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#1 Parent foxy - 2011-12-12
Re: Meten English, Wuhan, China

unless you never heard of the books.

Actually, I hadn't, and I needn't have. Famous children's books are not read by all children. Thanks anyway for clearing the misunderstanding up. I'd have expected you, now that I know it was you who used the phrase, not to wish to impart the literal meaning of the word famous, but it could conceivably have been done carelessly, nevertheless. But more likely, sarcastically, which it actually was, in the light of that famous book.
I'd expect the members of the famous five to get more satisfaction now that you have said you wished to ridicule them. It's pretty easy to know who four of them are. As for the fifth one, I'm unsure who he is. But it could be a new recruit, who has recently been posting as 'The Druide'. That's if you consider posters who haven't posted many nasty posts against you as still being worthy of inclusion in that group.

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