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#1 Parent Jean Plack - 2011-12-17
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

She wont be at the helm after late Febuary.
I was informed her and her captain may be boarding a new boat by then,
along with some shipmates; a couple foreign teachers working there who have counterfeit college certificates, stolen from people like me.

In America we have a saying
"S**t Will Hit The Fan"
Some at gdou are faces in the wind.

#2 Parent Jean Plack - 2011-12-16
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Thank you Kenny but I wont attempt to teach in China after this ordeal I experience.
Looking at your website you advised( I noticed Mrs Zhang was one of their recuiters under one of her asumed alias names.

I was notified by the Embassy of the United States to never seek foreign employment through a foreign recruiter, Its best to deal directly with the employer and not a recruiter.
This whole thread and Mrs.Zhang's(Helen) emails had been printed and sent to my Immigration lawyer who is helping me fight this claim.

Mr.Zhang is the vice president of Guangdong Ocean University(GDOU), He is Mrs. Zhang`s(Helen) husband.
Thats seems like conflicting intrests of how a recuiter can be at the same time a foreign affares director, is it because of marrage she gained that seat? poor workmanship on the VP part.

Last time I spoke to Mrs.Zhang(Helen) on the phone, her English was weak and I thought it was odd her weak English level as a foreign affares director.

At any rate, I will seek employment in America and move on with my life, but I cant move on completely till I have total closure of this particular episode in my life.
This whole thread shows so much shocking replys from the former teachers all the way to the GDOU employees alias names commenting on this.

I have contacted by phone Miss Shawnie Shaw, her internet friend and a current teacher working there.
Together us three filed suit, with the assistance of an Immigration lawyer, an Aliens Immigration & Nationality Act against GDOU

What concerns us most is how many other teachers had this experience, or worse yet how many more people in the future this will effect.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-15
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

Mrs. Zhang was both my recruiter and my future foreign affares officer.

I only know of Mr "Charming" (sic) Zhang, unless that is his wife you are referring to.

And yes this place needs to be shut down at once!

#4 Parent Kenny - 2011-12-15
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

The best way for you to get a good job in China is to contact the recruiter whose link I have posted below. This recruiter is honest and reliable. When you get issued with your new passport you'd be best to email to this recruiter.

#5 Parent Jean Plack - 2011-12-15
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

I have reported my lost passport to immigration. I was so ashamed to to admit I mailed it to a China college.
It was my first time to ever own a passport and was so proud of owning one.

Mrs. Zhang was both my recruiter and my future foreign affares officer.
I didnt know the precedures of hiring into China's eduational field.
The US embassy said they will look into this strange case through internal affares into that province and keep me updated.

Meanwhile I spoke via skype with a current teacher and two former teachers who worked there, all had experienced the same outcome of bad relationships with the other foreign teachers(some who have no college degree) and a weak foreign affares department .

The current teacher working there has tthe same problems, but he did get a lawyer on his behalf for protecting him getting out of China.
All their relationships in that college was way too complex for me to see why they even stayed there.

Up to now its my understanding that Mrs.Zhang and the vice president working there,Their time is nearing an end.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-13
Re: GDOU, Guangdong Ocean University in Zhanjiang China

But Ocean University is a crap operation in Guangdong, China, and it has been clearly stated on this board several times.


And while charming zhang is at the helm of the ship in this crappy ocean university, data mining, spying, and pilfering of documents will continue!

This latest case has given me the idea of taking action against this place. Tired of rolling over!!!

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