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#1 Parent Linhai identity thief - 2012-01-17
Re: GW and yaddayaddayadda

Also it very well might be that these weasels have stayed in china long enough to pick up the arrogant attitude of the locals. The lack of intelligence and common sense in china gives people the illusion that they are very smart, so they can be jerks to others out of sheer arrogance and ignorance.

That is one of the best statements I have read in a long time on these boards!

The GW's do become up themselves and think they are all that, despite lacking experience and qualifications to back it up. And no, being a fast food place manager, or holding a degree in photography makes you better qualified to judge. The GW's make up for it by becoming arrogant and haughty to anyone they perceive as a threat,i.e, someone with a degree in English and some form of advanced english teaching qualification.

Yes, they can be jerks, a lot of hubris and ignorance, or " I am alright Jack!" in the mix. Pathetic!

Happy Chinese New Year,

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-01-17
Re: GW and yaddayaddayadda

Of course, you are right about that. Also it very well might be that these weasels have stayed in china long enough to pick up the arrogant attitude of the locals. The lack of intelligence and common sense in china gives people the illusion that they are very smart, so they can be jerks to others out of sheer arrogance and ignorance. These weasels believe if they pick up the arrogant attitude from the chinese then that makes them less ignorant! Now if that didn't make sense to people that's because the logic in some places are completely out of whack!!

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