Return to Index › Dodgy work visa and Scam school franchise from EDISON YE, Shanghai EET or MAJOR ENGLISH
#1 Parent JFC - 2013-05-29

This is all very interesting. Everyone seems to have a beef with Edison and Linda. But it seems to me that maybe what needed to be done was to be a little more Savvy in your dealings.

None of you are little children and cannot claim to be naive about the bussiness world. You were happy to accept what was offered at the time.But because you started to get unhappy about your situation,(often leaving it too long before dealing with the matter),you now want to discredit people as revenge;and that is all I see it as.The SIMPLE,SELFISH,CONCEITED form of Justice for some individuals. I too worked for both Edison and Linda over a period of almost four years. I never had problems of any kind with either of them.Initially I negotiated a deal with both parties at different times. Deals where all were happy with the arrangements.I never had problems with payments.I was always reimburesed for any personal out goings for travel.If I had any disagreement over money, I would discuss the matter in a polite way,so as to save face for ALL concerned.If I felt I was being unfairly treated I would arrange a meeting and discuss the issue.This worked well for me and I can only compliment both Edison and Linda on their dealings with me.And trust me on many occassions I was a real pain in respect to changing agreements, needing time off etc.

SO SUCK IT UP;Your own incompetence with dealing with your issues at the right time and in the right manner is the reason you are now so intent on REVENGE.If you had any true concept of Chinese Culture and how to accomplish business dealings,you would not have dealt with it in such a confronting way. You are in China NOT the Litigational West.

Once again I will state that both parties in question helped me immensely in all respects,from day one until the day I SUDDENLY dropped it on them that I needed to return home for personal reasons.A little more RESPECT towards the Culture and Way Of Life in the country you are living in would not go astray.

#2 Parent Richard H - 2013-04-06

Eric, though I never met you, I'm sorry to hear you fell foul of Edison Ye and Di Cosmo, the B school ( EKD ) school owner Linda Chai,, I understand your frustration as to the Chinese system being slow in investigating these types of dubious dishonest characters and taking legal action to stop them.

My biggest disappointment in Songjiang when trying to get the government or legal agencies to stop these people was to find that these self same agencies especially the police do nothing and instead accept money from the likes of Edison Ye, a fact he constantly boasted about but by boasting it served as a warning along the following lines " Don't report me to the local city authorities because it will backfire on you as I pay them regularly".

However his bribery does not extend to the central government offices and that is where your complaint should be sent, it really is the only way. Check out the central offices in Beijing for police, visa, tax, business registration etc and simply E mail a detailed report to them

People like Edison Ye exercise restraint style control over teachers that they rip off because they control your visa and can cancel it under fake grounds and when this is done by them the Chinese visa office will believe them and not the teacher. As we all know, these types of characters will never honor a work contract, it means nothing to them, we are simply a fat bird for plucking, disposing of and then recruiting the next unsuspecting teacher or business partner. China really needs to quickly change the current visa system in which control of your life is given over to any dubious fake school managers etc.

When I found I was being conned I closed down any working relationship with them and moved to a DOS post in a business English and academic school post in a city only 24 klm from Songjiang, my faith in Chinese school owners was restored by the owner, a decent honest man who pressed the right buttons to cancel my visa held by Edison Ye and set up a genuine visa. This "real' genuine" business school owner held more authority and say with the system in comparison to Ye. The response from Ye and Di Cosmo was to put out a fake story around Songjiang that they or Ye had my visa revoked, this lie would certainly interest Shanghai central work visa office but once again even if I could prove it I doubt the visa office would take action against Ye. After all it is the same office which sells work visas to him for English ESL teachers via a failed bankrupt Japanese language school. ( Ping Chen school Songjiang ).

As for characters such as Di Cosmo, they do a lot of damage to the concept of honest loyalty between foreign ESL teachers working in China, they are fake, in China for all the wrong reasons and present as an ideal tool for manipulation from any dubious school manager or owner because they will do anything in return for a wage and a visa. I hope that at some point in time the Chinese system will do something to weed out such fakes though it is difficult for them to identify these characters because they are often protected by a corrupt boss. The best thing to do in such a situation is send a report to the home country embassy of that person so that at least are aware what is going on. The home country Embassy can also run a check on them as to criminal or past history back in their country of origin.

Good luck with your teaching career and I hope you don't let the experience with these sordid people put you off ESL teaching.

#3 Parent Richard H - 2013-04-04
Re: Re Dodgy work visa and Scam school franchise from EDISON YE, Shanghai EET or KDC

KDC has the nerve to reply and lie, I recall him, there I was trusting Edison Ye as a so called business partner and working to get business teaching contracts but what I did not know was this.

" The secretary I thought was taking calls for me had been put in place to take any calls from any company and redirect them to Edison Ye who then would approach those companies saying " Richard is not available, he sent me and KDC to help you". Edison Yee would approach these companies from his fake school office having been given details that were meant for me. KDC would then give a demo lesson using power point lessons lifted from the internet and together they would steal a contract that was meant to go to me and Edison Ye, jointly as business partners.

It is difficult enough in China when having to deal with dishonest people in the ESL business but when a foreigner such as KDC throws his lot in with the likes of Edison Ye, Linda Chia the situation becomes impossible.

So KDC you say I had a reputation as a dubious character, why is that? because I was working hard and being honest while you were working on a scam visa and ripping of foreign teachers in order to endear yourself to some very nasty and dishonest characters such as Edison Ye, his two friends Jeremy and David and of course the totally fake and dishonest Linda Chai - the fake EKD English school.

Yes I cancelled contracts I had bid for and won against the likes of these people and those companies that chose me did so because I'm very good at providing educational services in line with the needs of the company and not like you- faking stuff taken off the internet and putting it up on power point. I trusted Edison Ye as a business partner but when I found him stealing contracts with your assistance, of course I cancelled the contracts and dissolved the partnership with Edison Ye and advised those companies to sue him. My relationship with the two companies in question was very good and our parting was on very good terms, both companies were informed in detail about Edison Ye and what he was doing and both companies agreed that it was wise for me to cease any working relationship with Edison Ye.

It seems another teacher that has replied here also fell foul of the scams operated by Edison Ye regarding work visa and stealing money due to teaching staff and again KDC is highlighted as the dishonest lap dog tagging along ( Di Cosmo )and supporting a dishonest individual or individuals.

One might ask why Di Cosmo joins in ripping of foreign nationals in China but if you met this over weight some what under educated character that is well past retirement age but sporting a young Chinese wife it all becomes clear. It is often the case that Chinese ladies have difficulty identifying what is a bad foreigner and what is a good foreigner, hence the presence of characters like KDC in China, I'm sure you anyone can picture what he looks like and of course he is no more a real ESL teacher then the local fish vendor but these losers do show up in China, hunting for a wife and faking there credentials.

Looking back on the situation years ago and remembering the smug comment from Edison Ye e.g " you can't do anything, don't bother getting a lawyer, foreigners don't have legal rights in China" I should have dragged him and KDC down a side street and kicked the crap out of the pair of them.

The most recent scam I heard regarding Edison Ye in Songjiang - Shanghai was that he set up a children's school website calling it a franchise ( doubtless with help from Di Cosmo ) and was duping Chinese in other cities to buy the franchise name from him. He is dabbling in Thomas the Tank Engine schools and will be ripping of the real franchise owners that are based outside of China and can do nothing to stop him or his fat foreign lap dog.

What are the most recent ESL scams of these characters? I don't know but I have decided to do the following. I have sent the details of this website to the Shanghai police, no point in sending to the Songjiang police because as Edison Ye proudly boasts along with Linda Chia, they pay bribe money to the Songjiang police to ignore their illegal activities.
An e mail has also been sent to the embassy that represents KDC as it is only fair that they know what this character is doing in China. I was going to inform the Shanghai visa office but Ye states they support him so instead I have copied in the central visa office in Beijing. As Edison ye never pays tax on his fake schools which date back to 2003 and certainly does not pay tax on his other scams I have of course copied in Shanghai public tax office and included Di Cosmo for them as they really need to check out his tax contributions or the lack of them.

I feel sorry for the other teacher that complained about Edison Ye and KDC, I understand how he feels, I also know several others that also got ripped off.
KDC, I have one eye on you and I assure you that at some point in the near future I will be popping around to have a stern meeting with you, when you assisted in stealing from me you chose the wrong person.

As for any ESL school in China, now you know the truth about Di Cosmo and not any of the online nonsense he writes, if you really want this type of character around your school children, your adult clients, check his qualifications very thoroughly and remember, you were warned about him.

For the time being I'm happy to wait and see if the Chinese authorities finally do something about you and your very dishonest friends.

I think its time to do a little more digging and post what all of you are up to nowadays.

#4 Parent Richard H - 2013-04-04
Re: Re Dodgy work visa and Scam school franchise from EDISON YE, Shanghai EET or MAJOR ENGLISH

Di Cosmo, my work visa was never revoked, where you get this nonsense from is easy to guess, it has to be your partner in crime Edison Ye made the same story up about others that he tricked, stole from etc, when they were disgusted enough to leave he simply lied about why they left. You are no different to him, a gross disgusting liar but the legal system will catch up with you.

Lets talk about scam visas, yours was provided by a bankrupt Japanese school, (Ping cheng) the school was closed down but the owner was doing deals with Edison Ye, providing visas for Japanese language teachers but omitting the word Japanese. This is fact and the likes of Linda Chai with a b registered school that is not allowed to employ foreign esl teachers were knocking at Edison ye's door and paying him to find people like you, people that are willing to work illegally because real schools will not touch you.

This is why you were not paying tax, surly you do not think that China is a tax free country? you were working illegally and you knew it and of course helping Ye to rip of other foreign ESL teachers, you're in his hands and you were happy to stab professionals in the back if it put money into your pocket because basically everything about you is fake.
I have discounted Edison Ye and his comment about foreigners not being able to get a lawyer and get legal rights, it is high time you, him and Linda Chai EKD were investigated and to that end the system for doing so has actually responded in China and you will be hearing from them. It seems that the offer to inform the media if you and Ye, Chai etc are not investigated has turned out to be the best button to press for action. Add to this, the central tax office are currently looking at his history back to 2003 and yours. If I'm not mistaken, the system in China tends to go heavy on tax evasion if they know somebody has been up to no good in other things. You are caught and so is he, man up and face the music.

You had a good run for your money but now its time for the Chinese system to take a very very close look at what you have been up to in China.

#5 Parent Eric - 2012-02-12

Edison Y[edited] (name unconfirmed) is a consumate liar. If his lips are moving, what you hear is a lie. He does not pay for overtime work, as he promises, even in his (so-called) contracts. He does not reimburse taxi fares between his offices and off-site work locations. He does not give holidays as required by Chinese law. He does not reimburse airfare expenses, even if promised in his contracts. He frequently uses fabrication and subterfuge to promulgate his lies and deceits, even conscripting the "school" authorities to aid in his machinations. Here is a description of one of his favourite ruses:

As a teacher's contract is nearing completion (and thereby exposure of his interests to end-of-contract obligations), he will renew their foreign expert certificate and their visa for 364 days (not the full year, as this costs 800 yuan--one day less saves him 400 yuan). Meanwhile, the existing contract will expire. Nevertheless, the teacher will continue being scheduled for work assignments while he "negotiates" a contract renewal. This tactic is usually successful in duping the poor foreign teacher into continuing to work for another month. Well...almost a month. What eventually happens is that the as[edited] Ye will "break off" negotiations on a fabricated pretense a mere one or two days before the month is complete, thereby avoiding the necessity of demonstrating "cause" for dismissal. This tactic prevents the concurrent liability of paying a month's salary for dismissal without cause (as stipulated by Chinese law). Having been dismissed summarily, the poor teacher is suddenly without income. As[edited] Ye will then refuse to pay any outstanding obligations remaining from the former contract (e.g. airfare, taxi fares, overtime, "bonus"), including his obligation under Chinese law to pay a month's salary in lieu of one month's notice of termination. Calls to his mobile phone will be screened or go unanswered; ditto for all email and mobile text messages sent his way.

As indicated above, his other employees are his accomplices in this deceit. They go by the names of J[edited], D[edited] and T[edited]. As[edited] Ye has also successfully recruited a foreign teacher into his cabal (named above), who runs interference on this site on his behalf. What benefit this lackey receives is unknown by this writer, but no doubt includes his continued employment and legal status in China. With substantial risk to the employee in question, should they choose to abandon the deceit, this amounts to extortion by the as[edited] Ye and his accomplices. Without doubt, this lackey will fabricate further aspersions against my character, professional conduct and skill in order to discredit my reports.

The as[edited] Ye, J[edited] and D[edited] are all tobacco addicts, and will support each other against any non-smoker (such as myself), and any foreign teacher who dares to challenge them as they continue smoking in the offices, hallways and even in the classrooms in the presence of other staff and students (posted signs notwithstanding). His "employee" Tr[edited] is actually his [edited], for whom he [edited]. This demonstrates how the as[edited] Ye is incapable of honesty in any aspect of his life--he cheats everyone he knows, including his own family.

I could supply additional sordid stories of how he has cheated every foreign teacher I've met in his employ, but I have more productive and positive things to occupy my time. I will not respond to the posts of his lackeys and accomplices. Suffice to say that, having read this post, you--dear reader--have been amply warned to avoid the as[edited] Ye and any of his associates.

I know that you will read this, too, as[edited] Ye. I now have a court judgement in my favour against you and your company. Your criminal behaviour is a matter of public record. So...F**k you.

#6 Parent Eric - 2011-09-01

Stay away from this man and any operation involving him. If you're already there, get a lawyer and prepare for the worst. If you want the sordid details of my story, reply this service.

#7 Parent Ken - 2011-05-08
Re Dodgy work visa and Scam school franchise from EDISON YE, Shanghai EET or MAJOR ENGLISH

Richard, there's nothing dodgy, wrong or illegal about my visa mate. The visa application went through the regular, rigourous inspection and has been approved twice. The school's business licence and licence to employ foreign teachers has also been critically examined by the relevant authorities in Shanghai and is approved. I wouldn't be here to say anything if you hadn't thought fit to include my name in your accusatory post.

In my opinion: your own unprofessional and unethical behaviour led to the justified revocation of your Expert's Certificate and visa. Didn't you use the company's connections to get their corporate client as your own, and then fail when you tried to unilaterally change the terms of that contract? Didn't you break that contract and leave them without an instructor? Didn't you try the Cambridge thing, and also wind up with a major fail? You tried to drag me into your squabbles with the company, and I see here that this effort continues. I believe you are the sole author of your own misfortune. Not me, not Edison, not Linda, not Cambridge; you. Richard.

I don't know where you are now, and frankly I don't care. I'm just happy that you're no longer in SongJiang, where you seem to have established a rather unsavoury reputation. Richard, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself. When you've burned through a bunch of jobs in a short period of time, maybe it's not the companies that are to blame; maybe it's just you. Students say you're a decent enough teacher, but as an employee it appears that you tend to run off the rails in short order. Then the half-baked accusations and quasi-legal threats begin to fly. You seem to fancy yourself an expert on Chinese business and immigration law who knows better than the people whose job it is to actually oversee these areas. I don't think you are.

In my experience, EET is no better, but certainly no worse, than any other language training centre. They pay you as they should. They deduct taxes properly. They have a valid business licence and the authority to hire FTs. They obtain valid and legal visas for their teachers. In general, Edison treats his people better than many of them treat him. Cases in point are you and that guy who took a month's advance and disappeared. No matter, I am not here to defend the school, but rather myself against your delusional accusations of my complicity in shady business deals. I am a teacher, and I hold no stake in the company, nor am I privy to their business operations or decisions. I accept my teaching assignments in good faith. My duty is to my students.

As far as I know, the EET business licence is annually inspected and approved by the police and Education Ministry. I am registered with them. I didn't pay for my visa. If sending trainers to partner companies and institutions was illegal, as you claim, I guess that EF, Pacican, Wall Street, Raffles, Oxford and every other major training centre would be in contravention. But they're not. You just don't know what you're talking about. To the best of my knowledge, no EET teacher has ever been fined, arrested or deported. Even you yourself say that they've held a licence since 2003. Seems a bit long to be operating under the radar in a field that's highly regulated.

By the way, why are you using a fake name here, Richard? That's just a rhetorical question. I know it's easier to libel someone when using a pseudonym. Libel, by the way, IS against the law. And you are breaking it by posting your defamatory, unproven and unprovable allegations here on a public forum. If you cannot prove that I have knowledge of and am actively participating in illegal activities, you'd better issue a retraction or face the consequences.

Ken Di Cosmo

Paul - 2010-09-05
Dodgy work visa and Scam school franchise from EDISON YE, Shanghai EET or MAJOR ENGLISH

BE VERY CAREFUL OF EDISON YE, Shanghai/Songjiang. EET Songjiang, MAJOR ENGLISH scam franchise, Ping Cheng teaching visas for sale. Ping Cheng is a bankrupt school for teaching Japanese. To use a work visa sold to a teacher from from Ping Cheng via Edison Ye and then be sent to other schools by Edison Ye, means your illegal and can be arrested, fined and deported. You can only work for a school if you have a work visa from that school.
Firstly I would like to say, It would be very nice if the Chinese authorities extensively investigate the activities of Mr Edison Ye. His activities would require many months of investigating etc but they should be investigated and his behavior stopped.

Those teachers either working in Shanghai or thinking of coming to Shanghai to teach need to be very careful of the following which offer teaching jobs, a work visa or even offer to sell a school franchise called MAJOR ENGLISH. The main person behind the scam is a Mr Edison Ye ( he also uses a Chinese fake Doctor Name which translates to Mr "protect English YE" ). He is from Shanghai but very active in the Songjiang city area, accepting teaching job applicants and selling them a work visa starting from around a thousand rmb up to 3,000rmb but no full time teaching jobs. He likes to hire you out to other schools, companies, public schools which in effect means you are working illegally as your visa is not from those schools. He has connections with EET schools in Pudong, Shanghai and claims to have bought a franchise name from them. They in return say EET stopped any connections with him in 2009. By the way the teaching visa he will sell to you is from Ping Cheng which is in fact a bankrupt Japanese language school. It is unknown if he owns the Ping Cheng school license or simply pays the owners a percentage of the money he makes through using the Ping Cheng name. He still uses the EET English schools name as and when it pleases him and EET in Pudong, Shanghai do nothing about it. Some evidence exists online that suggests that MAYBE EET Pudong/Shanghai is one of his original scams, he certainly seems close to them dating back to 2003. They sold school franchise names around China but the school franchises were not allowed to legally employ foreign teachers, which brings us directly back to the work VISA for sale scam again.

He has also been assisting other illegal language schools by letting them employ foreign teachers from him ( through the visa for sale scam) and even letting them use the EET school name in an effort to confuse local city Chinese police. E.G EKD Business English Agency/Linda Chai the owner, runs this b license set up as if it is a full licensed language school, Edison Ye uses the EET name and Ping Cheng school license to send teachers to illegally work for her. KDC ( Canadian ) actually participates knowingly in these illegal activities and should eventually get caught by the Chinese police. Edison Ye is currently offering for sale online school franchise called MAJOR ENGLISH, which claims connections to a foreign language professor, Buckswood boarding school, England, Cambridge university, names experienced ESL teachers, education institutes in various countries, none of the claims are even remotely true. The MAJOR ENGLISH franchise web site is a ringer for the so called EET schools franchise web sites, which they post on other websites but the advert is designed to look like a website. EET has been doing this with connections to Mr Ye since 2003. MY SINCERE ADVICE TO YOU = if you want to work in China avoid the scam merchants mentioned in this post, they are very clever and deceptive. I am with help from other teachers, currently gathering evidence which will eventually be given to the city government.

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