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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-07
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

I doubt if we've met!! I don't know many blokes call San Mig.

And I doubt I have met you, with your chinese pseudonym.

As for that story it is quite true. And those "poor" teachers all drive around black audis and own plush apartments, so I found their squabbling like a bunch of old hens over some milk donated from government coffers disgusting.

A case in point:

The real kicker? Oh, universal health care CAN'T be given to everyone. Yes it can, but much like those stuffed shirt MP's and switzerland tax dodging UK businesses, they just don't want to spread the wealth. Poll tax riots anyone? Recent london riots?

#2 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-07
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

No thanks, I'd rather have bowel surgery performed in a dirty toilet.

I'll stay with a public job, thanks all the same.

If we have met, as you say, it's all water under the bridge, at least to me.

Caught you in a mood for dysphemisms, or do you not know that that procedure is called "cottaging" and some of our best and most respected citizens have it performed every day??

By the way, I liked your post about wanting to plunder food parcels donated by the local party to deprived Chinese teachers. I printed it out and showed it to some of our counties finest at "The Dog & Duck" I'm bound to say that they were in fits of laughter and falling off of their bar stools.

I doubt if we've met!! I don't know many blokes call San Mig.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-06
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

Jobs to be had at Yuming if you get stuck.

No thanks, I'd rather have bowel surgery performed in a dirty toilet.

I'll stay with a public job, thanks all the same.

If we have met, as you say, it's all water under the bridge, at least to me.

#4 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-06
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

Perhaps. Although I fail to see why that is any of your concern?

You've gone and cut me to the quick now! But of course you're right, none of my concern. Best to leave the past and all it's dark entanglements behind us. i hope that the future will provide balm for any wounds inflicted by our Aryan brothers. Jobs to be had at Yuming if you get stuck.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-05
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

Perhaps. Although I fail to see why that is any of your concern?

#6 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-05
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

You got browned-off with Germany then?

#7 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-05
Re: I will quit Qingdao and Ocean

I agree. I am applying to some non oral english teaching positions, such as lecturing literature, or working at a paper.

I'm happy to stay in China/Asia, just a bit tired of the routine, easy as it is, of the oral english teacher. I can tolerate my present job for know.

Cheers again

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