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#1 Parent Chris - 2011-11-14
Re: GLV, Zhuhai

On the spot,Ray!

Indeed,the trainer cum recruitment manager of GLV,Zhuhai, has no education, but yes,she does have talent when it comes to singing, shaking her booty and selling hotdogs.So many teachers have left because of her frigging attitude, but she won't leave as she has NO education.She does not even have a Middle School certificate.I guess one of the current teachers is going to report this to the local authorities.Imagine a former hotdog vendor working as a trainer,teacher,adviser, etc..

#2 Parent SLACKER - 2011-09-29
Re: GLV, Zhuhai

It's a well known fact that most of the GLV "teachers" have no education whatsoever but they are good at "entertaining" students.

Allow me to add that most FTs in China are 'entertainers'. The crappy education system here has been set up by the powers-that-be to pander to the opinions of students, most of whom are unqualfied to judge their teachers! It's also worth noting that almost all Chinese teachers of English speak and write Chinglish. They do not wish to be part of an excellent education system as they would be found out and fired in that kind of environment. Entertainers are what China has prioritised as a direct consequence of empowering its learners. Even the middle school English textbooks, mandatory, by the way, are useless learning tools for the vast majority of the students. No wonder so many Chinese learners of English have very low levels of English.

Quality teachers do not stick around as they move on to greener pastures.

Quality teachers or not, who cares? The most important thing is to do as local teachers do, keep your head down, do as little as possible,enjoy yourself at the blackboard, and pick up your monthly pay checks. Such easy money for wily westerners is on offer, grab the oppportunities and enjoy spending your so easily earned cash. Cheers!

#3 Parent Ray from Canada - 2011-09-29
GLV, Zhuhai

The info on this page is ancient.It's a well known fact that most of the GLV "teachers" have no education whatsoever but they are good at "entertaining" students.Quality teachers do not stick around as they move on to greener pastures.The following types of "teachers" do not buzz:

1.people with no education
2.people who are on a fake degree/fake certificates (like the recruitment manager-zhuhai/epc/Hangzhou EPA who has traveled around the world but never been to school!)
3.non native speakers
4.native speakers with zero education
5.people who like to be spied upon offenders

Now the good things: on time your own shit in the classroom but keep the customers happy need to worry about your educational background as you will find many with similar background as yours
4.non stop gossiping shitty lunch and dinner if you really like to save money
6.annual bonus(read tip)

forget about "teachers",even the top management holds no education.all in all,avoid this "school". good place to make some quick bucks and sleep around with students but for long timers,a strict no no.

#4 Parent kong - 2011-09-01
Re: GLV, Zhuhai

So that hot dog vendor/trainer is still there?

#5 Parent Leo - 2011-08-21
Re: GLV, Zhuhai

The truth about one of the highly qualified,TESOL trained teacher,manager and recruiter:

----- -----
RE: glv secret
2009-1-5 13:28:44

Student: Thank you for your reply!
I think you misunderstand. It't not grow up or not. Do you mean a mature person should accept liar action?
We don't care about anybody's background but the action she take to cover her and pretend it is really bad.
After our teacher told us about her buy fake diploma, we ask she how she think about people buy fake diploma in her class, she looked very surprise and said that must be a terrible thing to do. she pretend to be very pure! This is what we angry about. If she could just face the truth we maybe think our morning teacher is too mean. but she is so fake. good luck to you.Thankyou, i appreciate your reply.

GLV Teacher: Your actions have shown immaturity, as i feel you are trying to spread rumours. But as i said in the previous email, that the information you are telling me is something that we already knew about, and the member of management you are mentioning had made us aware that she did not have a degree. Discussing personal details about her husband who past away, was very disrespectful as this had nothing to do with it. This shows your aim of the original email was damn right immature.So my request to you, is to get on with your life and dont care about something which does not concern you. Take care I hope this matter is closed.


#6 Parent John - 2011-08-19
Re: GLV, Zhuhai


Is this is a "school" or Russian circus?Hot Dog vendor,laborer,manager on fake degrees and TEFL from Thailand!!Somebody should report them to the local authorities.Ha Ha Ha!

#7 Parent San Migs - 2011-08-19
Re: GLV, Zhuhai

Thanks CC...

Now you have let us know, NO-ONE should EVER work for this place. End of discussion.

Fake photoshopped degree holding managers...I would never let them look down on me. Work in the public sector only!!

#8 Parent CC Yang - 2011-08-18
GLV, Zhuhai

A few years ago somebody posted on a local networking site (Expat9) of Zhuhai that a "manager" has bought a fake TEFL from Thailand while enjoying a free holiday sponsored by GLV.The other manager has got his photoshop stuff from the UK.I guess he made it himself.This guy used to be a laborer,by the way.The third manager cum "highly qualified trainer cum recruitment manager"(Hot Dog vendor) has NO education whatsoever as mentioned on this forum umpteenth number of times.Stay away from this school!

Dick - 2011-08-04
GLV, Zhuhai

Any info on this school?I heard that they employ anybody.Even people without any HS cert can work here,and definitely,a degree is not required.Any idea?

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