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#1 Parent Kanadian - 2011-12-30
Re: NETWORK ESL - scammers

unfortunately many employment agents in China are pathological lairs ! It is always best to try and contract the schools FAO ( Foreign Affairs Officer ) and talk directly to the school. I do have 1 QQ ( Chinese MSN ) and email of a person I can trust. The only problem is the wages being offered from her clients are pathetic !

#2 Parent P L - 2011-12-29
Re: NETWORK ESL - scammers

I'm looking to teach in either Shanghai, Beijing or Tianjin or Guangzhou.

Your preferred Chinese cities speaks volumes re your astuteness and prior research to posting on here. Maybe you should add Hangzhou to your list. It's in the same league, in my view. I think there's a Chinese recruiter based there aka Helen. But avoid using her, she's a bottom feeder!

#3 Parent Barker - 2011-12-29
Re: NETWORK ESL - scammers

I'm about to start applying to come out and teach in China, but have a few questions.
Do you know of any good agencies or schools to be looking into. I've read some posts and it seems like there are quite a few dodgy ones out there.
What sort of salary should I be looking for, what's a good salary. What are rent rates and utilities, internet etc, costing out there? Also how much tax are foreigners paying now, obviously this will affect the salary I ask/look for etc.
I'm looking to teach in either Shanghai, Beijing or Tianjin or Guangzhou.
I'm coming over from England if that has any relevance.
Any help and info would be much appreciated.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2011-08-30
Re: NETWORK ESL - scammers

I have had the same problem...not just with them,but with many other recruiters. Waste of time.

#5 Parent asd - 2011-08-30
Re: NETWORK ESL - scammers

Yes I have to agree with you there about Networkesl being extremely unprofessional. They don't bother to reply to you unless a school actually wants you. All the additional and necessary build up to applying for a position with them is just ignored.

#6 Parent Jeffrey Scott Longstaff - 2011-08-26
Re: NETWORK ESL - scammers

I would advise against any association with network ESL.

Somehow they have my information (I must have sent it to them at some point when I was looking for a job) but now that they have it there is no access for me to change it or update it, and when I contact them for help there is no reply. There is no place on their site to let me log in (since I don't recall if I ever did log in, and don't recall my log-in details if I did), no where where they allow "forgot your password" link to send me a new link. In short, they have my information and photo etc. and they will use it as they wish with no regard to me. Despite repeated emails to them. They never reply. I haven't tried their phone yet. My advice is to not trust them. The lack of a real way to contact them, and continued use of 'clients' information without allowing periodic updates, says enough. I assume they keep the information since it makes them look like they have lots of clients. but they have NEVER done anything useful for me. (I found my job at a Chinese university on my own!) Jeffrey

#7 Parent Shelly - 2011-05-29
Re: NETWORK ESL - Many Aliases

Thanks. Simply put. I decided against using them because every time someone has a question about Network ESL, all these "teachers" come back with what great service they gave, etc. But what cinched it for me is if they are such a "great recruiter" with "great service" why do they never use their real name anywhere? Why so many aliases and fronts for their service?
And what do they actually do? I saw this post
and went to the site to check it out. They were right, I can't find what they actually do as a recruiter.

Does anyone know a good recruiter in China?

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