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#1 Parent Here's-Your-Answer - 2012-02-20
To Tell a Lie and Ealing College


It is strictly illegal in Liaoning Province to farm out teachers. I don't believe for one minute that the Dalian PSB grants you a residence permit with full knowledge of the fact that you farm out teachers.

That being said, l a, 100% sure that the Dalian PSB does NOT indeed know that Ealing is farming out teachers. As I said, in Liaoning Province, this is a very big "no-no".

A very, very big no-no.

Secondly, you continue to attack the messenger -- that is so humourous because the messengers are simply responding to the malodorous reputation of Ealing College. It is very abusive of you to attack the messenger, to comment upon levels of English, etc., etc. You are hardly a Ph.D. in English Grammar. After all -- if you were, you wouldn't be working at a LTR now -- would you?

Thirdly, I think that any prospective applicant to Ealing College who was now waded through your pages of Quisling-like remarks will be able to decide on his or her own that Ealing is a place to be avoided.

As for your continued fall-back on Edexcel, Edxcel is nothing more than a profit-making testing arm of the Pearson Longman Corporation 0 -- they devise tests, the applicants pay for the tests, etc,. etc. It is hardly the Chinese Ministry of Education. I am happy to learn that you have one of their certificates on your wall. Nothing more, nothing less.

You are just another language training center that preys on the still-relevant naivete of Chinese parents who are in search of a better life for their children.

So please spare us our cheap personal attacks and go look in a mirror -- therein you will see the reflection of [edited].

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-20
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

Once again, you haven't presented any evidence that your [edited] place masquerading as a "school" has done anything to make up for the hard times you have given to teachers who were under your employment. If you'd acknowledge the bad experiences of others and tried to be more objective you'd have more sympathy. However you continue to dodge and dodge the issues brought up concerning your "school"'s [edited] business practices, meanwhile you counterattack us by accusing us of assuming. You make just as many assumptions. I believe that you don't have too much experience managing people, and you fail to see both sides of the coin. I will sleep well because I speak honestly, I don't know how you can too with all the controversy and flack coming at your business.

#3 Parent Scott Murphy - 2012-02-20
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

If anyone is dishonest here, it is those of you who draw conclusions and make assumptions WITHOUT ANY REAL OR FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE OF THE SITUATION. Safely hiding behind your keyboards, committing what would be called slander and defamation in the US.

You have yet to show any concrete evidence that your accusers are slandering. All you have done is dodge the accusations of exploitation and cheating teachers out of their salaries as well as their bonuses. Apparently you and your likes are [edited] enough to take this bullying attitude everywhere you go. Well maybe it's worked for you, but it won't work forever. You can get away with stuff like this in China, but just as much if you did some shyte like this in the USA there would be like 100 lawyers sending you letters of litigation. Of course you conveniently neglect to mention that. Seems like you've forgotten what it's like to live in a society that actually abides the law to a certain degree.

And you've gone and done it again... assuming guilt. I didn't dodge the accusations, I answered them... check out the entire thread, specifically my answer to Portnoi. All of your comments are based on the supposition that, what one person said is true. Why do I have to show "any concrete evidence" that the ACCUSER, there is only one, is slandering. Why doesn't HE have to provide evidence that what he says is true? You have tried and convicted Ealing without even listening to what we have to say. Congratulations. Sleep well.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

If anyone is dishonest here, it is those of you who draw conclusions and make assumptions WITHOUT ANY REAL OR FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE OF THE SITUATION. Safely hiding behind your keyboards, committing what would be called slander and defamation in the US.

You have yet to show any concrete evidence that your accusers are slandering. All you have done is dodge the accusations of exploitation and cheating teachers out of their salaries as well as their bonuses. Apparently you and your likes are [edited] enough to take this bullying attitude everywhere you go. Well maybe it's worked for you, but it won't work forever. You can get away with stuff like this in China, but just as much if you did some shyte like this in the USA there would be like 100 lawyers sending you letters of litigation. Of course you conveniently neglect to mention that. Seems like you've forgotten what it's like to live in a society that actually abides the law to a certain degree.

#5 Parent Scott Murphy - 2012-02-19
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

Who's a sycophant and lackey? Repeating and expounding on this about which you have no knowledge? (And who can't even turn a grammatically correct phrase? Firstly, secondly, etc. I hope YOU'RE not an English teacher!)

Ealing is an Edexcel A-Level testing center and partner. They've been here to certify us, we've got the pretty little plaque on the wall. It is NOT illegal to "farm out" teachers. We have a contract with the schools in 2 of the districts here to provide teachers. The PSB grants us Z visas based on that information. We just received the contract for the 2nd district, which is why the sudden need for teachers.

If anyone is dishonest here, it is those of you who draw conclusions and make assumptions WITHOUT ANY REAL OR FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE OF THE SITUATION. Safely hiding behind your keyboards, committing what would be called slander and defamation in the US.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-17
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

China now requires quality qualified Teaching professionals who can add to the system here and not just take from the system here

Can you back this up with any state supported evidence, or evidence from the ministry of education?

Because from what I am seeing in this province, it is most certainly not the case.

It's 6 of 1, and half a dozen of the other to me.

Wot sayeth thee?

#7 Parent TheTruth Be Known - 2012-02-17
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

First of all, there is a great deal of misinformation or disinformation in all of these Ealings postings made by Ealing itself.

In Liaoning Province, it is highly illegal under a Z visa / residence permit to "farm out" teachers to other schools. Yes, for sure, this may be a modus operandi of some of the language training centers in the province, but it remains illegal, and when it is "suddenly" discovered by the local PSB during one of their end-of-the-year visa audits, which happen in the province quite regularly, trouble has been known to ensure. Yes, for sure, Aston, EF, and all the other chains may practice it but when one is caught, there is trouble. 100% for a fact.

That Ealing farms out teachers tells one that is nothing more than an ordinary money-grubbing LTC. Firstly, it has made blatant claims about being sanctioned by the British Embassy, the British Trade Council and the like, when none of this, absolutely none of this, is true. The British Embassy, the British Trade Council, the British Council are not in the habit of sanctioning LTC's in this country. Not now, not ever. Fabrication Number One.

Misinformation Number Two. Their claim to be a recognized A-level provided by Edexcel is like McDonald's claiming to be a recognized hamburger joint by Burger King. Put it on that level and nothing more.

Thirdly, if anyone wants the lowdown on this company, why not start with an inquiry to the Dalian Foreign Experts' Bureau? One might be surprised by what one learns.

Fourthly, a sudden surger in hiring 20 new teachers in a small-sized (for China) city like Dalian alone indicates something is not right. Where oh where have the 20 previous teachers gone? If not, it is logistically impossible in Dalian, already an overly-saturated market, that any company, particularly a new start-up with a less-than-clear track record, should "suddenly" discover the need for 20 new foreign teachers, particularly at the spring term.

Finally, all their oblique cr*p about visa issues should serve as a BIG warning to any foreign teacher seeking to work in a normalized situation in China. Dalian is a city in China where "miracles" have been known to happen with visa issues and even during the Olympic Period and the 60th Anniversary clampdowns, the "miracles" continued in Dalian. So if this school cannot cause "miracles" to happen with visa issues in Dalian, then that alone should warn any teachers away.

Listen all, follow Dr. Turnoi's good advice in his previous posts. It's on the mark.

And just wade past all of the paid, political comments put up here by Ealing's lackeys and syncophants.

#8 Parent Ealing International College - 2012-02-17
Re: Dalian Ealing International College

Ok where to start....

It sounds like an angry ex-employee who is condemning our school and the way things are BUT has never even visited Ealing or even never worked for us.... Ealing International College has been in existence for 4 years in Dalian and we are recognized by Edexcel as an A-level Examination Centre. We also work with Public schools and the Dalian government to put teachers in schools. We DO not lie and have never stated anything else. OUR website does NOT state anything different from what we do. We are a business of course and try to earn a profit but then that's what a business should do. Right? I think that the posters are either: Teachers we have released, 2 this year, as their quality wasn't acceptable by either Dalian local Government and Ealing International College or teachers who just 'piggy back' on the China is a bad place to teach etc.

China has changed and doesn't need just the 'white' faces from before who are NOT teachers but just come to China as they think its an easy gig. China now requires quality qualified Teaching professionals who can add to the system here and not just take from the system here. If you have anything concrete to say please reply to myself as I do not hide and I stand by the standards we, Ealing International College, abide by....

Down with Esl Scammers - 2012-02-15
Dalian Ealing International College

WARNING: Don't go and work for this company- " Ealing International School " based in Dalian, China. They get you there on false pretenses. They are a sweat-shop type organization who only exploit their teachers with excessive teaching hours under poor working conditions, they promise work permits to China but don't deliver and have one working in government schools on their behalf illegally. In addition they say they were established in 1990, this is a lie, they have been operating for less than 2 years. They expect one to teach with fraudulent, unclear teaching material. They also string you along and never sign an official contract with you.

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