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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-10
Re: Shane English Kunming

Wales will gain independence before that happens, ergo, never.

#2 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-09
Re: Shane English Kunming

Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of (San Migs) worlds

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-08
Re: Shane English Kunming

You will bring the website crashing down around you, before that happens....laters ace///

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-08
Re: need advise please lads

Bideford is my nearest jobcentre. I use Spectre because that was my knickname in my profession. I am sorry it does not meet with your approval. We got my profile on Daves cafe and another sight yesterday so should be all right without your help. Not expecting to here today because its bank holiday.

And Bideford is down south., It stands to reason, you know Brighton/London well and possibly the home counties.

What's your pint of choice these days, when you are not bored with your 6 PC's and your Chinese wife?

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-07
Re: need advise please lads

You can't fool me as to who you really are.

You own 6 pc's and have a drinking problem. Seek help for your schizophrenia, alcoholism and internet addiction.

Get well soon [edited],
San Migs

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-07
Re: need advise please lads

Moronic, more like.

#7 Parent Magister - 2012-05-07
Re: need advise please lads


#8 Parent Marry Ann - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

Or you may well get banned from these boards. I suspect that will be the more likely outcome.

Hi again Dan Mig, I have found it!

The above looks a little like a threat? You and the good father say this quite a lot- when you are getting thrashed that is. The Welshman is clearly getting the better of you. He should be banned.

#9 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

o.k. see you in court

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

Or you can be sued, your call!

#11 Parent Spectre(A R C) - 2012-05-07
Re: need advise please lads

Your confusing me for another person I have never been to Doncaster Bideford is my nearest jobcentre. I use Spectre because that was my knickname in my profession. I am sorry it does not meet with your approval. We got my profile on Daves cafe and another sight yesterday so should be all right without your help. Not expecting to here today because its bank holiday. [edited]

#12 Parent Spectre - 2012-05-07
Re: need advise please lads

Hi fellows
I had one reply from a very silly person in this sight. He must be mad. Anybody else out there please? that can give me some advise. Yesterday we put some advertisments out for a job in China. I was not expecting a reply today because it is bank holiday monday. But howevver I have not only had more than one reply but have spoken to a lady a very nice chinese lady on skype who said i can have a job for 12000 reningbi (per month) an apartment provided. It dont seem lot when we converted it into pounds and I told her but she says the standard of living is different. She said I would only have to work 17 hours for that isthat right? She said I should arrive on a holiday visa and they would sort me out when i got there. Is that cosha? Trouble is I dont have a passport but my lodger has filled in a passport form on the internet and tomorrow we must go to Tesco and get some pictures taken. She said I must have a medical examination in China and they would pay for it but I am a bit worried course i have a gammy leg due to dropping a casket on it when I was trying to manage on my own in my profession. I am hoping now that teaching will become my new profession. Any input please(not the nasty mad man) I shall look on this sight again tomorrow but you can send me an email to Lots of aprreeciations in advance.

#13 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

I didn't realize i was that intimidating. I guess you can only live in hope..........

#14 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

Or you may well get banned from these boards. I suspect that will be the more likely outcome.

#15 Parent been there, done that - 2012-05-06
Re: Shane English Kunming

Oh dear (x3)!

Come on ladies, pick up your game as that was just a woeful response:)

"the roof is going to come down"? My 3 year old cousin can do better than that. To the san migs/turnoi/silverboy [edited]collective:-

firstly, you are obviously past it so go hide in a "school" "university" so you can tell people you are a teacher (people only work there for the holidays because they can't hack it in the real world). Secondly you all consider talking to nobody in a big room where the students talk for about 30 seconds a class teaching? I consider it lyrical masturbation, put down the ego and try teaching. Thirdly, you have been shown to be woeful in your grasp of even basic grammar and the best you can offer is to whine like a 7 year old kid "well all my friends are doing it". Yep all your little "teacher" friends which just shows you can walk the walk but can't talk the talk, and BTW they are all gramatically incorrect wrong too and shows you to be incompetent - such a simple piece of grammar and you made a complete mess of it.

I don't love shane School Kunming, but I hate downright liars and incompetents and I won't let people who blame all their own shortcomings on someone/something else (and sparrow I was trying to be polite but I worked with you, and by general consent you were considered a disgrace to the school, the profession and humanity), or people who are obviously past it, criticise other people without any basis in fact and then can't even get a simple grammar point right - IT MAKES ME WONDER (just to let the [edited] collective know what a real piece of english grammar looks like).

Lastly, whoever said the "roof is going to come down on my head". You do realise that this is the internet, don't you? That the roof isn't going to come down, that I don't care about the fact that you are lost in a little troll world and don't care if you give yourself more importance here than you could ever achieve in the real world. And I think you ladies are past it and past your bed time if that is the best you can do. You like bullying other people on here, so I am enjoying (see how I used the gerund properly there Turnoi?) giving you some of your own medicine. Please do better in your response this time ladies, or I will have to go and find some real intellectual competition.

People who actually worked at the school and supported it to some degree = 3
People who actually worked at the school an criticized it to some degree = 1 (Steve the Pirate from Dodgeball)

#16 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

wait until Silverboy and Turnoi respond in kind. You have just brought the roof in on yourself

Oh no! Not Silverboy and Turnoi! What are they going to do? Post disparaging things under their pseudonyms about others posting under their pseudonyms.

Yes, truly the sky is falling.

#17 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-06
Re: need advise please lads

This is either appollyon, bxjp, tom, woodbine willie or one of his other wind up fake names.

Don't worry, you still have yer bog brush don't yer?!

All yer need is a bit of elbow grease and yer trusty bog brush. Suggest yer get your arse down to Doncaster job centre!!!

#18 Parent Sparrow - 2012-05-06
Re: Shane English Kunming

The "Special" kid speaks up ...........

#19 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-06
Re: Shane English Kunming

San Migs - You bother working for 5500 and an apartment, or think that's "respectable"? I was earning about 60-70% more than that by the time I left Shane, and from reading some of your posts on other threads it just backs up my opinion of you - a [edited] who settles for minimum money for minimum work - way to inspire your students and colleagues. I can't wait for the trollish replies from you and [edited] Turnoi, so [edited] and bring it on:)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. I DON'T need to earn more, nor do I feel any jealousy about the percentage you so arrogantly boast about. With my free digs I easily save half of my salary, so you see I don't need to work at a training centre just to piss it all away in the bars and ktvs. You are the real loser, because you have to be observed in class and break your back. Also, Silverboy, Turnoi, myself and others worked damn hard before coming to China? How old are you? What right do you HAVE to judge others? Judge not, lest YE be JUDGED, goes in my book.

Either way, you have just proven yourself to be the sellout grovelling weasel lackey I suspected you are. If you think I am harsh, wait until Silverboy and Turnoi respond in kind. You have just brought the roof in on yourself, you GW's are too funny and predictable, lol.


#20 Parent Spectre(A R Cribbins) - 2012-05-06
need advise please lads

Hi fellows
I need some advise. i have been throu the mill of late. I lost me profession that i has held down for 35 years. my old lady took the dog for a walk around the lake one night and never returned. I was gutted and took to drinking scrumpy. I was in a mess but to cut a long storey short throu a chance meeting in the park I found the power of prayer. i came accross your threads and the feeling has gripped me I CAN DO THAT. I have been to the pubic library and loaned some book about teaching English and another one to brush up on my English.

I would really appreeciate it if I could get some advise on who to approuch and the type of school I should approuch. I don't feel that I can ever return to my profession and need a new start teaching in China. Where do I start lads please? I am called Albert Cribbins but I see you all use a handel so i choose Spectre. Any advise lads? How do I get a visa?

#21 Parent been there, done that - 2012-05-06
Re: Shane English Kunming

Oh dear (yet again!)

I love this thread man!! all the trolls have come out to play and make themselves look stupider by the post:)

Sparrow - I was really shocked to find out that you needed to have a good working relationship with a company to get a good reference from them. And there was me, thinking that you had to treat them like crap to get some good words from them - maybe that's because I'm "special":) Secondly I would say again that I had my reference sent by Shane School Kunming to my university with no problem at all - and believe me I had my fair share of "chats" with the management over "issues". So I keep thinking why you either assert that you have been denied a reference, or if you really have, why? An HR buddy of mine told me that he would quietly tell some people to not bother putting the company down for a reference, as it would be so crappy due to terrible performance, that it would kill any application dead in the water. Maybe that's what character assignation is, but I am one of the "special" kids so what do I know?:) I agree with mynd i ffwrdd (dude, did you have a seizure when you were writing your name!!) Open references aren't worth the paper they are written on - bland pieces of cr@p that say nothing because the school either doesn't want to offend the teacher or if they are cr@ppy then the teacher just throws them away.

Turnoi - "that makes me really wondering" - you come on here all holier than thou, and that's what you write - shame on you:) Last time I checked the verb "to wonder" is stative and cannot be used in this context. Great advert for whatever crappy little middle/senior school or university you are at. [edited]. I worked at a university and left because it was full of old farts who loved the sound of their own voice droning on and on while most of their students slept because they couldn't or wouldn't understand what was going on. [edited]. Now I know that's a sweeping generalization and I don't know you personally (thank God), or the full facts about you or your place or work, but you seem to be of the mind that it's ok for you to do the same thing about everyone and everything else so take a little of your own medicine. The sad thing is that I would agree with you about the fact that most training centers are shady places to work, but some are pretty good (Shane Kunming leans towards the latter, but not 100% all the way there). Shane was so "crappy" that it offered to pay for my CELTA, gave regular training and feedback and even covered my classes from time to time so I could go and watch more experienced teachers to learn something from them

San Migs - You bother working for 5500 and an apartment, or think that's "respectable"? I was earning about 60-70% more than that by the time I left Shane, and from reading some of your posts on other threads it just backs up my opinion of you - a [edited] who settles for minimum money for minimum work - way to inspire your students and colleagues. I can't wait for the trollish replies from you and [edited] Turnoi, so [edited] and bring it on:)

So the last thing I would like to say, is that I find it interesting that with the exception of Sparrow (who my serving colleague at the school says is laughed at and treated with contempt), everyone who has at least supported the school a little has actually worked there and done the hours, whereas all the detractors have no idea about the actual situation and resort to sweeping generalizations that have no basis in fact about the place in the slightest - moral and intellectual pygmies!! If you worked there and slammed the place then fair enough, but otherwise.......................this is the point when the trolls come back with something like "I don't have to work there to know it's a crappy place blah, blah, blah", which is another way of saying "I don't know what I am talking about so I will just say something offensive"

#22 Parent pugwash - 2012-05-06
Re: Shane English Kunming

by denying a written reference the employer forces the teacher to maintain a good relationship with the business in case a reference is required at a later stage.

So they deny a reference, then give one at a later stage, therefore not actually err..denying one? ... ??? By "denying" do you actually mean "giving"?

#23 Parent Bethany - 2012-05-06
Re: Shane English Kunming

Careful you don’t drown in your bird bath mate!
Remember that in 1958 Chairman Mao launched the ‘Four Pests’ campaign ordering the extermination of mosquito’s, flies, rats and (most pertinently) sparrows. This resulted in the near extinction of the species in China. Given some of the twaddle you’ve been coming out with in this thread perhaps the Chairman was not so misguided!

#24 Parent Sparrow - 2012-05-05
Re: Shane English Kunming

To clarify for the "special" kids, by denying a written reference the employer forces the teacher to maintain a good relationship with the business in case a reference is required at a later stage. Considering that the foreign experts bureau does not accept gaps in a resume this assures the school of cooperative teachers.

Comparing the school under Chinachillie to what it has evolved into now is a serious mistake as the two have nothing in common except the outdated syllabus.

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