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#1 Parent Smoke&Shadows - 2011-12-29
Re: Murder of a foreign teacher at Guangdong Peizheng College?

I heard his name was Robert, an austrailian....

#2 Parent Smoke&Shadows - 2011-11-15
Re: Murder of a foreign teacher at Guangdong Peizheng College?

There was a story told to me by two teachers,a married couple.

They told me two teachers had been "murdered"...

Their story was far from the facts on location and the college name...

First: teacher committed suicide from a 12th floor balcony over a simple visa issue.
Second: teacher who has passed away was due to natural causes while with his family in Australia,

Both deaths were teachers working in "Guangzhou" Peizheng College.

youd think regarding this touchy subject of a teacher's death, They would try to be as factual as possible.

but what shouldve I expected, coming from those South Pacific hillbillys mouth....

#3 Parent JackWu - 2011-11-15
Re: Murder of a foreign teacher at Guangdong Peizheng College?

The Guy had some visa issues in his life that were documented in His private Diary found in the apartment. He was drunk and was shouting loudly and the Police were called as residents were concerned for his safety. Unfortunately, upon entering his home he fell from the balcony and died. He had only been in Huadu for 10 days and was an employee of Walton.
I don't have any idea who the unfortunate teacher is. This is an alarm bell of sorts. The government must step in and do something about this because news of this is incident could spread like wildfire and China could really start to get a really bad image because of it.

For now, this death is only a rumour. And frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a suicide. Who would commit suicide over a salary dispute? It's more likely he was murdered. Foreigners can just leave and go back home if things get that bad.

This case reminds me of the death of poor Darren Russell in 2005, an English teacher who it is claimed was killed by his school.
But now heres another posting, trying to start another rumor.

[the teacher recruitment advertisement that followed was deleted by Moderator]

#4 Parent Iconkiller - 2011-11-15
Re: Murder of a foreign teacher at Guangdong Peizheng College?

Has anyone found out anything about the foreign teacher who was murdered?

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