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#1 Parent John - 2011-12-04
Re: Wall Street English

Never doubted how hard you work nor have I put down the place you happen to be working, I don't know where you work for that matter.

#2 Parent John - 2011-12-02
Re: Wall Street English

If the work I do does not contribute to this society then neither does yours or anyone else who teaches English here. I pay taxes, that is contributing to this society. I teach people how to speak a useful 2nd language again contributing to this society. One thing that is not contributing to anything however are people posting up factless statements and just spoling for a fight with someone online because they have a different opinion. Some of you would have done well in Nazi Germany, another group of people who tended to believe their own BS and attack anyone who disagreed without debate.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-02
Re: Wall Street English

If anyone would like to actually find out for themselves what WSE/Pearson is like then do your own research into the company and I guarantee you will see a completely different picture to the one being 'attempted' of painted here.

Many, many people will go to countries like china and work for a brief time there. Many local chinese students will also go there for a brief time and enjoy their time there. You can find lots of people who will go to china and have no problems, at least in their own eyes. Knowing a lot of people who have sheltered experiences in a sheltered environment can make you feel as if the world's really all rosy and stuff. But realize things exist for a reason. People do not always have a similiar experience to what you have had, and there may be people who are actually different from you. Thinking hard enough can actually help you, instead of always throwing a conclusion that was hastily come to due to blind faith in a company just because they look good on the outside. Maybe one day you can get there.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2011-12-02
Re: Wall Street English

We work just as hard at the jobs we have. I've agreed to take more classes on the fly, proctor exams on my days off, go out with students and let them practice english with me, etc. That doesn't mean I think WSE is a good company, it's just another business out for the money, nothing more. You make good money in china doing what you do. But you don't have a job that is actually productive or contributes to society in any meaningful way. I think deep down you know that, which is why you want to fly into a defensive mode and talk about how important your job is. Well to us it just isn't important, and the more you talk the more credibility you lose.

#5 Parent John - 2011-12-02
Re: Wall Street English

I love how rubbish schools in China have fancy names for employees, like "regional manager", "teaching co-ordinater", and they even use words like "curriculum"............LOL!
I thought only legitimate companies have "regional managers", even a banana exporting company would have one, but at schools like WSE they feed the bananas to the stpid white monkeys.........LOL!

I love how all you can and have done so far is take the p***. Purposely attempt to wind me up. Drop repetitive and completely factless comments about WSE yet not one of you has worked there, visited there or done any actual fact finding about WSE or for that matter Pearson.

I f'ing work hard and I care about the students progress. I spend personal free time in some cases, through no obligation from my employers, attending student English events in centre. Work professionally, dress and act professionally, pay my taxes and SS and cannot be bothered to continue to waste my time reading any more of your pathetic childish drivel.

If anyone would like to actually find out for themselves what WSE/Pearson is like then do your own research into the company and I guarantee you will see a completely different picture to the one being 'attempted' of painted here.

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