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#1 Parent gratified - 2012-01-11
Re: Aston English, Xian

Just mention Aston and you get a whole thread of Turnoi/Silverboy/Raoul/Whatever talking to himself and agreeing with himself...

#2 Parent miffed - 2011-12-30
Re: Aston English, Xian

It seems you are overly sensitive...if we can't discuss issues such as
filipinas working illegally in China, then what can we discuss?

Am I?,no,no go ahead on discussing filipinas working illegally in
China though it has nothing to do with my question.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-30
Re: Aston English, Xian

Last time when me and silverboy were discussing filipinas, he rushed into your fellow sisters defence...that's all!

It seems you are overly sensitive...if we can't discuss issues such as filipinas working illegally in China, then what can we discuss?

#4 Parent miffed - 2011-12-29
Re: Aston English, Xian

Just curious too - why do you have to associate filipinas with
topics being discussed on here?

Hope my curiosity won't kill me....goshhhhhhhhh

#5 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-29
Re: Aston English, Xian

I remember you because you posted in defence of the filipinas.

As you state you have a chinese wife, just curious why you defend filipinas so much?

Anyway, jersey is a nice place, happy new year to you too.

#6 Parent - 2011-12-29
Re: Aston English, Xian

What is a GW,i am a decent person who teaches my students English culture and very basic oral skills,the kids i teach are mainly 6/12 years old.I try to have fun in class with them because their normal Primary school is over crowded and they get to feel a bit special in smaller classes is this wrong.I am not a manager i couldnt be arsed with all the foriegn teachers problems.Before you call people try to think what position they are in I came here because my wife is Chinese and we didnt like life in Jersey UK,im not promoting any school just saying what ive seen ,bye the way Merry Xmas and a Happy new year

#7 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-25
Re: Aston English, Xian

Most on here think there some kind of p.h.d they are proper h dick

Another GW bully and lackey to the tc.

These tc's need to be obliterated and all GW lackeys kicked out! My new year wish!

Changsha has gone to hell with GW's...too bad.

#8 Parent Raoul F. Duke - 2011-12-24
Re: Aston English, Xian

Yes, this guy writes like he learned his English at an Aston school. ;-{D

From any standpoint, Aston sucks. Always has.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2011-08-30
Re: Aston English, Xian

I worked at aston, it was one of my earliest gigs in china, I can tell you as a fact that there were in fact problems going all the way to the highest person in the company. If a teacher has his/her salary cheated, is verbally bullied/abused at work, has to deal with racism, and also with management who doesn't care about the teachers' respective individual rights the teacher literally HAS NOWHERE to turn to within the company. Just a lot of prayer and hope hope hope which doesn't always get people through to the other side of the proverbial rainbow.

I do not have a PH.D buddy. In fact people whom I have met who have multiple degrees can end up being the biggest and most manipulative dickwads. I can tell you that having met personally some aston management that I can say you are [edited] and you are so goddamn naive it isn't evem funny (that or you just have an agenda). BTW your company is still [edited]. Have a nice day.

#10 Parent Sausage Bean - 2011-08-29
Re: Aston English, Xian

Oh, Aston English in Xian is so wonderful?
But in fact, your written input on here leaves much to be desired, and there is definitely room for improvement.
Tells me a lot about the kind of people they employ....hahaha

Paul tennant - 2011-08-29
Aston English, Xian

Ive been looking on this site for a year and half now,and everything is bad news,this is just for the average person looking for a job like i was,i work at Aston English in Xian,its a decent company who help you loads,the work is easy,im not a manager,im not getting anything from this apart from telling some newbies that its not as bad as some people say im only talking about Xian,which is not a Franchise.So the replys i get from the assholes on here mostly is [edited] its my real email as well so if your ever stuck like i was you can get in touch.Most on here think there some kind of p.h.d they are proper h dick

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