Return to Index › Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-29
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

And I definitely think the board will be POORER without your thought-provoking posts. Some readers are indeed too easily offended. Big egos and all that, ugh!

For your first posting, utter crap, you really are a big GW now, and have proved that.

#2 Parent fuzzy - 2012-04-28
Re: You must learn Chinese to avoid trouble.

I've been barred, Turnoi, as well you know it. However, the divine arsenals of intervention may allow you to see my reply, even though it won't be posted.

That's unfortunate if it comes to pass. I have enjoyed reading your contributions, WW. And I definitely think the board will be POORER without your thought-provoking posts. Some readers are indeed too easily offended. Big egos and all that, ugh!

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