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#1 Parent Jim - 2012-03-08
Re: Zhejiang University


It is quite a Herculean task to try and get my arms around all of the difference and similarites between and amoung schools. As a newbie, I am still trying to figure out the difference between the different visas and why no school wants to give you a z visa upfront. Anyway more shall be revealed.



#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-07
Re: Zhejiang University

Ruse!? Sorry you feel that way. I think it is best that you do not respond to anything I post here, ever.

Fair enough dude, but these are free boards

Until you can prove your real identity, and that you are not just looking to cull some foreign teachers or indeed working for said company, I and others simply have no reason to trust a newcomer here such as yourself.

Just stating some facts imho.

#3 Parent Magister - 2012-03-07
Re: Zhejiang University

I think if you run a search on this website for China TEFL network you'll find that previous employees have made several posts about this recruiter.

I have no experience of them myself but what prompted me to answer was that the title of your post was 'Zhejiang Univeristy'. I may be wrong but a quick look at the China TEFL network website makes no mention of the Zhejiang Univeristy Zhejiang Da Xue commonly known as Zhe Da which is one of the more established and highly regarded universities in the country. There are lots of postings on China TEFL network for Zhejiang University of blah blah blah. This pattern is the same in any province in China so you should always be careful and make sure that you know exactly which institute it is you are going to be working at.

#4 Parent Jim - 2012-03-07
Re: Zhejiang University

Chinglish!? Ruse!? Sorry you feel that way. I think it is best that you do not respond to anything I post here, ever. I find it hard to believe that you take such a harsh tone to an honest inquiry.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-06
Re: Zhejiang University

From your chinglish, and your name, I suspect this is a ruse to get teachers with said organization to post their negative comments, so they will then get fired.

I am not going to trust your post, or you, at all!!!!

Jim - 2012-03-06
Zhejiang University

Does anybody have any expereince with Zhejiang University Helen Chinatefl Netwrok Co. Ltd. They sent me a contract and I am going to review it carefully with my TESL instructor. In the meantime I was wondreing is there anybody who has any thoughts or pervious experience with the organization, could you shoot a response to this post about your experience or what you have heard about them?

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