Return to Index › Re: "Mar(r)y Ann" and "her" spelling problems - velly good native "teacher" in China....LOL
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-04
Re: "Mar(r)y Ann" and "her" spelling problems - velly good native "teacher" in China....LOL

On a lighter note, it's fun to tell ignorant ppl how stupid they really are. If you don't it might give other stupids the idea that their ideas actually have any meaning. Do be careful with how you talk to people as I could have taken what you said to me as being patronizing. If you are "too good" for ppl like the "mary ann" character you wouldn't have posted on here in the first place, eh?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-04
Re: "Mar(r)y Ann" and "her" spelling problems - velly good native "teacher" in China....LOL

It's a shame because there are so many important issues out there that could of benefited from your attention

No worries, I'll let your babysit the female hyena, I'll take care of the other issues.

#3 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-03
Re: "Mar(r)y Ann" and "her" spelling problems - velly good native "teacher" in China....LOL

and yet you took the time to reply........

It's a shame because there are so many important issues out there that could of benefited from your attention

#4 Parent Mary Ann - 2012-05-03
yawning dragon type sniggering hyena gives much used before SH reply

Yawn, next please.

Hi Dragon, Your reply is so original, dear, only used 50000 times on this site. This must be a good likeness.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-03
Re: "Mar(r)y Ann" and "her" spelling problems - velly good native "teacher" in China....LOL

[Yawn], next please.

#6 Parent Marry Ann - 2012-05-02
Re: "Mar(r)y Ann" and "her" spelling problems - velly good native "teacher" in China....LOL

One letter please, very simple for a fluent Chinese speaker
There is your answer, genius.

A difference BETWEEN speaking and WRITING!!

You are not an educator, that much is certain! But a lying snake in the grass backstabbing grovelling weasel to the temple of groveldom!!!

You're a bad boy, San Mig. The only Chinese you might know is the odd command to your poor young student, like 'tor yi fu, wo yao gai ni shenme donxi.' I don't have my assistant with me so forgive my Mandarin (not that you would know) I didn't get Turnois Chinese message from his dictionary but it was most probably so disgusting it didn't get past the moderator. You SNIGGERING HYENA D.O.M

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