Return to Index › Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-14
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff

Exactly foxy!

The OP seems to think we should all bow down and lick their boots, but I won't stoop down to his level, local wife or not.

#2 Parent foxy - 2012-04-14
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff

This is China, there are other english teaching jobs, n'est pas?

True indeed! No need to be a grovelling weasel nor a people pleaser, even if you're teaching with a 'dodgy' visa! In fact, the employer you're working for will accommodate your grievances in that case because he knows you know you can pull a runner whenever you choose, and leave him without a foreign teacher at very short 'notice', and there's no way he can make trouble for you with the authorities subsequently.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-13
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff

why don't you just go with the flow, it's their school? What you should be concerned about is do they cough up with the cash on time? Is your flat free? Do you have a new carpet in your bedroom? I started insisting on the latter since my expensive watch fell from the bedside table smashing its glass on the hard tiles. Do you have to pay for electricity(out of the question)? Does your water dispenser also heat up water for a quick cup of coffee. Can girls gain access to your flat without let or hindrance-that would certainly be a deal-breaker? No No, don't try and take charge or poke your noses into things that should not concern you.

The problem is if everyone thought like you and decided not to do anything about things that need to be put right, such as teachers disobeying bilingual non smoking signs,slippery floors with no wet floor warning signs, low ceilings without signs warning you to watch your head, all the chinese teachers receiving a school provided notebook and textbooks but the FT being told just get on with it, then life for all future FT's would be harder. Personally I couldn't give a rats, as I leave here in 2 months, but I think it's pretty sad that so many choose to bury their head in the sand and not stand out and point out things that are wrong, over fear of losing a job, where another could easily be found. This is China, there are other english teaching jobs, n'est pas?

#4 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-13
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff

There was no consistency in approach and some were quite amateurish. The other extreme is when Chinese students do a presentation. There is too much emphasis on graphics and animation rather than the language aspects.

Dead on here. As one aussie guy who was working in web design in China who I used to know would say : " They f******g idolize flash animations ffs!".

Or as captain mainwaring would say, all for show and not for blow.

Why do you anguish so much about the way the Chinese want to teach, why don't you just go with the flow, it's their school? What you should be concerned about is do they cough up with the cash on time? Is your flat free? Do you have a new carpet in your bedroom? I started insisting on the latter since my expensive watch fell from the bedside table smashing its glass on the hard tiles. Do you have to pay for electricity(out of the question)? Does your water dispenser also heat up water for a quick cup of coffee. Can girls gain access to your flat without let or hindrance-that would certainly be a deal-breaker? No No, don't try and take charge or poke your noses into things that should not concern you.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-13
Re: Re EF English First Shenyang - good/bad? From a current member of staff

There was no consistency in approach and some were quite amateurish. The other extreme is when Chinese students do a presentation. There is too much emphasis on graphics and animation rather than the language aspects.

Dead on here. As one aussie guy who was working in web design in China who I used to know would say : " They f******g idolize flash animations ffs!".

Or as captain mainwaring would say, all for show and not for blow.

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