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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-13
Re: San Migs change of heart 3.0

[deleted by Moderators]

#2 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-13
Re: San Migs change of heart 3.0

Hang on, i thought you weren't going to respond to me anymore.

Seems you've had another change of heart - the legal case, the wager and now this!

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-12
Re: For the 753899th time on this site San Migs resorts to calling someone a GW

You could respond with some sort of rational argument to what i wrote

To hell with that, TAFFY TROLL!

Rational argument is always the comeback from you GW DOS types, unfortunately, you just use it to continue your circular logic and attack and manipulate anyone deemed lesser or a threat to you.

#4 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: For the 753899th time on this site San Migs resorts to calling someone a GW

Not going to respond to a [edited]

Why's that? Is it because now you've played your trump card (calling me a GW and writing in big bold text) you've got no where to go?

You could respond with some sort of rational argument to what i wrote, but i think we both know that's unlikely to happen .........

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-12
Re: The famous five

From now on, I am only going to reply with two words which I know along with mentioning welsh nationalism will irk you:


#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

But i would say you are incredibly naive if you judge a teaching position based only on it being with a TC or at public school/uni

Now you have gone and done it!


Not going to respond to a [edited]

#7 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: assumptions

I teach International Politics and English at a well-established University in China.

Seems like another one of those assumptions of yours (namely that i work for a TC) has turned out to be rather far from the mark. Never mind, with the scattergun approach you take to posting accusations on this board I'm sure that you'll get lucky with one sooner or later. Chin up

#8 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: The famous five

Drags, Sboy, Turnoi, myself and CL are NOTHING like you!!

I wonder if they would all be happy to be tarred with the same brush as yourself or is this just a desperate cry for help.

#9 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

why don't you just come to realize that the bad experiences and critics that are thrown around here on the forums are just possibly a way for people to blow off steam.

So you're saying your posting on here is a bit like banging a tennis ball against a wall and seeing it come back again and again. The action itself, much like what you write on this board, has no real meaning.

I'm glad that we finally agree on something

Of course when you blow off steam at the expense of individuals or institutions you should expect that from time to time they won't be willing to take it lying down

You obviously think you are still better than others, which makes you come on here in the first place

If this is so then i am no more guilty than you or anyone else on this forum of this supposed crime

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

You and I are both ESL teachers working in China.

Drags, Sboy, Turnoi, myself and CL are NOTHING like you!!

Now snap to it, mid afternoon rush, saturday afternoon is peak GW cash earning time in the glass fishbowls.

Before you get to your egg fried rice and pissing it away in the bars, bogs need cleaning too taffy.....

#11 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Cheers drags.

Now that the mutual masturbation is over .........

Whatever my place in life is, it is unlikely to become any less secure due to what you or anyone else on this website thinks of me.

Again, you contradict yourself by naming your position a "sinecure" yet stating that you need to be a good, creative, dedicated teacher to hold such a position. Your role at a public school is no better or more important than that of a teacher at a TC. You don't require any more talent or qualifications to get the job you have than you would at many TCs. Your primary asset, along with myself and many other people working in this country is that you are a white, native English speaker. Climb down off your ivory tower, pull your head from between your legs and start realizing what your real worth is.

If you don't want to work at a TC then don't do it! But i would say you are incredibly naive if you judge a teaching position based only on it being with a TC or at public school/uni. You've been posting on this site for long enough and so therefore you must have seen complaints about working/living conditions at both types of institution.

Anyone who is as ultra-negative as you are about a place that they've never worked deserves about as much respect towards their comments as those people who post that everything is great and that working for ****** training school is absolute bliss, etc., etc. (I believe that you call these people GWs). It must be great to be able to see the world in shades of such clear black and white as you and the "GWs" do - after all, ignorance is bliss!

#12 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Yeah, you are so realistic. Since you don't take your job seriously (at least that's what it sounds like) then why don't you just come to realize that the bad experiences and critics that are thrown around here on the forums are just possibly a way for people to blow off steam. You obviously think you are still better than others, which makes you come on here in the first place. You do take things seriously, and when you disagree with others on this forum your attitude reflects it.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

I'm sure you do have a genuine belief that institutes all over the world will be queuing up to get a hold of your listening test but i personally have no need of it.

I don't care what you think, I speak and type the truth, unlike you, and you are just showing every educated person on these boards your true snivelling GW colours!!! And diverting from the topic!!!


#14 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Cheers drags.

He obviously feels so pitiful about his place in life, that he has to beat on people who choose leisure over work, and get 5,500 a month for what basically is a sinecure with a free apartment.

I would never work at a training centre, because of having to tolerate people like the welshman.

#15 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Is there ever a time when you stop and think, hey i'm taking myself, my position and what other people say about me a bit too seriously?

This is an internet forum.
You and I are both ESL teachers working in China.

I know exactly where I am and what i'm doing

#16 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Another one of your assumptions or as you like to call them "facts" is that i work for Shane English.

I wrote and recorded the listening test personally, but no, I will not post the script and mp3 here, because I don't want mc-shane english to use it.

I'm sure you do have a genuine belief that institutes all over the world will be queuing up to get a hold of your listening test but i personally have no need of it.

#17 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-12
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Is there ever a time when you'd actually take a step back and analyze what you were doing? It's called embarrassing yourself, and you should stop it.

#18 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-11
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Next week is listening tests (having to switch on the CD player).

Grow up. I wrote and recorded the listening test personally, but no, I will not post the script and mp3 here, because I don't want mc-shane english to use it.

Just what do you teach/do in class then? Or is mc-shanes teachings materials not to be divulged.

Grow up and get a real job, ACE!!!!

#19 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-11
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Ah right........... Now i understand!

This week is watching DVDs (having to switch on the DVD player). Next week is listening tests (having to switch on the CD player).

The more i understand your position the more i can see how demanding it must be. Is there ever a time when you get confused and try and put a DVD into the CD player or vice versa? I guess a man of your ample experience has seen it all before........

#20 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-11
Re: My first lesson plan in logical


I never show a movie each class, in fact, next week is listening tests, so get a grip. You know nothing!!!!

#21 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-11
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

First you back out of the legal case, now you're backing out of the bet.

Make your mind up

#22 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-11
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Perhaps you can tell me how you go about creatively switching on a DVD player as per your post below?;read=75745

Thank God the public school system has creative and brilliant teachers such as yourself to inspire the young minds of tomorrow!

#23 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-10
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

So effectively you're betting that i can't do an easier job than the one that you assume i already do?

I for one, don't care about a silly wager anymore. It is glaringly obvious that you just could NOT do it to all the creative and educated FT's on these boards.

Go back to your mc-chain BOY!!!!

#24 Parent mynd i ffwrdd "athro" - 2012-05-10
Re: My first lesson plan in logical

Still I'm confused.

You're betting that i can't handle working at a public school/uni, yes?

You're assuming that now i work at a TC teaching 20+ hours a week and generally "breaking my back" as you've put it? (These are your assumptions by the way)

Yet by your own admission working at a public school/uni is an easier job. So effectively you're betting that i can't do an easier job than the one that you assume i already do?

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