Return to Index › Aston Tangshan and Xiamen WECL Educational Group
#1 Parent Lannie Malcom - 2012-12-18
Re: Aston Tangshan and Xiamen WECL Educational Group

New to the site, Mate. I have a question here. I have heard of this WECL school. My fellow teachers say that WECL is owned by one Richard Guo, who is our boss. Anyone know if this school is owned by Richard Guo and his sidekick Diane? She is a dream, that one, too good for Richard. He's a real pill. Can't recommend him at all since he screwed me over. He's a penny pincher who'd rather argue with a good teacher and run him off than give a bit and keep him around another semester. I've seen a few stories about him online but nothing like the number that I expected based on how he treats the teachers here in this backwater locale. This has been my first gig in China and may be my last. Having been lied too and mislead, I now don't know who to trust.

#2 Parent Raoul F. Duke - 2012-01-09
Re: Aston Tangshan and Xiamen WECL Educational Group

I don't know WECL, but I definitely know Aston.
They are bad news. They were bad enough when their weasel top management ran their schools; today most are locally-owned franchises and tend to be even worse than they were before.
They're a paragon of lousy deals for teachers even BEFORE the inevitable ripoffs come along. Give Aston a big miss.

Kiara - 2012-01-06
Aston Tangshan and Xiamen WECL Educational Group

Hi guys,

Does anyone have anything to say (good, bad or indifferent) about either ASTON (specifically Tangshan) or Xiamen WECL Educational Group? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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