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#1 Parent Try Another Recruiter - 2012-04-07
Re: Journey East

Regarding Journey East, they are just a recruiter, like so many others, but with one big caveat that they share with a few others here -- they charge the unwitting foreign teacher a nice little fee to place them in a job in China. There are probably 1,000 recruiters in China, given the foreign teacher frenzy at the moment, and nearly 99% do not charge the foreign teacher for their services. There are several notable exceptions however -- Footprints from Canada, GreenAcres from Chicago, Perlandis in Hong Kong, and now, Journey East. Their website is so, so slick and really quite informative -- very well done all the way to the bank.

There is NO reason that any foreign teacher in China should have to pay a recruiter to find employment in China. 100% none.

#2 Parent gingerly - 2012-03-31
Re: Journey East

Go over the contract carefully. The devil is in the detail, if there is one! That is a great litmus test. Of course, firsthand reports about an employer are valuable too, if they are honest! Beware of stooges!

Wendy Brown - 2012-03-31
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