Return to Index › Ivy English School, Harbin Heilongjiang
#1 Parent Every foreign teacher who has ever worked there - 2012-01-16
Re: Ivy English School, Harbin Heilongjiang

Ivy English school in Jiamusi, China is a pack of lies. Their website includes pictures of teachers who came and left within three months because they couldn't stand it anymore. They make you work in public schools during the week and their private school on the weekends. Their accomodations are NOT like the pictures on their website. They will check your apartment monthly, will meddle in your personal affairs and they hire very, very young Chinese "assistants" who basically watch your every move in the classroom and outside in your daily life and report it back to the headmaster. This place is a NIGHTMARE. It's the worst mistake I ever made in ESL. Pick a different school, any different school and I can guarantee you will be better off.

Patrick - 2009-04-14
Ivy English School, Harbin Heilongjiang

Don't trust Ivy English School, Harbin Heilongjiang China. They don't follow contracts. This school sucks!

Conerned person,

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