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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-23
Re: Abuse and Ealing College

It's a collaboration of [edited] on both sides (chinese and foreign) that drives this machine and wastes a whole generation's time.

I would agree. And these brit weasels are just as bad at exploiting it.

It's pretty sickening really!

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-23
Re: Abuse and Ealing College

See we were and are there...... ;-)

That still doesn't answer the question, is your school an honest and reliable employer?

Enquiring ESL teachers got the right to know:)

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-22
Re: To Tell a Lie and Ealing College

Has run his own school, has numerous contacts in the UK and is respected both here and in the UK.

You want a medal or something?

I bet you are those types of brits who don't know any chinese language, don't like the food, and are just here for the money.

Go home you brit grovelling WEASEL!

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-23
Re: Abuse and Ealing College

The more you show, the more evidence to give against yourself. I wonder what those kids are REALLY thinking now? Are they actually learning and enjoying the british culture? I doubt it very much.

One VERY BIG problem that these kids face when going overseas is that they suddenly find themselves in a strange land, with strange customs, and strange people. They might also find out that most of their classmates are in fact chinese, not british, since their english didn't exactly improve to the point of being able to handle a real, legitimate college class they have to first take the ESL types of classes. While objectively there is nothing wrong with taking these classes before going on to the real ones, it's the way they are fooled into believing they will get a "western" experience that really peeves me. It's a collaboration of [edited] on both sides (chinese and foreign) that drives this machine and wastes a whole generation's time.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-22
Re: Abuse and Ealing College

Finally, S.M. revers to crass, cheap, gutter-like personal attacks as he cannot answer any of the questions put to him in a truthful manner.

A gw, in effect, these boards need killfile circa 1990s then we need not read his blatant nonsense.

#6 Parent Ealing International College - 2012-02-22
Re: Abuse and Ealing College

Just a little information about the set up with have started with LTS.

The initial visit of Ealing International College's students with Tim Manning, the headmaster of Longridge Towers School.

Our Chinese students who moved there started this..

See we were and are there...... ;-)

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-22
Re: To Tell a Lie and Ealing College

I have made a grievous error in responding to any of your drivel, thus giving legitimacy to a group of sad sacks who cannot hold a job in China and who only wish to bash and disparage everything about education in China.

hahaha...try harder.

Or are you running out of excuses?

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-22
Re: To Tell a Lie and Ealing College

thus giving legitimacy to a group of sad sacks who cannot hold a job in China and who only wish to bash and disparage everything about education in China.

Grovelling weasel method of defence...attack the messengers, and not the message.

Will make certain to ignore a british GW or any other british GW's like you in China from now on.

Case closed as far as I am concerned, Turnoi is right!!!

#9 Parent Here's-Your-Answer - 2012-02-22
Abuse and Ealing College

This is in answer to the February 22, 2012 post of Scott M., the self-proclaimed Messiah of "Ealing College".

Some interesting developments .... Ealing claims to be part of the Longridge Towers School in Northern England. Well, well, I have just been in touch with this school and they 100% claim to no nothing about this Ealing International College in Dalian, Liaoning, China. Now, now, isn't that strange? First, they claimed to be part of the British Embassy, and then they claimed to be part of the British Trade Commission, both of which, of course, are lies and now they claim to be part of the very repuable Longridge Towers School, which for itself, apparently has no relation to this school. Now, isn't that all strange ... the closer one looks, the more lies sally forth. Oh, and yes, I forgot the ludicrous claim about being overseen by the Queensland Ministry of Education ... another crass commercial ploy.

It is just another language training centre, like so many others in Dalian, trying to keep its head about "financial" waters, so to speak. They have paid late and they do have trouble with visas.

Mr. S.M. claims that the Dalian PSB have authorized "him" to break the law and to farm teachers out all over creation. That is not a position in which I would like to find myself.

Finally, S.M. revers to crass, cheap, gutter-like personal attacks as he cannot answer any of the questions put to him in a truthful manner.

Thus, for all concerned, this is a 1,000,000% AVOID-AT-ALL-COSTS school.

Frankly, would you like to work for an abusive boss like that?

#10 Parent Scott - 2012-02-22
Re: To Tell a Lie and Ealing College

Mr. Here's your Answer... Again, you are wrong. I live in Liaoning, I know people at the PSB and I have asked this specific question. Ball's in your court. Where do you gain your knowledge? Your reputation, under your real name, does not lead one to trust your word. Much less your grammar... teacher.

As for "Dr. Turnoi", you are in what country? What continent? How the heck would you know at all, what goes on in China?

I have made a grievous error in responding to any of your drivel, thus giving legitimacy to a group of sad sacks who cannot hold a job in China and who only wish to bash and disparage everything about education in China. If any of you dishonest, clearly biased individuals have made it into ownership or management of this website I would now doubt the validity of anything I read here. It is clear that you simply delight in harming others, whom you perceive to be different you. It seems the green of envy is your favorite color.

"Mr. Wonderful", whom you childishly ridicule, instead of addressing his arguments in a mature fashion, is a professional educator. Has run his own school, has numerous contacts in the UK and is respected both here and in the UK. He hold legitimate degrees and hasn't been fired from his teaching jobs in China... unlike some childish detractors here on this site.

So, go attack another school, and do nothing but harm the students and the hard-working local staff. Hide behind your keyboards and snipe at those who are actually accomplishing something in life and making a difference to people. If you ever made a positive impact in the education world, try to remember how that feels. Try to be that again, instead of the bitter people you seem to be now.

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