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#1 Parent I dont MING but Yuming DOES - 2012-07-19
Re:Yu Ming education center

Wrong. those who are happy to put up with and tolerate lies and the spoonfed bullshit are the only ones who would be treated like royalty and they don't even do that, they just have no need to treat you like shit is all. If that is being treated like royalty then your expectations must have been pretty low to begin with.

Feed a starving desperate man on rotten food and I guess he will be pretty happy, but does that make it right......

In other words pal, you are clearly someone who goes through life being stepped on constantly. Bullied at school, always treated like the dickhead, yes? So it comes as no surprise that you would consider an anal company like Yuming as a decent place to work. I am actually glad there are people like you in the world, makes it easier for those with something about them to stay away from such hell holes. Enjoy ;)

#2 Parent CB1981 - 2012-04-06
Re:Yu Ming education center

I have no idea why there are so many complaints against this company, seriously. Im not posing: I worked there for a year. I got paid regularly and generally made over 10,000 a month. Its true in a given semester i had to teach at 3 or 4 different schools in a week. But that is the job. I asked them for a reference letter 2 years after I left and Helen, who was actually very good to me while i was there, was only to happy to give me one. The people in this thread have been talking like sniveling children. TIC...grow up. Look at their qualification requirement look at their pay, dont expect some cushy language school paradise. If you don't like something speak up ahead of time. They lent me 15 grand when i got there and took a small portion back every month without interest. Who ever takes 6 grand and an apartment instead of making 10 or 11 without one is an idiot.(or at least has no concept of China)
Do your job and finish your contract. figure out what the job entails before you sign a contract.

#3 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-05
Re:Yu Ming education center

Yes, I wouldn't use anything else but Linux. The problem is in China is that if you want to use QQ, and the only way on Linux is to use and that's not too good. But I don't QQ, so no problem for me. I prefer Mint, Linux Mint to Ubuntu, but they are all good. Stuff like is easy if you know how(on Linux that is) Skype works fine without fiddling.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-05
Re:Yu Ming education center

oaded with a brand new computer(500 gb hhd and 8gb of ram)

Well, I would never depend on any school to provide me a computer, especially one that has been made in the PRC and probably contains tracking software and not running an open source OS.

Have your own laptop, running linux, and a china unicom usb way.

#5 Parent His Majesty - 2012-04-04
Re:Yu Ming education center

Sir, your obviously a great edutainor who can make them a lot of money. Hence the fringe benifits in the sack, etc. Expect a barrage of critisim from the narrow-minded knockers brigade who can't stand reading stuff from those who enjoy their lives behind the great wall. Of course, let it go past you like it was not there in the first place. Hooray for Yuming! Those who can teach are treated like royalty there!

#6 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-04
Re:Yu Ming education center

American Linguistics??!! That's a bit of a iffy oxymoron to stumble across on a dark night!
I don't recognise the fantastic establishment I worked for in Tianjin in what you you write about them. I had previously, before taking a position with Yuming, worked in several seedy schools in China. I couldn't believe my luck, and felt that I had totally landed on my feet at Yuming. I found them well-organised, reliable, caring, totally honest, and sympathetic. My word, they didn't even mind me sleeping with staff members as long as I kept it under my hat(not literally you understand.) I could't fault the pay, it was always on time and usually contained a little bonus. My flat was like a penthouse and wasn't once asked to contribute towards paying for a single watt of electricity. After being with them for only two months, there was a knock on my door one evening, a senior member of staff arrived sporting a porters trolley loaded with a brand new computer(500 gb hhd and 8gb of ram) The considerate young lady helped me plug everything in- And I refer to everything. No, I can't fault Yuming.

#7 Parent American Linguistics - 2012-03-04
Re:Yu Ming education center

Yu Ming education center

Whilst the reputation of education agencies in China are generally very poor, YuMing Education simply has to be one of the worst in Tianjin, they are an unscrupulous greedy and selfish company whose only interest is their own profit, and do not care who they hurt in the process, misinformation and lack of information is the key foundation that this company seems to be built upon.

If you look at their website, and many trillions of advertisements that are plastered all over the internet, you will see various statements, outlining the conditions they offer teachers, most of which are a pack of lies, there is very little continuity between one advert and another, whilst one promises one thing, another doesn’t.

For example, they stipulate that the holidays during the summer and winter will be approximately six weeks during the summer and four weeks during the winter. Whilst the do use the word “approximately” the truth is that the holidays are actually three months in the summer and two in the winter, that along with the Chinese national holidays throughout the year, cancelled classes due to school trips and such, means that all in all, you are looking at about six months of the year not teaching. This would be fine if they actually stuck to the other statement they make, of teachers being able to continue at their normal rate of pay during said holidays, working in one of their many teaching camps, unfortunately they don’t have teaching camps, or at least no teachers who have worked there that I’m aware of have ever had the opportunity to work in one. They did offer me some work however during this period, a couple of forty minute classes a week in a school miles away out of the city which quite frankly was just not worth the effort, and considering there is a clause in your contract which says you cannot take on any teaching work other than what YuMing give you, expect to spend a lot of time out of pocket and sat twiddling your thumbs. Some of the adverts around also state that you will be paid holiday pay during these periods too, and actually go on to state the percentage of pay that you will receive in each holiday, whilst your contract and their website do not.

They do their very best to ensure that teachers do not meet each other, I guess this is because if your alone then you are isolated, unable to discuss your problems with others in a similar situation, and therefore unlikely to do a great deal when they mess you around.

They like to hold onto important documents, like your foreign experts certificate, even your passport if they can get it from you, there have been many teachers who have ended up in trouble with the PSB, due to not having certain documents in their possession when being interviewed, or being fined and deported after YuMing have cancelled a Visa without informing the teacher, or allowed a Visa to expire that they were supposed to be renewing. An interesting point about this is that when YuMings name was mentioned at the PSB when I was there, the policeman and interviewer both looked at each other and said “YuMing Education....... AGAIN!!!” This indicates to me that they are getting a bad reputation with the authorities in Tianjin for this kind of business practice and that it must happen often.

Their communication abilities also leave a lot to be desired, in both their level of spoken and understood English and general professionalism, never have I encountered such disorganisation before. Turning up for classes at a school that have actually been cancelled without any communication from them is common, and when confronted about this they like to blame the school, stating that they were not informed themselves. Whilst I can accept that this may be the case on occasion, the amount of times this actually happens, and involving different schools, I find it difficult to believe that it was the schools who were at fault every single time.

Other things offered and stated in contracts that never occur include...

Health insurance, Chinese and/or Kung Fu lessons , Air tickets home and stated working hours not being adhered to.

If you work here and leave, and manage to actually leave without encountering serious issues with your Visa then you are probably the first. Most people end up having to travel back to their home country to start the Visa process from the very beginning again as they will not complete the release form required to change employers on most occasions, I don’t quite know the exact reason for this but no doubt it is also as twisted as everything else they practice here.


#8 Parent The Legal Expert - 2010-12-21
Re My prayer to the goddess of all grovelling and snivelling weasels...LOL

What about the infamous Baltic Brown Bear?

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