#1 Parent Caroline - 2012-01-31

Hello everyone

I've just read all these comments and i must say that a lot of things bother me .
I have worked for tulay for a long period of time

Tulay is an amazing person with a great heart , unfortunately she wants to succeed in everuthing she does and never pays attention to the details .

Is it true that she doesnt declare people who work for her ?
Yes it is , she doesnt like all the french paper work and she especially doesnt lile paying all the fees ! Becausr since she's not working as a lawyer anymore she has financial issues.

Why did she open LPA ?

She wanted to spend more time with her kids and make money at the same time , only problem is that she doesnt kno how to handle it ! And she wouldnt pay anyone to help because she's done so many things she can handle a school !

Does she treat people like shit ?

Yes ! But she doesnt realize it because her head is full of other things ! She will talk to you in a very bad way thinking she is building you up for life ! Unless you have a thick skin you wont support it ! I did and after 2 years i found myself having to follow a therapy for all that i put up with with her , her kids and her husband !

She doesnt pay her employees ?

She does when she remembers ! And if you ask her too often she'll get mad because she'll think you just want your salary and not doing this job because you love it ! Who doenst work for the money ?

The working conditions are bad ?

Yes , the school is not a school but just her own house that she transformed to welcome kids ! During the day they were classrooms and at night bedrooms for the staff ! And yet all these rooms were underground with no air opening or daylight or security facilities !

We would drive the kids to the school in broken cars with no car seats for all the children an sometimes with no insurance !

Would i enroll my kids there ?

No , she may put on a great show when you come and visit and everytime parents would walk in but it was a real mad house

You dont want to know how many girls i saw coming and going because they couldnt handle it ! At least 8 in a year

I used to work from 7am to 10pm all week and i only got my weekends off after weeks and weeks of arguing !
I worked more that 80 hours x week and only got 2 weeks holiday in the year , and two nervous breakdown in my time there , and whenever i got sick i would still get up and work because otherwise she'd make me feel like i abandon her and that nothing was going to get done ! She cant handle her own 4 kids by herself ! How can she handle other peoples kids ?

I used to earn 500€ for the first year and once i threatened to leave they gave me 750€ !

I shared a 17 sq meter room with an another girl because it was the only place where we could have a bit of peace so we didnt mind

Once i left , i realised that she had never declared and when i asked she told me that i was aware of all that ! And she blamed me because she had to get a loan to pay for my charges , and because of that she couldnt pay her daughtet a birthday party !

All these people who come here to defend her?

She sent an email to all her friends asking them to defend her !

I'm not blaming her or defening her cause she was a friend and i took take of her kids just has they were my own ( even though i was told that i did a poor job ) but what she is doing is wrong ! And i suffered a lot , but i'm now dealing with the authorities to end this and to make sure she doesnt do it again !

Good luck to all of you !

#2 Parent Eva - 2011-10-03

I am very surprised to read these accusations and nonsense concerning la Petite academy. As a neighbour of Mrs Farra for many years, I have 2 teenagers who regularly visit Mrs Farra to get advice concerning their studies and to spend some time with her and her children. She is a lovely, understanding and very intelligent woman who loves to help others to succeed. My children (who are too old for the little academy) love to spend time with her and we are all very impressed by the way she runs the school. We have known most of the girls working fo her and never seen or heard any of them complain. The only persons we haven't met, are the persons who write all the nonsense on this blog.... because they didn't stay long enough ... Working myself in the recruitment business, I can only say that this type of attitude has never made anyone succeed in life or in a career.
We should be grateful that people like Mrs Farra take this type of initiative and invest their time, enery and money in providing an education which makes both the children and the parents extermely happy!


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