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#1 Parent Logic - 2011-11-17
Re: Re Clifford School in Guangzhou, China

I respect your views, but honestly, you are way off base.

Why would you think I am a 'lackey' simply because I have said I like Clifford School? By that reasoning, anyone who likes their job is a 'lackey'. Weird. My experiences have been positive. I have a lot of freedom to teach the way I like to teach. No one is forcing me to conform to any set teaching style. Sure, there are some negatives, but like I said in an earlier post, this is not exclusive to ESL and certainly not to Clifford School. Furthermore, the negatives are so minor I really shouldn't say they are 'negative'. More like inconveniences, but definitely not worth posting about here or elsewhere.

You don't have to agree with me, but at least come up with a logical argument instead of slinging pointless insults and spreading malicious inaccuracies.


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