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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-29
Re: Working in Anhui

Ok. seems you are all set.

But I wouldn't want to move there, local wife or not.

#2 Parent Uni Job - 2012-02-29
Re: Working in Anhui

Yes, I have seen Hefei (as well as other cities in Anhui) and fully agree with you that i'd rather stay in Zhejiang.

However, my wife is from Anhui and we made a deal (it's all about compromise, i think?) that we'd move closer to her home, family, friends, etc. one day. Several years later i'm quickly running out of excuses as to why we should stay in Zhejiang.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-29
Re: Working in Anhui

I'm relocating to Anhui having worked in Zhejiang for the past 4 years.

That is going from the frying pan to the fire.

Most people I met from Anhui in Zhejiang, came to zhejiang for a better life, that speaks volumes.

Seen hefei at all? I's not the nicest of cities, not at all.

Your call though.

Uni Job - 2012-02-28
Working in Anhui

I'm relocating to Anhui having worked in Zhejiang for the past 4 years.

Does anyone know of any good universities and/or public schools to work for in the province? or for that matter any that i should stay well clear of?

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