Return to Index › Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-10
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

Am considering a promotional video if ever I set up a school!!!!!

Why would you EVEN want to CONSIDER setting up a private and/or training school?!

These places are scum and deserve to be obliterated forever, FT's should only work at public jobs. End of discussion!

#2 Parent Magister - 2012-02-09
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

I'm pretty sure this could be added to Raoul Duke's doddgy teaching ads section at his Saloon.

The ad starts by saying they are looking for foreigners but not teachers! That tells you a lot about the way management will actually regard you when you arrive at the school.

Preference will be given to people with a North American accent - why? I could talk all day about why wanting a specific accent is such a stupid thing to insist on when recruiting teachers. Again, it shows the complete lack of understanding these guys have in regards education.

Students vary in age - well of course they do! A bit more information would be handy though. As I understand it Li Yang Crazy English will take anyone from Primary school age to Adult learners.

An @yahoo contact address instead of a proper business address/domain should always raise concern.

#3 Parent ry - 2012-02-09
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

I.........Have............Made..............It................. I Have Made It!!!!!

Great self promotion and I can see why people would be lured into stuying with him. From his accent, probably educated in the States or taught by US teacher. Am considering a promotional video if ever I set up a school!!!!!

#4 Parent Contributor - 2012-02-08
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

This was not in the GZ area. To protect our privacy, I will not say which area.

We are currently looking for foreigners to teach spoken English classes. Any foreigner is welcome to apply; preference will be given to those with experience and/or North American accents. Students vary in age. Materials to be provided but teachers are encouraged to prepare some in-class activities for the students.
Teachers will average 6 contact hours per day. Comfortable accommodation and meals will be provided.
The salary is 5000 for first-timers and 6000 if you’ve worked a Crazy English camp before.

For more detailed information please contact me at
If interested, please send me your resume and I will forward you the application form.

See you in Shenzhen!

Summer 2011 Director of Foreign Teachers
LiYang Crazy English

#5 Parent Magister - 2012-02-08
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

It occurs to me that not everyone will know who Li Yang is

You can watch this movie. You probably won't need to watch the whole thing to get an idea of just what a load of rubbish he is selling with his concept of Crazy English

For further evidence of just what a great guy he is you can google search images of 'Li Yang's wife'

Poster - 2012-02-08
Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

I have worked for the great man Li Yang, and as a young American teacher, I want to say what a good experience that was.

I was able to hire and fire, pick and choose, my own teams of fresh attractive teachers, mostly in their twenties, and throw out all the sad applications from those older washed up teachers in their forties and fifties that litter up the GZ teaching scene, as well as most of China, due to the great need here for ESL teachers. My teams were mostly handsome guys in their twenties, what fun.

In the USA, I would not have been able to use gender, race, or age, so freely in hiring and firing.

This was not in the GZ area. To protect our privacy, I will not say which area.

Li Yang is open minded in many ways.

My one small criticism is that his wife is claiming money based on the ESL books they wrote, these books abound in tiny errors, No Pain, No Gains, This should be No Pain, No Gain. She is a mother of 3 young kids, he is a busy businessman. They need someone to edit their books, and improve them.

The product line is a mess, with an oversupply here and there of the same stuff, not to mention the tacky looking covers and appalling designs. Li Yang could be making even more money if he would trim this up. I myself studied business methodology before hitting the wonderful China ESL scene.

She had a lovely large home, a cook, a cleaner, chauffeured cars, and still the anxiety of an unhappy marriage permeated their life.

Let's wish them both well, though I did want to point out how fair and generous Li Yang is in the eyes of this bright and ambitious American woman.

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