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#1 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-10
Re: Shane English Kunming

ok. I'll take that bet.

How much were you thinking?

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-09
Re: Shane English Kunming

Which you fail to understand.

8000-10000 rmb is nothing, especially when you are expected to perform like a white grovelling snivelling monkey for your DOS boss for all those lengthy hours and weekends.

I repeat, get a grip, or go to the gulf to earn really money as a professional teacher. Can you and will you? Or will you take silverboys challenge and plan your own lessons for 16 classes a week at a respectable public university? Bet you won't because I bet you can't!!! Silverboy is right, you are wrong.

#3 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-09
Re: Shane English Kunming

Yes, that was rather the point i was making. Do try and keep up

#4 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-09
Re: Shane English Kunming

No there are not boatloads of illegal white teachers being shipped here.

Thanks for clearing that up. It's always good to know that there are experts such as yourself out there to help the likes of me with such matters.

So ignorant folks who make false statements shouldn't be reprimanded?

They absolutely should be reprimanded. Can you understand now why i reply to the likes of yourself and San Migs?

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-08
Re: Shane English Kunming

it doesn't hide the fact that your character is that of a person who lacks compassion and isn't interested in doing good

I'd agree. A very self serving toady person. The precise type of foreigner I avoid in China.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-08
Re: Shane English Kunming

are you suggesting that every fortnight several galleys leave the ports of Shanghai and return with the next moon laden with their cargo of fresh white native English speakers all manacled to one another and trudging slowly towards the open doors of training schools up and down the nation condemned to a lifetime of servitude?

No, but a lot do so willingly and for 8-10000 rmb per month.

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-08
Re: Shane English Kunming

You've got quite the imagination, unfortunately we live in the real world and you just made it obvious how naive you really are. No there are not boatloads of illegal white teachers being shipped here. I'm sure even if there were you couldn't care less, always being right is what you really are after.

Critics such as me and others on this board have the personal experience to back up our accusations and claims of the dishonesty and bad business practices that goes on in China. You haven't contributed jack to the discussion, all you want to talk about is how we should just ignore the bad. So ignorant folks who make false statements shouldn't be reprimanded? Why? Are you one of them? I think you are, and you deserve the negative words being tossed at you for living the way you do. You can talk in a roundabout way all you want, it doesn't hide the fact that your character is that of a person who lacks compassion and isn't interested in doing good. Go away.

#8 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-08
Re: Shane English Kunming

When you two talk about slavery and the idea that FTs are forced to work certain hours, are you suggesting that every fortnight several galleys leave the ports of Shanghai and return with the next moon laden with their cargo of fresh white native English speakers all manacled to one another and trudging slowly towards the open doors of training schools up and down the nation condemned to a lifetime of servitude?

There was me thinking that in order to avoid such places all one had to do was simply not apply for the job in the first place.

Thankfully we have you two heroes out there who have managed to evade capture for this long and can tell us all the terrible stories of woe. Hats off to you both.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-07
Re: Shane English Kunming

It is the way your time is monopolized at TC's that is the problem. I do not want to work seven days a week, and I am not prepared to be a slave.

Exactly! No FT should have to work weekends in China, and it is ridiculous that these training centres dare some up with such

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