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#1 Parent alex - 2012-03-06
Re: Aclipse

so i sent them my resume, and i heard back and everything. But what made me think twice and type "aclipse scam" into Google was this strange and unprofessional email I got from them. it said and i quote "Want to know more about us?! Yeah right ;)" a winky face is not what you should put in a professional email. and what they had said is not professional at all. I can forward this e-mail to anyone if you'd like to see it. And you will see the email was sent from aclipse. so why would they such a stupid email? This is a scam I think. I told them I had a chance of heart. They respect my wishes. But there IS something fishy about this company. There is no denying that.

#2 Parent Beth - 2012-02-29
Re: Aclipse

Hi, I have applied with Aclipse and heard back from them quickly. As for expecting them to contact everyone they can't take, that strikes me as wildly out of touch. I've been through rounds of interviews with school districts in the US only to eventually never hear from people again. You are the job seeker. Recruiters take what they can use, and no one owes you an apologize or explanation. This is just how business works!

For more useful information, I was hoping to bump this thread. Anyone have any real warnings about Aclipse? For example, do they honor their contracts? Any problems getting paid? The work description and pay and location sounds pretty nice, I've spent time in Korea before and am willing to go back, and as far as I can tell, this recruitment agency has less to do with the success of the experience as does the particular school where you work. Anyone experienced otherwise? Who pays you, the school or the agency?

I don't mind them making some money off finding me. That's business, too.

#3 Parent Karen - 2011-01-18
Re: Aclipse

Hi, Sean:

I liked the way you handled this issue, and your response to the Aclipse recruiter.

I'm just starting my ESL Teaching search: So are there any qualified recruiters that you can recommend?

Thanking you in advance,

#4 Parent Robert Murphy - 2011-01-16
Re: Aclipse

That's funny,

I went through aclipse and got a job in Korea starting at 3.1 million won ($3,000 USD) per month, with free housing, round trip airfare, severance pay, full benefits, plus rural bonuses, decent overtime pay, renewal bonuses plus a raise every year, etc. etc.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but from it sounds like... your problem is the fact that you're looking for jobs in China.

#5 Parent Kikis - 2011-01-06
Re: Aclipse

Thanks for the info ...I saw them CB, they had not however ask for photocopies of passaport - yet - but am glad I did not respond!

#6 Parent Sean - 2010-08-24
Re: Aclipse

Thank you both for your feedback.

#7 Parent Migrant Worker - 2010-08-22
Re: Aclipse

I am not going to hitch a ride with either train here, but a business is a business. It would be nice to be sent a letter informing them that they were not a fit for this position but you will forward positions in the future that may be of interest to them. If Sean is a highly qualified teacher than you would do best to let him know and keep on good terms with him for future vacancies. Let's be frank. Businesses don't care about people's feelings unless it suits their interest. I think it could suit your interest in the area I mentioned.

I could understand that it would be difficult to contact each candidate. Might be a good idea to setup a mailing system for that.

#8 Parent Scott - 2010-08-21
Re: Aclipse

I acknowledge that your first responsibility is to your clients but in order to meet your clients needs you must be able to recruit able and qualified teachers. Applicants can spend a significant amount of time completing your application form so it is hardly an encouragement or a courtesy if you fail to acknowledge that their application has been unsuccessful. After all the good recruiters are able to do this and they receive similar levels of interest.

Perhaps if you gave some consideration to applicants who, after all, have provided you with sensitive information about themselves in their application, then you would encourage more applicants and you wouldnt need to advertise so often. You would also be serving your clients interests as you would have a wider pool of applicants from which to recruit.

Other teachers must form their own views but I believe that there are better recruiters out there. Why apply to a recruiter who is quick to make excuses but who does not show consideration to unsuccessful applicants?

#9 Parent Sean Daley - 2010-08-20
Re: Aclipse

Everyone who applies with Aclipse recieves and automated message informing them that we have received thier application, and if we feel they are a good fit for our client, they will be contacted by a recruiter within a week. Like all businesses that receive hundreds of applications per week, we can only personally respond to those most closely suited for the job. Candidates who do participate in a phone interview but are not chosen are also notified of our decision within three business days. We collect no sensitive documents from candidates who have not signed an offer of employment with us. Aclipse also does not share our teachers documents with anyone.

Aclipse recruiters are a small group of experienced American ESL teachers who now work on the recruitment side of the industry. We are committed to helping our clients meet their goals and hiring the teachers who possess the distinct qualities they are looking for. Even highly qualified ESL teachers may not be a perfect fit for our jobs. Our obligation is to our client and to the teachers with whom we have entered into a contract. I think you will find that both of those parties are very pleased with the hard work that we do.

If anyone in the ESL community has any questions regarding the integrity or procedures of Aclipse, I would be happy to speak with them personally. I can be reached directly at 617-960-8879, or by email at

Sean Daley

#10 Parent Scott Hart - 2010-08-20
Re: Aclipse

Dear Sean,

In response to your e-mail, I would agree that the less professional recruiters do not reply to all applicants. However, the good recruiters do make contact even if it is to let applicants know that they have been unsuccessful. I think you said it yourself in your correspondence with Torrence when you stated:

"It is possible, that your recruiter, for whatever reason, decided you were not a viable candidate, and terminated correspondence with you. If so, it is regretable and unprofessional ..."

Of course, when anyone points out Aclipse's failings then you're quick to respond and there's always an excuse! Let's face it, a US based company should be more professional. I wish now I had taken more notice of Torrence's post and would advise others to avoid Aclipse. There's plenty of professional companies out there so why waste time with this bunch.


#11 Parent Sean Daley - 2010-08-19
Re: Aclipse

Dear Scott,
Like any employer, we do not automatically contact and interview every candidate that applies for a job with us, even if they are TEFL certified. We have limited positions to fill and look for various criteria in making a decision as to whether to reach out to a candidate or not. This does not make us a scam or a "buch of cowboys". Nor are we totally incompetant. We are all qualified English teachers as well as responsible recruiters.

Our client has some particular qualifications that they wish for us to be focused on and perhaps you just did not match that particular criteria. After all, not every English teacher is a perfect fit for every position, just as not all schools are an ideal fit for all teachers.

#12 Parent Scott - 2010-08-19
Re: Aclipse

A couple of months ago a saw an advertisement placed by Aclipse for EFL teachers in South Korea. After reading the rather plausible post from Aclipse I decided to go ahead and apply through them. And what's happened? Precisely nothing. They have never contacted me about my application even though the application was sent correctly and I am a qualified TEFL teacher with experience. This leads me to assume that, at worst, Torrence is correct and they're some kind of scam artists or, at best, they're totally incompetent. Either way would you want to put your trust in this bunch of cowboys?

#13 Parent Kads - 2009-09-01
Re: Aclipse

I too have dealt with Aclipse. I sent in all my information, blah blah blah, I know I am qualified to get a job in S.K. which I didn't even WANT. They didn't have the sense to tell me they weren't recruiting for Japan but instead transferred all my information over to S.K. and got me on this happy vibe of okay it's a job. Not even a minute before my interview is set to start I get an email saying they can't represent me and that's it. IT TOOK ME HOUNDING THIER ASS VIA EMAIL AND BLASTING THEM ON FB TO FIND OUT WHAT THE REAL PROBLEM WAS. According to them even though I am a British Citizen because I went to highschool in the Caribbean I am not eligible to be represented. When I asked them from the start if this was going to be a problem!

But thank the stars I didn't have to go through with them. From reading the complaints on their facebook pg I found out they don't respond to people, they have serious management issues, they are basically time wasters. I find it laughable that I was eligible to get a degree in America with my Caribbean ass but I can't open my mouth and teach English? My first and only language? Please.

#14 Parent Sean - 2009-05-27
Re: Aclipse

Dear Torrence,
I am sorry you had a negative experience working with our company and sincerely regret that we left you or anyone else with the impression that we are a scam. But I can assure you that we are a ligitimate company, and not a bunch of Chinese nationals in a dorm room in Canada. I am a recruiter for Aclipse in our North American headquarters in Boston. I have seven years of classroom experience, and a CTEFL myself, as most of the recruiters here do.
Sometimes there is recruiter turnover and your material may have fallen through the cracks for this reason. This is unnacceptable and we will work hard to ensure that it never happens again. But I certainly would have to know your full name in order to track down your documents for you. I would also be very interested in what type of paperwork you sent us. We do not under any circumstances sell anyone's information to anyone and work very hard to find the very best candidates for our clients. We are not a service company for the English teacher, but rather a recruitment firm that works for the client. It is possible, that your recruiter, for whatever reason, decided you were not a viable candidate, and terminated correspondence with you. If so, it is regretable and unprofessional, but at least better than thinking your info has been sold to someone. It hasn't.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 617-960-8879, or Our very real store front is located at 52 Temple Place, Boston MA 02111.
I hope this helps in some way.
Best Regards,
Sean Daley

#15 Parent Torrence - 2009-01-04
Re: Aclipse

Aclipse is BOGUS. I have seen many postings from them and when you send them all of the paperwork they want, you never hear back from them. I know others who responded to their ads as well, all of which, like myself, have a Master's Degree with a DELTA and TESOL, and they never received a reply. This is likely one of those scams where they sell your data, or they are tracking people for some HR consulting projects. This is common in China as well where people post top dollar jobs, and get millions of replies. Later, around 4-months you'll start getting e-mails from some Chinese person you never heard of before offering you a job in China for the laughable wage of 9000 Yuan or less trying to convince you that it is a "good local wage" which of course is BS as they pocket 5000 or more per month of your salary as some people are stupid enough to sign a contract via a recruiter and later learn the job was budgeted for double what they are being paid.

Many of these so-called recruiters are Chinese people working from a laptop in some dorm room in Canada where they are students and their salary won't cut the expenses of living in a 1st world nation so they think they are clever and create bogus store fronts.

Aclipse is bad news by all accounts.

Angelina's Cafe is another one offering jobs from "5,000 to 35,000 RMB" per month in China. MORE BULL DUNG. I know people with two Ph.D.'s in China and none of them earn anywhere near 35,000 RMB per month so those jobs are more BS postings much like Aclipse. they post that crap to generate Web traffic and collect documents which for all you know, via Adobe Photoshop are now being altered and sold to some BS diploma mill in Africa.

If anyone reading this is stupid enough to send full sized scanned color copies of their passport and other credentials to a stranger, why not go all the way and post your social insurance or social security number, birth certificate, and credit card numbers and the 3-digit pin code to boot!

Aclipse is another store font, fly-by-night BS agency that some clown thought up and with good Web site skills, they look "real enough".

Do a background check on anyone wanting to hire you these days. Check the company. Run their Web site through someplace like and do a WHO IS check on the Web site address. With their physical address, check their validity with their local government. Then find out via the government who owns the company and then do a background check on the owners.

You will find that most likely at least 60% of the postings online are BS or have some other angle to make money off of you and your hard earned degrees.

Jayson - 2009-01-03


my name is Jayson and I'm a current college graduate and though I do not have a degree concentrated in English or teaching I am quite interested in the experience of teaching in Asia, particularly Japan. I have been in contact with an ACLIPSE recruiter and I have read a thread regarding ACLIPSE and the teaching opportunities in Korea. I was wondering if anyone knew anything of the Japan opportunities or has had any experience teaching in Japan. AMITY is another group I'm looking into so if anyone has any helpful advice or insight, if you could either contact me at my e-mail address or reply here, that would be greatly appreciated.


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