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#1 Parent foxy - 2011-12-15
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School

The school is crap if:
1. the management is disorganized,
2. they are dishonest and cheat,
3. do not provide appropriate acommodation,
4. take only money from students and do not deliver what they have promised.
etc. etc.
Tsinghua is one of the best schools I know in China, and none of the common criteria of a crap school or "school" would apply there.

The school is crap FOR FOREIGN TEACHERS if points 1 -3, and 5 & 6 apply, as far as I'm concerned. That will 'crappify' many educational establishments in China from a foreign teachers' perspective. Of that there is no doubt. Tsinghua and schools of similar standing shouldn't be crap. But whether some of them are crap or not from the point of view of any FT's working there is a grey area in my opinion. It would be less so if there were some positive posts about those schools to be found on the net. You think otherwise, though probably you haven't worked there nor met any of their deans. Okay, we'll just have to agree to differ. Fair enough, but I have met two Chinese deans of the English departments of two of the best provincial universities in two provincial capitals. They were definitely very conceited - that put me off applying for a job at each of them. I reckon if they didn't like a foreign teacher working there, or his teaching method(s), they'd ensure he's history pretty fast. So, I'll add another point to reflect that, point 7. It's a crap school FOR FOREIGN TEACHERS if their job security there is dodgy, in my view.
A point about student dishonesty is worth a mention, too, I think. I recall reading a post on this board from a foreign teacher working at a good Chinese uni who was angered by a dean unwilling to take disciplinary action against a student of that FT who was a two-time plaguriser of a submitted paper. So, that would bring point 2 into play and 'crappify' that seat of learning.
I should also mention for comparison that a respected writer was offered a chair at a prestigious American uni. He was told his students would only be assessed by means of a final exam. He asked if he could incorporate an end-of-semester paper into the assessment as that was how he wanted to conduct his course. When he was told that that was not university policy (because of previous student plagiarising of term papers), he declined the job offer at once. I heard this on Radio Australia, where said writer was taking part in an interview programme. It seems that some Chinese and American students who attend key unis have something dishonest in common. Shame on them! Sorry for straying off topic, somewhat, but I thought it might also be of interest.

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