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#1 Parent John - 2011-11-26
Re: Wall Street English

So I take it you have worked there I take it then [edited]? You know everything about Wall street first hand then, don't you?

Or are we just adding our repetitive two-penneth worth like you seem to have done for each and every single school in Asia mentioned on this forum O_O

I am not going to get into a stupid argument [edited]. Seems you always have something negative to say about pretty much all schools, at least I haven't come across any threads which contradict that fact to date. Anyone who disagrees with your opinion is quickly branded a grovelling weasel and dismissed.

I have no idea about the vast majority of schools in China as I haven't worked for them but I can tell anyone reading this that the picture painted here about Wall street is fantasy. I have worked for WSE for a considerable length of time now and I am no ones whipping boy or a fool.

The hiring process for both staff and FT's is meticulous and it shows in the enthusiasm of those you work with. The students are engaged and love being there. I'd bet serious money that no-one would walk out of Wall street after spending a day observing saying the place was a waste of time, taught Chinglish or sucked. Just no way.

Not one person slagging off WSE in this thread has made even the slightest comment on any facts as to how WSE operates. Pretty much the entire content hinges around calling it crap or crappy, using the word Chinglish and I even saw how someone attempted to bring in Chinas disregard for health & safety and/or fire regulations!!! So is this about the school or Chinas inadequacies as a whole on safety matters? Put it this way, you are in China, right? You live in some apartment somewhere on the mainland with equally possibly worse regulations, don't you? You go to shops, walk in and out of various buildings in China and are exposed to a serious lack of safety regs on a day to day basis so don't start trying to hold up such an area as a reason why Wall street sucks and why they should be avoided. Weak, incredibly weak.

All I will say is that I have never been happier since I started working here in fact it is the first time I have felt like I am working for a real business since I came to China so beware what some spotty backpacker, who is likely only in China because he failed so badly in his homeland and didn't like the idea of fruit picking his way around the world, has to tell you. I think some people will complain no matter who they are working for or where because they haven't grown up yet.

I challenge anyone to spend a day observing what happens in a Wall street school and not walk out at the end of the day eating their own words and probably itching to work there. Anyone at all.

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