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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-13
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

No, I don't see it as a wind up. I see it more as a group of people or an individual person with low intelligence coming on here and showing us how right we are about the ESL business around the world. Don't give them too much credit. I do feel irritated sometimes that these people are a part of the same species as we are.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-13
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

It was aimed at people who are like Lauren, all people who are like her

My mistake, I guessed you were referring to the op.

Regarding Laurens post,do you think it is a wind up?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-12
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

It was aimed at people who are like Lauren, all people who are like her or have an attraction towards employing the likes of her. I wouldn't aim it at you.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-12
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

If you do, by all means hire these "great" individuals. Although I hope I will never have to meet you.

Drags, I don't work at a training centre or do business.

Or was this aimed at Lauren, the OP?

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-11
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

They only value the red mao's for sure. Let me address both your response as well as Turnoi's response to your thread that if I was an employer back in the USA and I received a resume from a person who worked as a DOS for a very long time at a training center in any country with a "reputation", here are some of the judgements I would make about this person:

1. This person is most likely immature in many ways, including going about doing business. They have poor long term planning skills and most likely will act compulsively when carrying out a business plan without any regard for other people's individual rights.

2. This person might have emotional problems. They cannot control their temper/mood and they are prone to blowing up when things do not go their way.

3. This person will generally generalize things too much and cannot analyze people/settings/different ideas thoroughly. Analytical skills lacking.

4. Rudeness such as cutting people off, giving an opinion based on what they hear on the surface, trying to plow others over, and always needing to dominate the conversation are the traits that this person will likely possess.

5. Poor empathy skills. Cannot put oneself in another person's shoes. Will brush off other people's bad experiences as flukes and will even go as far as to accuse the victims of falsifying their information

6. Demeans others when given truthful information that renders their own point of view invalid. In other words they hear what they want to hear.

7. Cannot trust other people. Will go out of their way to show how "good" a person they themselves are to try to fool themselves that everybody likes them and persuade others to not even bring up questions about things which they don't want to hear or answer.

8. Code of ethics for this individual will more likely identify with the group thinking than with individual thinking. This person(even if they don't have a confucian background or another group minded background) possibly had a fixation/stagnation in their own development in terms of character, therefore they fell into the "grass is greener on the other side" routine and identified with a non-native culture. Criticism of said non-native culture will most likely bring up the defenses of said individual and they will engage in a fully non-trusting relationship with the person who stated the point. In other words they think you're a doo-doo head and they want to "hate" you forever.

9. Minimal ability to deal with direct conflicts. Will most likely use emotional judgements when faced with conflict rather than empirical evidence.

10. Will pretend to be an intellectual (boy don't I know this from personal experience, everywhere I go in the ESL business there is always some middle aged man with an innate prejudice but who will talk his ears off to anyone who will listen to the sham intellectual ideas that he came up with) and impress others, usually fake friends with a hidden agenda most likely. Will run away from any higher, REAL intellectual conversation.

Will I hire a person who is like this to work for my company? I don't know, would you hire crocs to count your money, snakes to file your papers, ostriches to hire/fire people, and monkeys to do pretend training at your corporation? If you do, by all means hire these "great" individuals. Although I hope I will never have to meet you.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-10
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

If he values friendship he should never, ever do that to anyone again.

It poses the most foreigners in the private education sector or who are DOS'es or bosses of training centres and the like really value friendship? Or just the red chairman maos? Hmmmmm.........

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-10
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

I hope you gave that brit an earful of your ideas. If he values friendship he should never, ever do that to anyone again. Sounds like he's already picking up some bad habits from being in china. The "Heeey we didn't tell you this ahead of time BUT JUST DO IT it's all riiiight!" attitude will get you a bloody nose with a short tempered, normal individual who thought you were a friend. The people in china were raised in ways that are dehumanizing across many aspects, so they carry it with them into the business world and don't realize that it's very unethical.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-10
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

One teachers account of his first day working for Crazy English in Shenzhen.

Are you surprised? I am not.

A british guy in the town I am in, opened a training centre and invited me to a "party" there, turns out his idea of a party was to have me entertain the students by dressing up like a clown, I naturally refused, and left.

TC's need to be shut down!!

#9 Parent Magister - 2012-02-09
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

Lauren is another white monkey acting in a muppet show

"Our turn came to take to the stage and lead by our fearless Yorkshire terrier we did the Superman dance. Arms and legs were flailing all over the stage"

One teachers account of his first day working for Crazy English in Shenzhen.

Dance Monkey, Dance!

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