that university.
China, USA, Austrailia, Britain and Canada,governments are working togather to bring this to a halt through an internal covert affairs.

The name stated as Helen Zhang has been noted on records for using many alias names, literally many "false names"
Her most active alias name recorded under an English name as "Sunshine" posing as an employment recruiter while
holding an active position at Guangdong Ocean University as an Foreign Affairs Officer.

If you need proven details of this information, call her at her hidden alias phone number,
Sunshine: 18801251273 (known as Helen Zhang of GDOU)
So to all you who personaly know her, you should recognise her voice and beware, for she has manipulated you as well.

Best wishes on this thread and to all who choose to protect themselfs from Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang city.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-13
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Im screwed because I trusted them

Famous last words for many foreign businessmen and teachers in China.

Hope you get your passport back though!

#7 Parent Jean Plack - 2011-12-13
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Im an American teaching in the USA till the economy forced the city to do budget cuts in the education sector.
I found an online teaching site and stumbled upon GDOU add asking for foreign teachers wanting to teach English in China.
I stayed up latenight to talk to a Mrs. Zhang, everything was going so grand. she send me a package in the priority mail and she asked me to fill out the doucments and return my information to her asap. And in good faith I send her my sign contract, health report, college degree, my passport and filled out all the doucments she asked me to, of course using a signiture to accept and online tracking. After two weeks passed I callled her to conferm she recieved my package and is everything ok, she said "Yes I recieved it and everything is going well and I willl return your passport when I get the proper viza stamp on it and mail it back to you"
After four weeks I havent recieved nothing back from her, I called her many times and never got an answer on phone or email replys, finaly she answered her office phone and she explained its been misplaced in her office but not to worry..
its been over six weeks now and still NOTHING!

I called her yesterday(staying up late night again) complaining to her about this bothering me, my passport, my college degree, all are lost.

she didnt seem to think its a big problem and not to worry...

I agree whith this thread posting. "Dont Trust This College"

I cry alot when thinking about this, so foolish and ashamed I am.
Maybe it is my fault but anyways, Im screwed because I trusted them, thats all.

#8 Parent SJZ - 2011-11-14
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

I wish that guy named, Intrested would shut up. Hes ruining this treads topic.

#9 Parent Joker - 2011-11-07
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

I agree that trusting anyone at GDOU is a tad foolhardy but this whole thing smells fishy to me for some reason.

That reason being the university is an 'Ocean University'. So, it must be situated near the ocean, or even in it! And one should be wary of saltwater crocs as well as sharks if one goes there...LOL!

#10 Parent Interested - 2011-11-07
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

The OP is a young, very young actually, woman who claims to be American. I found her on QQ and if the pictures she has posted really are her she appears to be early to mid 20's and Chinese though it's of course possible she is some other sort of Asian. I wrote to some teachers I know at GDOU, who have been there for years, and they say they don't know who she is. I agree that trusting anyone at GDOU is a tad foolhardy but this whole thing smells fishy to me for some reason.

#11 Parent Miss Shawnie Shaw - 2011-11-07
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

REPLY To: intrested

I see one of the of the GDOU administration officers cought some wind of this posting~ refering to the name (Intrested)...
Intrested,You can contact GDOU as many times as you wish to, but the truth to what myself and others said here stands as TRUTH.

Im mearly providing a clear instruction to the teachers the incorrect the negative workplace issues at GDOU.
You(intrested) must be somewhat invested in yourself and not the individuals you teach or work with.
This performance review is a necessary evil for improving workplace efficiency and to correct the negatives from happening to the next new
teacher arriving at GDOU.
You(intrested) think that using your FAO job skills to do your work would be enough to give GDOU the performance rating they deserve?
Your wrong....

Look, I’ve been an English teacher for fifteen years. I’ve tought anywhere from 20-70 students at the same time.
Do you think I could write the evidence here needed to prove all their performance rating? I’m good. But not that good~

You know what’s crazy?
The teachers currently working at Guangdong Ocean University and their FAOs writing crap for their self-reviews on my tread.
And here I’ve personally cant see a handful — a handful — can even get close to representing the GDOU teachers done good in a way that gives them a shot at the highest performance rating possible for Guangdong Ocean University
So to you "intrested, If your college education and college degree actually taught you how to write a performance review, you’d have all sorts of evidence to show GDOU deserving a bigger praise than your competition. We couldn’t have that, could we? Plus, if you don’t have the courage to write your real name as evidence then the GDOU review has easily escalated your poor rating as well....

"Another fine example to stay away from GDOU"

#12 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-07
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

I'm definitely not saying GDOU is either good or bad just that the OP can not be trusted.

Maybe the OP can't be trusted. Maybe your sources at GDOU also can not be trusted. I certainly don't trust the FAO there, that much I do know.

Six of 1, half a dozen of the other...

#13 Parent Interested - 2011-11-07
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

I've been in touch with people I know at GDOU and they swear they have no idea who the OP is or what she is talking about. I'm definitely not saying GDOU is either good or bad just that the OP can not be trusted.

#14 Parent Dragonized - 2011-11-06
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Can we officially say that china attracts some of THE WORST expats in the world? Yes we can. Yet another example of no matter how much you copycat others and make yourself look prestigious if you don't hire the right folks you will still be seen by real teachers as being completely forgettable. Guangdong Ocean University, what is it that you guys really specialize in? The booze habits of eels? The rumor spreading of sea fungi? The deliberate backstabbing courtesy of barracudas? Or the craptastic organization by the crabs and shrimps which make up the majority in the administration of these second rate universities all over china?

#15 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-02
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

This totally confirms everything that I expected to hear about this place.

I am now glad and relieved that I am NOT there!

Miss Shawnie Shaw - 2011-11-02
GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

If you have an opportunity to teach at Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China, ((((BEWARE)))))
The college is a beautiful university but the administration and foreign teachers are so difficult to contend with.

First off the administration.
Late paying: they say theyll pay on the end of the month, most always they pay over half way into the following month.
Furnished on campus apartment: things get broken and the NEVER repair it. I had to pay for a new shower heater, no water machine they said they will furnish. Lead paint peeling and chipping off the walls. Every weekend the electric and water goes off because their still developing the campus. If you need assistence they never answer your calls or reply your emails and phone text messages
The never refund your travel money from your homeland and no pay to return home.

Second is the foreign teachers:
Working there with the foreign teachers are difficult to contend with as well. they will come off as friends but all at the same time they are exploiting you so they can make problems in your work life such as relationship there is like they worry youll be more successful teacher than them, more liked by the students, I believe its a jealously thing Im not sure about their actions honestly. Telling students lies so they wont like you, making you look folish in english corners.

My overall experience at that college was the worse job Ive had in China, I loved the high fashion appearance of the college and the hard working students. It is a beautiful college,but its a very ugly working experience once you get inside and see the real college atmosphere.
If your thinking about working there, Think again, Its not worth the stress when theirs many other colleges in China that offer a stress free career. "I hope this is useful and helps you to have a happy future in China"

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