Return to Index › Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School
#1 Parent foxy - 2011-12-15
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

I think in defining what is "crap" we have to be more specific, I agree.

Yep, Silverboy, you know your onions.
To my mind, when we say a school is a crap one, we should mean it is so because of the way it treats its foreign teachers. It's important to bear this in mind. This encompasses things like the school adhering to the terms and conditions of the contract, the extent of job security that exists at the school, and the actual contract itself as regards renumeration and perks - are they the industry norm for the teaching hours that the particular employee has agreed to teach? Also, how the FT is treated by his Chinese colleagues, and whether he is expected to work extra hours for nothing, ie as a favor, as well as him having the right to decline overtime offered if he so desires without negative repercussions ensuing. And I think it's good to be left alone to do one's own thing in the classroom instead of being told what and what not to teach, or how to teach. Frequency of lesson inspection is another important thing. Some posters make the mistake of presuming that things will be better at key universities because the education offered there is of superior quality. That correlation shouldn't be assumed in my view. It's possible that it can be bad to teach there because the Chinese teachers will likely be arrogant and too picky, especially when it comes to assessing an FT's teaching. Another thing is that generally speaking, the bigger the school, the more likely it will be that the 10 or more FT's there will be treated less favorably than would be the case at a smaller school. Every so often a poster will ask why he can't find trustworthy positive posts re schools that FT's enjoy or enjoyed teaching at. Why are such posts practically zero? Some will say because people only post to complain, but it's not the whole story in my view. It can't be as simple as that! Another thing is that many FT's change schools frequently. I do, as I've yet to find one where things were good enough for me to warrant my staying on. They've all been very ordinary gigs so far, and I think my expectations have been lowered as a result.

Lastly, I agree with you that it's unnecessary to compare training centers with one another. They're all lousy places to work for - long hours, evening and weekend classes, and relatively many lesson plans to prepare compared to public schools and private schools. There are also many other negatives, eg interference with one's teaching methods, bad treatment if student enrolment for your classes is on the decline, and inferior housing, to name but a few.

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