Return to Index › Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer
#1 Parent Louis du Plessis - 2012-05-28
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

Sorry, havent checked this for a LOOOONG time.
I know there are a lot of old wierdos around , hopefully I do not qualify, I can't stand in for them , the post was about Crazy English and bootlickin' Lauren or what ever her name is and the cwap she wrote, won't go into another thread about old and young people who seem to wash up on the ESL shores, another place another time.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-17
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

and sometimes useless and irresponsible)are loved and easily employed

Louis, I've met and witnessed plenty of 50 something f*** ups from the West in China, alas.

1 guy called R who had only 1 set of clothing to his name, bought the smallest bags of washing powder imaginable, never cleaned his bedroom, detested Chinese men, had a drinking and smoking problem, liked to spy on and rat out younger male FT's, had a penchant for young, and I do mean YOUNG chinese girls. Sure there are younger loons, but what do you think the Chinese think of these older so called gentlemen from the west? Hmmmmmmmm?

#3 Parent Louis du Plessis - 2012-02-16
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

Meanwhile , back at the ranch, what happenend to Li'l Lauren? She has received a bit of a roasting hasn't she?, quiet as a mouse she is, maybe went into hiding(hopefully to lick her wounds).
Me being an old codger ,and feeling the sharp edge of discrimination because of my uncool age in ole Formose, where the young , restless and beautiful (and sometimes useless and irresponsible)are loved and easily employed, couldn't believe the garbage she wrote and endorsed. Teaching with a programme at a high school in the Middle Kingdom now , quite a few highly qualified old dudes around.
If there are any typos , blame it on old age.

#4 Parent Magister - 2012-02-09
Re: Li Yang Crazy English is a great employer

I can only assume that it was meant to be a bit of good publicity for the school.

They say there is no such thing as bad press.

Would you still agree with that sentiment Lauren?

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