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#1 Parent Miss Shawnie Shaw - 2011-11-15
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

Tread? I am sure you mean "thread". Hate to be a vocabulary nazi,

I got some sleep~ hey Im not the only one whos spelling Tread and Thread wrong.
But of course who wouldnt love a vocabulary nazi these days!! ease up! ease up! oh!
good morning you mean man sam migs -:P

#2 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-15
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

And as to me having "sexual Issues" as you stated, YOUR RIGHT!

Calm down! Go back to bed, and sleep it off...

When have I ever said you have sexual issues? I just don't understand your hatred of someone you have barely met...thats all!

#3 Parent Miss Shawnie Shaw - 2011-11-15
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

I dont see anywhere where I said I perceived him as a gay, or even used the word gay..
And as to me having "sexual Issues" as you stated, YOUR RIGHT!

I do take an opposing point of view when a mans sexual desires or activities with his personal problems and emotional disorders
are being pushed onto me. See thats how my parents raised this girl, to be a better person and more successful woman.

I seen you commenting on just about everyones "threads", thats why I never seen a need to reply you...
My advice to you is;
Stop perceiving things as a glass house, that isnt in the actual perspective with stones.

I hope I didnt affend you,and Im sorry if I did.
I never meant for none if this when I first came onboard here,
and all this saddens me since I became a member.

#4 Parent Sandy - 2011-11-14
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

OMG! so he went bombastic because his fetish got revealed on his blogs pictures?
I have heard Chinese people arent aware of those gender things and it hardly gets noticed.
Many of your words require me to use a dictionary lol
Miss Shawnie Shaw, You shouldnt have posted your real name and email on here then that weirdo wouldnt have been able to contact you.
Whats QQ anyways?? I did a search for it and tried to download it, but it wont download (not that Im looking for internet weirdos lol)
In Texas we have a saying goes like this "You Go Girl!! REBEL ON!!"
then fallowed by a YEE-HAW!!!
lol just thougt Id throw that one in there

#5 Parent San Migs - 2011-11-14
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

Your accounts and actions of information or facts will sum up your recognized achievements for your poor performance as a man and an AMERICAN working in China.
I disclose a list of which you previously accused my tread

Tread? I am sure you mean "thread". Hate to be a vocabulary nazi, and mean to "tread" lightly.

As for questioning him as a man and an american, why should it matter if he is both?

It seems you have issues with his sexuality, as perceived by you. And in the 21st century, even if he is gay, what should it matter? As long as he is not sleeping with any of his male students, why are you so concerned?

Glass houses...stones optional?

#6 Parent Miss Shawnie Shaw - 2011-11-14
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

Intrested, OH! I mean Christopher Davies~
Your accounts and actions of information or facts will sum up your recognized achievements for your poor performance as a man and an AMERICAN working in China.
I disclose a list of which you previously accused my tread which will be known but may only be disclosed to a certain individual for my treads circumstances providing permanent evidence of or information about your past events on my tread.
But now its evolved to beyond my tread and comes to a condition of being necessarily restricted to a single persons nature in which I deeply believe in preserving with respect to the confidentiality of separation between a person or a group.

After Our talk, I informed my former boyfriend to log onto my QQ messenger and go into Chris`s blog and look at Chris`s pictures,
My former boyfriend and this tread grown tired of your babbling, so he let you know about your wearisome qualities on your QQ blog, and you deserve it!
Chris I will show on my tread your strikingly odd and unusual character


(((((("One does not wash one's dirty linen in public")))))))

zhufu 7:02:46 AM
Hello Chris,You added me, Thank you!

Chris 7:03:11 AM
Did you know a woman named Helen?

zhufu 7:06:17 AM
No, I didnt know much about the teachers there. I worked a short time,September '2006 to early 2007, I left three months early.

Chris 7:06:38 AM
She is the FAO there. They cheeted me out of thousands of yuan She was completely incompetent and only had her job there because her husband works there also

zhufu 7:06:57 AM
I cant say I got cheeted out of money,They did pay me " LATE" many times,but hey! I got paid!! Its just that the asministration was a disapointment to do business with and the foreign teachers were difficult to contend with. and the living enviroment was poor.

zhufu 7:07:32 AM
I was having the school do repairs on my apartment and cought the repair guy going through my things like a spy.I reported him, but nothing got done, So I left three months early, I had to pay a fine before returning to another college in China.

zhufu 7:07:41 AM
Hello? Are you there??

zhufu 7:07:59 HELLO??

Chris 7:08:01 AM
Yes Im here. I was looking at your pictures. Is that you?

zhufu 7:08:19 AM
yes it me~

Chris 7:08:44 AM
How old are you?

zhufu 7:08:59 AM
Im 34~ Why?

Chris 7:09:12 AM
Your pretty for your age. Im 52 years old from Pennsylvania. Ive been in China for 8 years. Have you seen my Qzone?

zhufu 7:09:22 AM
No~ Should I go look?

Chris 7:09:51 AM
If you wish to. I have many pictures on there. and many students reply my picture albums and my QQ talk. I hope you comment of them aswell. To me that would be an honor

zhufu 7:12:46 AM
In your photos you mention so many times about how you used to have long hair,and in a photo of a ten year old girl you said its you?.. Thats you when you were ten yrs old??

Chris 7:13:24 AM
I did used to have long hair but I cut it short.The picture is me when I was 10 years old, I did look like a girl but now I look like a fat old girl hahaha

zhufu 7:13:59 AM
Wait a moment, COFFEE! its too early for this...

Chris 7:14:12 AM
Your not in China right now?

Chris 7:15:17 AM
Good morning to Orlando!!

Chris 7:16 38 AM
Ok I'll wait for you. I forgot the time difference What time is it there??

zhufu 7:40:36 AM
Speaking of "cut it short" this conversation is getting cut short~Your disgusting. Im so sorry but I dont think we should talk anymore~ I must block you. Take care of yourself, You sick old pervert. BYE

#7 Parent Sandy - 2011-11-14
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

I hope she posts their conversation. This is drama that cant be found in the local bar.
As to that Miss Shawnie Shaw, "YOU GO GIRL"!!!GET THAT OLD GEEZER!!!!!

#8 Parent Smoke&Shadows - 2011-11-13
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

okay, your call...
I'll tell her, but its not the same conversation she has shown me...
She will copy/paist "ALL THE CONVERSATION" just to make a dark hued somber old man happy

Why did you deviate so many highly offensive and disagreeable sentences in that conversation?
But thats expected from you, a person whos attitude is out of pure spite or intense bitterness and deep hostility, its your only position of attack...

So strange that her resentment to your conversation is causing you so much displeasure.

One thing I have never been able to understand the fascination you find on her tread,
I dont know if its your literary contexts or just your everyday ways of thinking...

#9 Parent Hardly a lackey - 2011-11-13
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

I have absolutely nothing to hide. Let her go ahead and copy and paste anything she wants. (Note that I spell "paste" correctly.)

I've no idea what this person is up to. Let her reveal her real name, as I have.

Christopher L. Davies

#10 Parent Interested - 2011-11-13
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

What follows is the only QQ chat "Zhufu" and I ever had. I edited out the names of those who had no part in this.

yoyo~zhufu 7:02:49 PM
Replyyoyo~zhufu 7:04:30 PM
did you know the (edited) couple ?
Replyyoyo~zhufu 7:06:17 PM
I worked there for three weeks, then left. I paid my fine and found a better job afterwards.
Replyyoyo~zhufu 7:25:55 PM
Why havent you marred?
Replyyoyo~zhufu 7:34:53 PM
I hated those foreign teachers at GDOU and the Foreign Affairs Dept. Did You know a (edited)?? I cough them using a key to get into my apartment when they thought I was gone, they were going through my things like their spies. I gave them a big suprise though lol!!!
Replyyoyo~zhufu 7:41:18 PM
Your QQ zone is disgusting, Im so sorry but I must block you. Take care..

I was not signed on when she sent the above messages. That is why there is a time gap.

ReplyChris 7:53:12 PM
My Qzone is disgusting? Why? I don't really understand.
ReplyChris 7:54:00 PM
Yes, I did indeed know XXX and XXXX. I also didn't like them very much.
ReplyChris 8:19:08 PM
Why are you asking me being married? That sounds an awful lot like something a Chinese person would ask.
ReplyChris 8:19:51 PM
I was really hoping we could have an adult conversation but apparently that's impossible.
ReplyChris 8:53:30 PM
Check your QQ mail. I sent you an email.

Note that it took her a total of seven minutes to conclude my Qzone was "disgusting." A bit of a snap judgement, wouldn't you say?

That's everything. She also posted some comments at my Qzone that I replied to. I have since blocked her because some of what she wrote was pretty obnoxious. I can't retrieve the comments she made but if you can, please, feel free to post them. Any snotty comments I might have made were only in reply to something she said first. She never responded to my email. I cannot understand why she is doing this when all I wanted to do was AGREE with her. If she wants to continue this madness I say bring it on. I have nothing at all to hide.

Christopher Davies

#11 Parent Smoke&Shadows - 2011-11-13
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

Intrested,YOU AGAIN?
your point is?...

INTRESTED,Your just a 1st base runner.Sit on the bench and listen up we're going major league;
Are you swinging at a pitch near home plate in order to avoid being called out on your strikes?
Or just swinging at a pitch to give a base runner a better chance of advancing?
Sit this game out and stay on the bench intrested...

I talk to Shawnie(the pitcher) very often on QQ,shes shown me all of you twos message history from her QQ and Ive seen many strikes on your behalf. As I read on you appeard to me as an action character in play. I see no support for you in the face of criticism, esp you twos argument and her evidence of whether your mind is real or pretended , You have the basics that represent fictitiously in a play, and your make believe emotions that are typically associated with things that are regarded as unclean, inedible, infectious, or otherwise offensive, disgusting and devated from gender issues.
And everything shes replied to you and about you on her tread is TRUTH.
INTRESTED; Charging the mound is when a batter assaults the pitcher is usually the result of being hit by a pitchers fast ball..

Now I seen your on her tread AGAIN trying to provide an excuse or alibi for yourself to cover up your guilt.

Shawnie put forward a claim that protects others interests about that college, and not her own.

#12 Parent Interested - 2011-11-12
Re: "Interested" - a GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University lackey?

Why do some people (I'll be civil and not name names) always jump in on every thread and talk about things they know little or nothing about?

I tried to be polite here but I guess that was a mistake. I'll tell you exactly who I am and even use my real name, unlike others here who refuse to do so. My name is Christopher Davies, I'm American and I worked for GDOU for a year, from February, 2008 to February 2009. My experience there was miserable and the school cheated me out of thousands of yuan. I replied to the "Shawnee" post to tell her I agreed with everything she said. I'm about as far from a "GDOU lackey" as a guy can be. I hated the place. I noticed her email address was a QQ number so I added her to my QQ and tried to talk with her about my experiences at GDOU. She responded by telling me my Qzone was "disgusting" and she therefore had to block me. It only got worse. She then added as many of my QQ contacts as she possibly could (many are my current students), encouraged them to add her and started saying awful things about me to them including that I'm "dangerous" and that I think I'm a woman. She also said "your a homosexual" in a reply to something I had posted at my Qzone. The grammar mistake was hers, not mine. (I have no problems with gay people but I'm not one of them.) I wrote her a very rational email basically asking, "Why are you doing this to me when I originally contacted you to AGREE with what you said?" I got absolutely nowhere with this approach. She called me more and worse names for reasons I still can't quite figure out. I gave up trying to reason with someone who seemed incapable of being reasonable and told all my QQ contacts to please ignore this person and her rants against me. (I have since blocked her to prevent any further damage.) For whatever reason she was trying to discredit me with with my current students much as she is trying to do here. I'M using my real name. Let this person start using hers. At her Qzone she calls herself "Zhufu" and has something like 60 pictures of "herself." I have trouble guessing the age of Chinese women from a picture but she appears no older than mid-20's. Her profile says she is from Orlando, FL. There is an Aussie couple still working at GDOU and this Zhufu mentioned them by name. I was not particularly crazy about them and we had our differences. "Zhufu" told me she once caught them in her room going through her things "like spies." I did not, and do not, believe that. Just for the sake of being a decent human being I contacted this couple to warn them that some anonymous person was saying some pretty dreadful things about them that they might want to be aware of. They swore they have no idea who this "Zhufu" is and, as much as I don't really like them, I believe them. I tried to, as diplomatically as possible, let everyone here know that the OP might not be what or who she claims to be and, of course, got nothing but abuse from the usual suspects. It's very unnerving to have an anonymous person saying awful untruths about you to people you know. I have no idea if she is nuts (or even if she really IS a "she") or just relieving a little boredom by having some fun with a laowai. I'd really like to hear exactly what her deal is.

I, Christopher Davies, an actual person, say, "Avoid GDOU." There is something very strange going on there and it systematically cheats FT's. I'm on record now. I put my name in print. Call GDOU's FAO and mention my name, particularly to a woman who calls herself "Helen" and you'll find I'm no lackey for the place. She despises me and I her. However, be wary of this "Zhufu" person's intention's. Whatever you do, do not attempt to contact her by QQ. "She" is up to something. I've no idea what, but something.

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