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#1 Parent waltonsran - 2012-03-29
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) TIANHE

So, i have just learned from the foreign staff at NDI TIANHE that they are closing down in 2 days warnings given. Although i pity the guys there, i am truly happy to see a crap place like that gone, i hope the others in GZ, and China will follow suit....good bye and good riddance to you NDI!!

#2 Parent Le Duc de l'Econnerie - 2012-03-01
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

I know nothing about grammar but everything about mathematics. There is the following equation:

NDI = useless, superfluous, cheat, liars, incompetent, messed up, disorganised,......

#3 Parent Postman - 2012-02-29
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

yeah, it looks like you know all about good grammar.

#4 Parent Postman - 2012-02-29
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

"I should of definitely checked my grammar"

Probably should have checked it this time too.

#5 Parent waltonsran - 2012-02-25
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

I should of definitely checked my grammar before posting, never made a mistake in your life when typing??

#6 Parent Le Duc de l'Econnerie - 2012-02-24
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

If you look at this "school", you will find it is "commensurate" in its academic standards and working conditions like pay etc. to low-profile teachers* level.
At NDI, grammar is useless, a waste of time and not needed at all. The reason is that the Chinglish they teach has no grammar at all.

#7 Parent Postman - 2012-02-24
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

"their is a Starbucks within 2 minutes walk of each center"

Maybe you didn't get paid because your grammar is so poor that you aren't fit to be a teacher?

#8 Parent waltonsran - 2012-02-23
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute) GUANGZHOU

I did a couple of months for these idiots in GZ...i have nothing good to say other than thanks to the foreign staff for helping me out and making the hellish 2 moths there bearable and for standing up for yourselves against NDI this month when they decided not to pay you...and at time of writing this, still have not paid their Chinese staff, and as i understand it, one of them has filed legal proceedings against them, i hope the outcome is one that can finally hammer a nail into the heart of NDI and be a warning to the other crappy training centers out there.

Personally, they tried to screw me on hours in December, trying to get away with paying me 20 hours instead of 95, and only after my wife contacted a friend in GDTV did they turn around and say "oh yes, we have made a mistake" but, lo and behold...they tried not to pay me anything at all this month, and i threatened them again but this time they coughed up the cash.

There endless reasons why you shouldn't chose training centers, and i know others are posting their own versions of NDI tonight on here, please, for the love of god, don't teach in these places, you are blinded by big salaries, but you will get screwed constantly by these places and it will stress you out and make you hate everything you wanted to do here.

By the way, GDTV want to interview me.....i am going to do it.

#9 Parent Dixie normous - 2012-01-20
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

I am at one of their 3 branches in Guangzhou. I have to say the bad reports about them are pretty damn accurate, the staff are liars, they will cheat you out of your money, and i know most teachers do not have work visa's, and i know that they can't arrange this in Guangzhou but would get you registered elsewhere, illegal and should be a good enough warning to you to start with. Classes are poorly scheduled, students levels are by no surprise the level that you are to teach, sifting through endless folders to find your class material only to find its designed for a group of 6, and you only have 1 student for a Salon class...outdated material, lack of facilities, office computers crash constantly, no privacy from students, must provide your own paper if you wish to give copies to the students, salary is often a week late than the contract suggests, and other things that i can't think of right now. The 3 branches in GZ are Dongshankou, Tianhe and Mayflower. The only good thing....their is a Starbucks within 2 minutes walk of each center!!!

Each to his own of course, personally i would steer well clear of NDI....

#10 Parent Raoul F. Duke - 2012-01-09
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

I do know other branches of NDI, but not the ones you cite.
I can tell you that the other branches I've encountered were awful; as bad as Shanghai etc. if not even worse.
I've never heard an expat teacher speak well of this company, or ANY of its branches.
Keep can find better.

#11 Parent Craigster - 2012-01-06
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

I've considered joining this company - any information about their other branches? Most of the negative stuff seems to be restricted to Shanghai and Wuhan. Does anyone have any information about their branches in Chengdu, Hefei or Xi'an?

#12 Parent iroberts - 2011-01-24
Re: NDI (New Dynamic Institute)

I currently teach at N.D.I and can say that I regret joining the company. N.D.I charges extortionate fees for Very poor material. Once they have the students money, they couldn't care less about their education.Lessons plans with spelling errors, bad English, missing words. Lessons set for beginners repeated and given to upper intermediates as new lessons. Material directly cut and pasted from websites.One lesson is meant to be about travel in New York and the idiot who designed the lesson clearly just copied an advertisement for a website, paying no attention to the material. The list goes on.I feel badly for the students that get sucked in by their slick image and promises.I will not be resigning a contract. N.D.I is a slickly presented sham.

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