Return to Index › Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow
#1 Parent Crooked Private School Watch - 2013-06-01
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

Hi Sarah, [edited] Can see why you were promoted, and not because of what you know, but who you know [edited]. [edited] [edited]

#2 Parent Collyhurst retired sewage worker - 2013-05-25
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

At the moment Moscow is the place to be and I'd suggest you contacting them asap as they got plenty of highly qualified teachers from the UK wanting to join this July. you know the EU and US crises and everything

Why should WE believe Moscow is the "place to be"? For one I have read there is a very high crime rate there. Not to mention brutal, long winters, and oppressively hot humid summers. Your point about qualified teachers and the "crises" (crisis?) in the EU and USA seems to be conjecture to me. Why would someone be better off leaving a country with rule of law and welfare provision, to go to a country that is essentially a ex communist mafia state? I've met many russians, and they do not have much love for the UK or it's citizens.

#3 Parent Sarah Davies - 2013-05-25
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

Hey, how's life? You guessed, still with EF. They've just opened 5 smart schools in Moscow and they're looking for 2 Director of Studies. 2 months ago I got promoted and finally got a decent pay compared to what they're offering in Europe and the US, At the moment Moscow is the place to be and I'd suggest you contacting them asap as they got plenty of highly qualified teachers from the UK wanting to join this July. you know the EU and US crises and everything). Good Luck and don't be a stranger.

#4 Parent Chris Anthony - 2013-05-19
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

Hey Sarah, I've just read you post. I take it you're still in Moscow, 8 years that's a long time away from home. Please get in touch as I'm planning to be in Moscow this July and would like to get in touch with EF. You wouldn't know if they're hiring? Still think it's the best school to work for in Moscow. Thanks. C.A.

#5 Parent Dagobert Duck - 2012-05-18
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

How much did Ivor pay you to post in favour of this "school"?

#6 Parent Jason Beaton - 2012-05-17
Re: Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

After joining English First CLLS, I have always felt welcomed and looked after by all the staff. It is very rare that such a dedicated team always asks how you're feeling when they ring you and it is that personal care that makes you feel fully supported. English First has always had plenty of work for me and I am extremely grateful for the work they have provided me with. My personal experiences and confidence in teaching have been raised thanks to the work EF has given me.- Pls e-mail me for more real facts and hard evidence.


Sarah Davies - 2012-02-16
Ivor Galea English First Needs New Teachers ASAP For EF Moscow

The staff at English First (not like most schools here in Moscow) are all very experienced teachers. I was overjoyed when all teachers responded positively to the workshop I conducted two weeks ago. Workshops are provided on weekly basis at the corporate office and all native and non native teachers meet almost every other weekend and we share ideas on classroom management and communicate language teaching. I just wanted to point that out as this is not found in many schools around here. Sarah.

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