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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-09-01
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z

Nobody cares about your self serving, grovelling railing about how great you feel working for Meten. Too many folks who don't give a shyte working in china and making the experience a barren, uncaring one for others who come. Meten will never be a good company, no matter how hard you blow its trumpet. Your own attitude is the exact same as that of so many others defending their crappy "school". That is you believe the [I worked here successfully so critique from anyone isn't worth listening to]. You can go back into the hole or the bottom of the well that you originally came out of.

#2 Parent M[edited] - 2012-09-01
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z

This whole thread is unprofessional and quite disappointing. You know people start sites like this so we can have open and honest conversation about working and teaching abroad, so we can discuss problems and help each other not so one person can go on a rampage. Any person who has worked for Meten can tell you that it, like all other English training facilities, has its issues- whether that comes from the fact that it is a business running a school or from the cultural gaps between Chinese management styles and western workers. But to go on a tirade about them, to curse and be profane, and to do so while using a fake name and pretending to be someone else is not only unproductive, it is highly unprofessional and cowardly. If you have constructive feedback, if you have honest advice for those seeking work or working in Shenzhen then please share, if you're pissed because your contract didn't get resigned and you are looking to blame everyone but yourself, then please don't bother. I'm not ashamed to say I work at Meten, and I can pretty easily identify those posting in this thread. And while I agree that there are problems with the company to call it amoral and condemn those working there is fairly melodramatic, no? And it is one thing to criticize a company, it is quite another to come after the teachers. The posting about J...noodles for hair is not only flat out lying, but it's obviously posted with malice for no purpose other then trying to cause drama- can you tell us one good reason you seem so upset with them, or is it really as pathetic as he as a job and you don't...a job at a company you call amoral? Say what you will about Meten, but the teachers are hard working and dedicated to their students. I am the "other noodled hair" teacher and I dare you to speak this way to us in person, my guess is you won't because you know that what you are posting here is a lie. My guess is that you'll come back by attacking me personally, by attacking my relationship with the other teacher, or by making up tales about me to discredit me written from whatever fake name your hiding behind today. Feel free to waste your time, for no matter what you write on this site it won't change the truth: that all jobs come with pitfalls and that petty, mean-spirited people like you more content tearing others down then helping to build something up are a waste of time...please get a hobby, or better yet another job. Meten may be flawed, but it got a lot better when you left.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-31
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z

When people act unprofessional and don't get there contract resigned it does not mean METEN is a bad company to work for, in fact it sounds like a great company to work for...

Who are you calling unprofessional again? So it's professional for people who suffer a bad experience to NEVER TALK ABOUT IT, eh? Sounds like you've been in china for too long, or maybe you've always wanted to go there and practice your own amoralism to begin with...

#4 Parent sEORGE gTEVEN - 2012-08-31
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z

Wow sounds like your one of the 2 people the DIDNT get they're contract resigned... When people act unprofessional and don't get there contract resigned it does not mean METEN is a bad company to work for, in fact it sounds like a great company to work for...

#5 Parent SZ Crackdown - 2012-06-04
Re: Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z

Crack Down update.

Oh the noodle head, METEN, CBD?? That can only be that American J[edited] as we call him. I'm surprised the Police didn't take him in to custody he is working on a F Visa (Business Visa) and get this he is teaching with NO DEGREE. Yes we had a crackdown last week. We were lucky if we were legal, but some were not so lucky. J[edited] was the lucky one. hahaha if we turn him in we can get a reward.

Jacky Wosh - 2012-05-29
Meten English, Shenzhen, T & Z

T[edited] & Z[edited]

First off, I work for METEN, Shenzhen, CDB, Futian District in China.. I’ve got to say these two guys T[edited] & Z[edited] are making the noodles in my hair come out. If you can avoid this company, than avoid working for them. T[edited] is a [edited], [edited], [edited] and will cancel your contract anytime and any where ( He’s manages 4 Meten’s in Shenzhen), he has already used his position and authority to cancel two of our teachers contracts, stating that business wasn’t doing good enough to allow the company top retain them. We’re are just trying to lay low and stay away from the office politics here, we try to avoid it, but we keep getting sucked into by Z[edited]. Z[edited] will ask us directly about how we feel about her, Do you miss me, what do you think of me? I’m like, “do you want the truth Z[edited]?”, it’ll hurt! She never listens to us and she always thinks she has a better answer than us. But when they really need you for a project they’ll try to make your ego jump for joy: You should do this project you’re the greatest teacher here bla bla bla.

Don’t work for Meten in Shenzhen, If you see T[edited], Say bye bye. T[edited] is a Chinese guy and chubby and short guy, deep accent and never looks at you in the eyes.

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