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#1 Parent Elisa - 2011-11-18
Re: Hubei province

Thank you very much for your reply. It is a relief.
If I may I would like to ask you another question. Could you tell me if you know anything about "sample contract" from the government? The school send me one of them asking me to sign it and send it back, but they never send it back signed to me.
They explained that it was a necessary document for applying for the work permit but that it wasn't the "final contract with the school".
Thank you.


#2 Parent btdt - 2011-11-17
Re: Hubei province

No, your future in China will not be affected in the slightest. Take it easy and give your Mom the care she needs and worry not.

Schools with a legitimate license to hire foreigners, by the way, do not provide you with a work permit. They provide you with a letter of invitation that you then use to secure your visa.

Elisa - 2011-11-17
Hubei province

Please could anyone give me some information regarding the following: I am suppose to start a new job in Hubei province in China in a few weeks. I am still in the UK and my employer has obtained for me a "work permit" which, to my understanding, should help me obtain my visa to enter China. They said that they will send it to me this week.
I was very happy to have been given this job and I have been ready to go, until a family crisis occured, in the last few days. My mother has fallen sick, it is serious. It is obviously very difficult for me to now live her and I think I am going to have to turn down the job. But I fear that by doing this I will be burning my bridges with China. I'am hoping that in the future I will be able to go and work in China. Could my present employer, after I turn them down, prevent me from getting any other work in China, because they have already obtain the work permit? What could be the consequences of me turning down the job now that they have the work permit for me?
I would really appreciate any information regarding this matter, as it has been difficult for me to get work in the UK and also I would love to have, eventually, a working experience in China?
Thank you.

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