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#1 Parent Otho Proudfoot - 2012-05-28
Re: Re Kevin Foreign Language School//Very intelligent people...LOL

"The school was found in 2002" was it lost ? Typical reply written by a so called Chinese expert English teacher.

#2 Parent Tony - 2011-10-04
Re: Re Kevin Foreign Language School//Very intelligent people...LOL

Clearly written by someone who works for kevin school but is obviously not a teacher. No teacher I know would bother to defend their school against another teacher's opinion if they have worked in china at all. However a chinese person working for that company asked to write some flattering words would. All the thigns listed like picking up the teachers at the airport and helping them at the hospital seems like a given to me. It's only proper and would be expected in our own countries so why am i supposed to be impressed that the school helps a sick teacher go to the hospital when we all know its so that the teacher can continue to work making them money. Of course they should also help the teacher pay their rent the first month sinmce a foreinger never having been to this country wouldn't know how. Of course they will help you get to your school in the taxi that you pay for by yourself and helpo you find the class room since if they don't they won't get paid. As for the comment about teaching plans. any teacher who has been teaching for a year knows whether they need plan or thye don't most teachers i know and i have been teaching for 5 years, prepare for class byu themselves and don't need to present a lesson plan to the boss to prove their skills. I only bother to write this for teachers who are new as they haven't yet learned the ropes about the chiense english teaching system. don't trust kevin foreign language school. they cheated my friend after he finished his contract by not giving him the proper paper for release. He ended up almost having to leave the country before sorting it out all by himself.

#3 Parent The Omukama - 2011-08-05
Re: Re Kevin Foreign Language School//Very intelligent people...LOL

Hi, snow-man,

I guess you must have got stuck last winter somewhere in the woods of Siberia. Otherwise, you should have realised that Kevin's place something is "getting better and better" because it has been garbage before. Who really needs garbage that is getting better and better, I ask you?!

I can send you a rescue team to take you from that ice and snow place in Siberia where you must have got stuck, and I will have taken you back to the real world - it's a free service, you know!!!....

#4 Parent snow_man - 2011-08-03
Re: Re Kevin Foreign Language School//Very intelligent people...LOL

Hi, guys. I don't know who are you and don't know why you said these words to hurt Kevin Foreign Language School? I worked there before and everything wasn't like what you said.

This school was found in 2002, also called Kevin Education Exchange Co.Ltd of Jilin Province. So this company has the longevity to ask new teachers each year, I heard it only has 6 or 8 companies can ask foreign teachers in Jilin province, and they are one of them. They cooperate with different schools of Changchun, including kindergartens, primary schools, also including middle school and university. The Chinese teachers and students like our classes very much, they said our teachers are nice and have high emotion with the classes, so they do it better and better, now they have more and more teachers join them. And their principal also feel satisfy with foreign teachers' classes.

Their principal and his wife are friendly to everyone. They will always pick up foreign teachers at the first time no matter what time they will get here, day time or at night. If you need help, they always give you their hand at the first time. Like when you are ill and need to go to the hospital especially when you get here first time as maybe you will get sick cos of different food and water. And you don't know where you can buy your clothes and food and some living stuff cos you are new here. And they all will arrange TA to help to deal with everything, even pay your house to your landlord and talk to your taxi driver where he should go when you lost. Their TA will help you to find your school and classroom, also tell you how to go home from your school and company, also will help you with your teaching plan at the beginning if you don't know how to do it. As they know you do need help at the beginning. Their principal said we are a big family so you will feel comfortable just like at home when you work there.

About the teaching plan and penalty, I think every teacher should write their teaching plan if you want to a good teacher. I don't know how you can teach without teaching plan. You should not only write but write carefully with your heart. Then your kids will love your lesson and you. So sure you deserve the penalty if you don't want to write, also as all the other teachers are writing their teaching plan and prepare power point and interesting crafts. See what you did for your kids and for that company, then you can think about what you should say.

With the time past, this company becomes better and better, and lots of countries' teacher join them. And they all have high teaching atitude. So no matter what you said and what are you going to say, you can't stop them become stronger and stronger. Hope you won't hurt your next new company.

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